Well-Known Member
Seeing as I keep managing to miss the weekend threads / not have photos etc ready here are a few of the ways in which I have embarrassed the fluffy thing in the last few months.

We had a go at playing with swords… I swear someone took more pics than this one but they never seem to have surfaced.
Not satisfied with a short pointy thing I started trying to play with longer pointy things & other assorted obstacles with a questionable level of competence.

We even built a course at home for the Top Barn challenge (video of us doing it not on open FB yet)

Then we went away to TREC camp and managed not to rear. Did have to get off at one point though as the HIGHLAND PONY was upset by the rain (which admittedly was blowing sideways in sheets) and he’s learnt some fun new tricks that involve body slamming me with his head & throwing himself into reverse.

We had a go at playing with swords… I swear someone took more pics than this one but they never seem to have surfaced.
Not satisfied with a short pointy thing I started trying to play with longer pointy things & other assorted obstacles with a questionable level of competence.

We even built a course at home for the Top Barn challenge (video of us doing it not on open FB yet)

Then we went away to TREC camp and managed not to rear. Did have to get off at one point though as the HIGHLAND PONY was upset by the rain (which admittedly was blowing sideways in sheets) and he’s learnt some fun new tricks that involve body slamming me with his head & throwing himself into reverse.