Should I loan??


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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Could you maybe find a share? It might give you the best of both worlds and be easier to find than a loan. It would also mean that you would be less tied if you find that exams start to take up too much of your time etc. It doesn't sound like it would be a particularly great time to buy your own if you only want to keep it for a year.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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I’m desperate to get back into horses, but I’m not sure whether buying would be a silly idea! I am currently in year 12, going into year 13 and plan on going to university next September.
As I’d only be keeping the horse for just over a year would it be a bad idea to buy? I don’t want to be stuck with a horse no one is interested in or has gone lame next year when I’ve quit my job and gone off to uni. However full loans to move yards around the 15.2-16.2 mark are like gold dust! and I could also loan the horse out next September if I had to. What would you recommend I do?
I know now isn’t really the best time to be getting a horse However I have been struggling mentally after giving up and I am only doing 2 a levels so have a bit more free time:)
You are saying that you don't want to be stuck with a horse no one is interested in or has gone lame next year. Which is fair enough and makes sense. But if you bought a horse wouldn't you feel sad to sell it when you go to uni?

Have you even once considered that you might become emotionally attached to the horse and therefore selling it at that point might become an issue? Would you be able to remain objective if you had to sell it? It's not easy being in that situation, I can tell you this from my own situation. When you have become attached to something, even for the wrong reasons, giving it up is the hardest thing in the world. Its a living breathing creature.


Well-Known Member
27 April 2004
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I would find a share or wait until you're at uni and join the riding club, there. Going into Year 13 is not an ideal time to either full loan or buy a horse!!