Show me your cats!!


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1 August 2009
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We sadly lost our elderly cat last year, she was amazing...deaf as a post and dumb as a brick, but an amazing pet...


We didnt last long without a cat, and have had our new kittens for just over two weeks. They are Maine **** x Bengal..utterly mental, but very adorable. So affectionate but also so playful!




And Goblin...

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Well-Known Member
28 July 2009
Wet and windy NW
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He was rejected by his mother at 4 weeks and it went un-noticed by the negligent breeder! believe it or not this was him (top picture) at 10 weeks weighing 450g (should have been double that). He is pure bred snowshoe and because the breed is relatively new and the breeder was relatively deserving of a slap, he didnt have a very good start. I hand syringed every 2 hours for 3 weeks :eek:

He is a carrier for EVERYTHING now, constantly plagued with horrible eye infections, and has yet to do a solid poo (he is 2 now!) He cannot go out for fear of it killing him. I know some may think thats cruel but none of mine have ever gone out anyway so they know no different. He is fed on royal canin sensitivity control which costs me £32 a week to feed the 3 of them (he needs ad lib and I cant bare to shut him away) BUT... and there is a MASSIVE one... I love him with 90% of my heart (the remaining 10 is shared between husband, 2 other cats, pony and family and friends ;) ) I will care for him until the day he dies, I know he wont go on forever like regular cats but having hand reared him, he thinks i am mumma and he will never want for anything, I make him as comfortable as possible and he is (and acts) a spoilt little brat - and yes I am one of those weird cat women ;)

There is a special place in Heaven for people who care for their animals like that.He is a lucky kitty

Mrs B

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3 May 2010
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Small is on the left (she was in a terrible state, like Winklepoker's kitty when we found her) - she's 17 this year... and her nutty younger Bengal 'sister' TK on the right.

Handbags at dawn...

Small finds a 'sniffy'...

What a north and south!


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29 March 2007
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Here's my Bengal....she's ever so slightly mad and as you can see from the pics has a severe attitude problem ;)!!


Poor dog has no choice by to obey her majesty!

City Mare

Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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I love this thread! And I especially love hearing about those pusses that are so well loved now, after being "rescued" from an otherwise horrible life - even if only for a short time.

I got Max, Rosie and Ted's predessesor, after finding a local advert on Gumtree - the lady (who "bred" to make a quick buck) had to get rid of him as her, quote "son's staff kept attacking him" - he was six months old, just a baby. When I went to see him, I was shocked: he absolutely stunk and his eyes and nose were full of gunk, he was clearly in pain, yet he had so much character. I agreed to pick him up two days later, on a friday so I could have a whole weekend to fuss him. When I got to the house, he was sitting on the sofa as if to say, come on then lets get out of here. Then he was straight to the vets for a check up. For months I nursed him - his little blocked up crusty nose and his sore eyes were awful (the vet said he had had an ulcer on his eye that hadnt been treated).
I cant find a picture of the ad (where he looked horrendous) but here are some of him once I had beautified him (sorry for the overload). I had him for three fun-filled years until two years ago (as I mentioned before), I lost him to lymphoma two years ago (he held on for a year after diagnosis, and that afternoon in the vets still haunts me). I still miss him so much, it makes me cry :(

The night I got him, after giving him a lovely bath:


Cat napping:


And the handsome boy he became:


And thus my obsession with hairies was born!


Well-Known Member
17 January 2012
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Tinkerbell is no longer with me, had her pts 2 years ago aged 20.. I'd had her from SSPCA as a just weaned kitten with her sister.. Amber was pinched and I have never found her..

Fred used to belong to a friend.. She got him from the RSPCA and had him for a month before asking me to look after him for a couple of weeks.. 6 years later I still have him, she never wanted him back..

Following the loss of Tinkerbell and Twinkletoes (she was 18) I got pink and blue who were supposedly neutered.. Woke up one morning to find her giving birth to Bailey under my bed.. Pink had Wyatt 2 months later - resuscitated him and he lived in my bra being bottle fed as she didn't want to know for weeks.. Blue helped..

