Extremely Old Nag!
I didn't elect Cameron and no one in Scotland voted Conservative!, or Labour!
In that case why did people vote to stay united?
I didn't elect Cameron and no one in Scotland voted Conservative!, or Labour!
I didn't elect Cameron and no one in Scotland voted Conservative!, or Labour!
Not quite the labour / conserative / lib dem vote was around 36%
So more than a third of those who voted did not vote SNP that's not no one .
OK, well put it this way the only voter who has any clout is the SNP voter, the rest can bleat like the lost lambs they are, but it will make no difference. It is our kind of democracy.
For those who asked why we voted NO in the referendum, that was because 90% of the population put their mark on that paper, but in the general election only 60 odd % turned out, as the consequences are less long lasting and the matter is of less import.
I think she is very intelligent and more personable than her predecessor, but she has shown her naivety, the Westminster lot will plot and scheme, she needs to tread more carefully.
Salmond was bad enough, Sturgeon has taken it to another level. I'm just amazed the Scottish people can't see the size of her ego. Her opinion of herself is unbelievable, the Scottish people come a very poor second to her own inflated sense of personal importance, and will ultimately be detrimental to the country.
Crikey, compared to Blair she is a mere novice, and look how well he has done [for himself], and he was a very popular party leader and PM.
A leader has to be self-confident, or they cannot be a leader..............
This is not really about fox hunting surely, it is about power, and the PM is perfectly happy to use his power, why wouldn't he?
If she as a horse she would be ridden with a double bridle, draw reins and sharp spurs. Preferably a nice pair of Chihuahua spurs with large rolls. That would teach her some manners.
KautoStar, our horses have perfect**dy hell, I am glad I am not your horse JM !
Agreed she is going to posture that she has won a victory over the Government, whereas I think she has actually just been undone by a very wily PM.
Hmmm, I dont really think so. Yes, Cameron has side-stepped.... for the moment. But what's going to happen when the hunting bill comes up again in Parliament... or something more important that cant be easily postponed. Sturgeon can just start the power-play all over again.
Hmmm, I dont really think so. Yes, Cameron has side-stepped.... for the moment. But what's going to happen when the hunting bill comes up again in Parliament... or something more important that cant be easily postponed. Sturgeon can just start the power-play all over again.