Show me your greys?


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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for 23, Monty is looking fabulous! ?

Thank you. He's nearly 25 now but still looking as good. It's complicated, he's my old share horse. I don't officially share him any more as I have Charlie and Monty's showing his owner's son the pony club ropes (world's biggest pony club pony!) but he belongs to my best friend and we share the care of our 3 boys between us so I still think of him as mine. He still goes to jumping lessons and does the odd bit of low level show jumping but doesn't do any more than that these days as it takes a lot to get him fit enough and we just don't think it's fair on him any more.
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Well-Known Member
7 June 2016
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Thank you, I wish it was mine!
It's owned by a lady in our village and I get to use it whenever I wish to. She is also a lovely elegant classical rider who is always happy to give help and coaching. I'm incredibly lucky.