Being a responsible person and living surrounded by fields I had them all neutered and kept them as I knew I could guarantee a really good home :)

Kittens are 3 this year, mums are 4 ish and Fred will be 16-17 this year :)


Well-Known Member
17 January 2012
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How about this.. The week of my abdominal surgery my poor unable to argue body entertained 5 of my 6 cats and the OH sleeping at my feet :D


Bailey spent a week like this.. Not my most attractive pic but I was up to my eyeballs on morphine and had to sleep on the settee.. She only moved for food and the loo.. She is in almost the same place now having a wash :/



Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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This post has just struck a heart-wrenching chord with me, especially the cross eyed kitten on page 1. Please all spare a thought for Thistle, my parents little cat who disappeared over a week ago whilst they were on holiday (their neighbours and I were looking after her). She was cross eyed from the day we picked her up as a farm kitten stray and stayed that way, no wonder she found the world so scary.

I have spent all week searching for her and putting up flyers, but at these temperatures I don't think a timid little 13 year old cross eyed cat stands much chance 8(




So upset, I just want to know what happened to her.

Captain Bridget

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10 April 2010
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I hope you find her Kat, I know how horrible it is when a cat goes missing. My previous kitten was just a year old when she disappeared. Someone put up a flyer saying they'd found a cat which turned out to be her. She's been attacked by something and was under their garage. They got her out and took her to the vets who nursed her back to health. Unfortunately not long after she was hit by a car just outside our house. My whole family were devastated. I'm not sure what I'd do if either of my current two went missing, they are so much part of the family.


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29 June 2007
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No good at doing links but go to you tube and put in cat on pitch Liverpool v spurs or similar several clips.


Well-Known Member
9 June 2010
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Some lovely cats on here!! Thought I'd share mine too (if I've worked out how to do it correctly :rolleyes:)

This is Paddy, he's a 4 year old bi-colour (ginger & white!!) British Shorthair and a complete thug! :D






Well-Known Member
25 August 2011
up near Glasgow
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This post has just struck a heart-wrenching chord with me, especially the cross eyed kitten on page 1. Please all spare a thought for Thistle, my parents little cat who disappeared over a week ago whilst they were on holiday (their neighbours and I were looking after her). She was cross eyed from the day we picked her up as a farm kitten stray and stayed that way, no wonder she found the world so scary.

I have spent all week searching for her and putting up flyers, but at these temperatures I don't think a timid little 13 year old cross eyed cat stands much chance 8(


Please don't give up, they are so much more resiliant than we realise. Jazz was gone for five weeks in the high, high winds that we had last spring and it poured almost every day. He never liked the rain and i was frantic. Its awful :( feel for you and your parents. At least her wee cross eyes will make her distinctive and noticable. Jazz was found miles away but i know most cats are found very very close to home so check under hedges / sheds / in garages etc. I also put him in the local papers in case someone had taken him in thinking he was a stray. I put leaflets through all my neighbours doors asking them to open their sheds / garages etc. Also - empty your parents' hoover outside, the familiar scents could help her find her way. Have loads more tips - go on purrs in our hearts forum, loads of advice on there. Vibes to her to help her find her way back xx

ps - my neighbours refer to me as 'the girl who lost her cat' to my face. I think they might be less polite behind my back but i don't care and Jazz is a minor celebrity now - i often hear people calling up to him as he sits on the window sill (he's grounded for life)


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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I had 14 at one point, not all mine though.

My cats seem to like being a cat pile. Here are some examples:





Well-Known Member
17 January 2012
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Blue's kittens at a week or so.. They loved being a pile of cat for months.. Wyatt is around 6 weeks younger..


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8 March 2009
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<a href=";current=treaclecat.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

This is Treacle! One of my cats she is very timid and will only let me get near her or pick her up. When I'm away she sleeps outside my room door but when I'm at home she sleeps in my bed. Shes very very loving just not to other people! I do like it thought it makes me feel special! She was rescued as a kitten with her sister Honey from a sanctuary. However when she was still small, Honey got hit by a car and died, so we bought Molly (below) to keep her company.

<a href=";current=mollycat.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

This is Molly, another rescue after being abandoned by her previous owners who is a little fluff monster! She LOVES attention and will follow my mum around all day.