Learn to embrace off white. Call it cremello or something.
Or if you do want to really embrace having a grey horse that is grey invest in rugs with full necks, snuggy hoods and a tail bag. Keeping them clipped makes cleaning easier.
Luckily I'm pretty good at keeping white ones white.
This is not the thing I did. This is the last grey I had to maintain in a suitable state to go hunting every Sunday!
I've just turned my black and white Fluffles out with tail bag, neck rug with little cuff, greased feathers and forelock so much so she resembles a weasel.
She will still be filthy tomorrow so will need washing with blue or purple shampoo, hot showers and strong arms for the scrubbings
Otherwise some healthy neglect and not looking below her elbows till April does the job
Have one like mine. I was worried about buying a 'white' grey but he's OK really.
He is grubby but rarely looks dirty and mud seems to come out of his coat with little effort
his mane can turn vanilla coloured and his tail light brown.
He wears a cotton sheet with belly cover plus turnout plus either a turnout neck or full snuggy neck and head.
I think in the grand scheme of things I got off lightly.
I'm going to cut the bottom 20cm off of Dex's tail when spring comes, until them I'm shutting my eyes! He's still greying out which blends the brown to grey quite nicely, but it's making his tail look worse where the brown is growing out and its grey at the top! Having sandy soil and a lack of any real mud also helps!
A tiny bit of honey heel mixed into shampoo works amazingly well. I don’t know how it would go for full body washes but I can get a yellow palomino tail back to sparkling white in a single wash by adding some.
Only ride out in the dark, and use a reflective bum sheet! Biological soap powder gets tail stains out, and a damp cloth wrung out in the solution makes some headway on the body stains. Try not to soak down to skin level and rinse well.