Absolutely! It didn't do me any harm and it certainly taught me some respect.
The majority of children today have no respect for anybody or anything. Unfortunately, in this sick and twisted world, it is more likely for the parent to receive a smack than a child.
There is a huge margin between Smacking and abusing a child. Whilst I was never really smacked very often as a chid, I am sure I would have been had I been a little monster.
A friend of mine is a head teacher at a school in Nottingham and the kids are all so rude and vile it sounds like they could do with more than a smack to get some manners into them!!
Sadly our country is turning into a Health and safety haven ruled by idiot do gooders, the sketch show Little Britain is sadly a bit to close to the reality of how our younger generation are developing (not all I hasten to add but certain social groups)
If a child is being a little so and so and warnings etc dont work, then yes I feel a smack is OK, I smack a horse if it bites me, same with a dog, why not a child?
I liken it to using a schooling whip to reinforce your leg aids. There's no point in niggling away with your legs if the horse just won't respond (dead-to-the-leg ridingschool cob anyone?). A short sharp touch with the whip reinforces what you do with your leg, so that next time the horse is more likely to respond to gentle leg pressure.
Also, my parents smacked me, and I was NEVER petrified of them, what utter rubbish. I think a child would only be petrified if the parent were beating them.
No - I don't agree with smacking anyone. I would like my children to be able to find other ways of communicating their displeasure or that something is unacceptable to them and think that smacking them as an adult gives them the wrong example. I also find the idea of an adult hitting (and I think that a "smack" is another word for hit, albeit not hard) a child with the idea that child is expected to take being hurt without responding in a similar way abhorrent.
However, as a teacher I can see that people bring their children up successfullyin all sorts of different ways.
i was never smacked, but i answered yes, i think smacking is fine if used within reason, i dont think you can smack a child for everything naughty it does,
i remember seeing a program where the middle child smacked the younger one so the mum smacked him and said "dont hit your brother" she walked away and middle child younger boy again and younger boy hit the dog... so whats the message shes giving them?,... a very confusing one if you ask me!
Well one things for sure, i was throughly beaten as a child and frankly by the time i got big enough to argue about it i certainly knew right from wrong. I figured if i wanted to avoid the wooden spoon, hairbrush or fish slice best behave. There was only the fear of what was coming if i transgressed other than that i was not and am not afaid of anything or anyone (except large spiders).
Beatings are a bit extreme but thank god i have decided no children for me as i would be locked up by now particularly as the little darlings are so informed these days and there are so many do gooders dying to find a cause to fight, that even mere smacks will land you in prison when they report you to a teacher next day!!
Haven't read all the posts but I work as a groom/nanny. I look after my bosses 2 yr old when she's riding/competing/to tired to cope with him etc. She smacks him on the bottom when he misbehaves after 2 warnings. And has asked me to do the same, but so far I haven't needed to.
Her son has a tendance to go in the horses field, particular the brood mares and chase them, the mares gallop around narrowly missing each other and him. He gets asked twice to come out, to which he says NO and carries on chasing them so he gets a smack on the bottom and is taken from the field.
We could completely block off the fields, putting netting on the gate and fence and chaining the gate up ( he can open them) but then he won't learn not to go in with any horses.
This story would appear to suggest that smacking doesn't work with this child as he continues to go in the field even after his smack.
I have to admit to disliking smacking and prefer other methods. Our youngest daughter very rarely gets smacked and probably has only been smacked on the back of the legs literally a handful of times in her 10 years on this Earth. I don't recall the last time she was smacked or how old she was but when the topic comes up in conversation with other parents my daughter seems to believe that she has NEVER been smacked
.....not sure where she gets that from because I can distinctly remember smacking her on 3 occasions at some point in time.
The older children; 23 year old daughter was smacked about 5 times and is a lovely but totally misguided adult. The 22 year old twin boys were smacked pretty much every week from the age of 5 right through to about 10 or 11 years. They were rarely smacked for the same thing twice but as they were sooooo naughty they would find other things to be smacked over. I believe it worked with them as they were absolutely fantastic teenagers and are truly lovely lads now.
I don't think anyone can say smacking does or doesn't work with children, I think it totally depends on the child. I could smack our 10 year old every day and she wouldn't give a damn, therefore smacking is of no benefit to us....so not point really doing it, LOL!!
I have to admit to disliking smacking and prefer other methods.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dont we all!
Smacking is always the VERY last resort but it is a usefull method of disipline.
My little brother (now 12) was a nightmare between about 4 and 9(too bloody headstring, family fault,lol!) and would not stay on the naughty step ,well we could have bribed him but then why bother at all?
9 times out of ten simply telling him if you dont stay on the naughty step/in room/whatever you will get a smack ment he would acept the other form of punishment on offer.I cant remember him actulary getting smacked often-the knowledge that he would be stopped him going too far!
He is a completedarling(for now,teen years not started yet
) everyone comments on how pleasent he is to have around.
On the other habd, with me my mother was exceptionly heavy handed,not because I was a menace whole family says I was fairly well behaved given all that was going on while I was a toddler, just that she was so stressed out she hit rather then try anything else.
All that resulted in was me when I was old enough and strong enough to hit back doing so.
Not proud of it but not ashamed either- even as a 24 year old with a family of my own still axcept a smack but was not prepared to let anyone keep hitting me.
Freud would suggest that being smacked by your mother can only lead to sexual deviance - this theory would be supported by the trends in S&M.
Freud would suggest that being smacked by your mother can only lead to sexual deviance - this theory would be supported by the trends in S&M.
i think it depends alot on the context and setting that has lead to the smack, i was smacked as a child and have always been slightly intimidated by both my parents, even now i still 'worry' about what they will do when something goes wrong etc,
i haven't decided how i will discipline ym children when i have them, but hopefully they'll be less intimidated by my methods than i was as a child
I used to get cold showers!! God that stopped me being a little *beep*. I did get my bum smacked to!
I did once get locked in my room as I shoved over a gas fire, and then exploded a bottle of ginger beer (home made ginger beer + sugar = Fountain!!) and would regularly paint the house wit mums makeup
Hmmmm this is a really tough one - we were all disciplined as kids with smacks and threatened with the wooden spoon - don't ever remember wooden spoon being actually used though which is a bit odd now that I think about it but I was terrified of it!
My parents were very clear about right & wrong and smacks were a last resort as opposed to something taken lightly.....
Having said that when my Dad died my Mum had 4 of us to raise and a farm to run and I was quite young (8) and my little brother was only 1 - I turned into a demon and my mother had a very hard time coping...I can remember two occasions where she lost it with me completely and smacks turned into frantic lashing out, I was maybe 11 the first time and it was terrifying not because of the pain but because of the obvious pain I had caused to unleash in her if you know what I mean (I had been caught stealing on this occasion - God I was an awful brat!!!!)
Second and only other time she lost it was when I came home at 4 in the morning aged 17 stinking of booze and cigarettes and she freaked and grabbed a hairbrush and I ended up with bruises down all one side of me (my father was over the limit when he crashed the car and was killed so I can kinda understand this reaction....)
so - not quite sure why I am sharing this but - there is a very distinct line between smacking to discipline - short sharp shock - and smacking in anger
I have no kids yet but would hope to never smack in anger - to discipline? well I honestly think as people have said it depends on the child
(oh and myself and my Mom have a fabulous relationship now and I wasn't scarred for life!!)
But I mean smacking (tapping across the back of the legs, rear end or hand in a very controlled manner never in temper!) and not abuse.
There is a world of difference between the two, my Dad smacked me once as a child, and I did ask for it, it did me no harm and taught me a lesson, for which I have never held a grudge.
My Mother was abusive and used to beat me up to the point of nearly killing me, used me as a punch bag on untold occasions, and I will take the physical/mental scares she left me with me to my grave.