Sometimes having horses is hard. Had to make the decision PTS


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I have my old jumping mare thats been retired with us for 10 years, Shes been lame for 8 years but happy lolling around in her field, comes in at night etc. She really hasn't come through the summer well. After the hard winter of 2012 we thought that was it as she had dropped off so much but through summer and last winter which was so mild she really picked up. Well this summer she has really dropped off and her lameness is more apparent plus she had sinusitis a couple of years ago and thats flared up again so we decided shes had enough.

Never had to do this before even though i've had horses for 30 years, i must admit i was a blubbering wreck on the phone to the poor vets receptionist. We have a vet coming out next week. Just feel poor little friend Winnie won't be here anymore and its going to be so strange without her here. We've had our yard seven years so shes always been there.


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22 August 2012
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Thoughts are with you and well done for making such a hard, selfless decision. After years of service they give us it is of course the kindest thing to do when the time is right.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
Solihull, West Mids
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I have my old jumping mare thats been retired with us for 10 years, Shes been lame for 8 years but happy lolling around in her field, comes in at night etc. She really hasn't come through the summer well. After the hard winter of 2012 we thought that was it as she had dropped off so much but through summer and last winter which was so mild she really picked up. Well this summer she has really dropped off and her lameness is more apparent plus she had sinusitis a couple of years ago and thats flared up again so we decided shes had enough.

Never had to do this before even though i've had horses for 30 years, i must admit i was a blubbering wreck on the phone to the poor vets receptionist. We have a vet coming out next week. Just feel poor little friend Winnie won't be here anymore and its going to be so strange without her here. We've had our yard seven years so shes always been there.

Feel so sad for you. My friends horse who she has had for over 20 years is being PTS monday and I can't stop thinking about it. Such a brave decision to make, I hope I can make the decision when the time comes, it must be so hard - I have lost four dear friends but each time the decision was taken out of my hands.

You are doing the right thing and clearly love your horse. Thoughts and big hugs to you x


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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So Sorry you have had to make this decision but you are doing the right thing by her don't feel guilty or sad think of all the wonderful years you had together, sending you some hugs x

My Jack Russell is called Winnie too its a lovely name x


Well-Known Member
26 September 2011
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I was in your position last year, and I promise you although the next week is going to be so hard, try and enjoy it, and spend this precious time making her feel extra special.

I booked the vet (blabbing on the phone too) so I had 10 days, it was hard, but I'm so glad I gave myself that time.



Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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I fear I will be in this position soon myself with one but possibly both of my lovely horses, my heart truly goes out to you, enjoy your time with your precious horse and know that you have given her a wonderful life and love aplenty xx


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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You are doing the last thing that you can do for her, just as you have made decisions in her best interests, throughout her time with you. It is hard but if we keep our oldies to repay them for all that they have done for us, as I believe we should, rather than passing them on, we do have to make this decision eventually and we should make it for the horse, as you have done OP, rather than for ourselves.


1 July 2014
Rocky Mountains USA
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I am very sorry for you, for your horse and for your relationship. I've been thru what you are anticipating. I gave my Haflinger everything she was forbidden to have for 24 hours before the vets arrival. I spent time with her and would have slept in the barn the night before if there had been heat in there. After she was put down, I cut off part of her long thick tail to keep as a reminder. That may sound weird to some but it means I will always have a piece if her with me. I put a bow around it and it hangs in my home office. My heart goes out to you and I know nothing anyone says can take away the pain.


Well-Known Member
19 November 2008
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I am truly sorry for what you are going through. It is never an easy decision to make but you are doing what is right for her. She has had a good life with you.
I took some hair from the 2 I lost and had it made into a bracelet. That way not only do I remember our good times together but they are always with me.

Crugeran Celt

Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
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To have to make this decision is heartbreaking but if you know it is the right thing to do then I promise you it will be ok and you will feel sad at the time but after you will realise that you have done all you can for your horse and made sure she will not have suffer.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2012
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I am so sorry for you. She sounds wonderful and very much loved. Have a read of the link in my sig if you want some support.

Bless you, you are being just the kind of owner that every horse deserves, as heart breaking as it is for you xxx


Well-Known Member
19 October 2011
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You just have to think that your doing everything in the best interest for your horse, she wont be in any pain any more.

My alf had arthiritus it flared up in the october and in the december (2012) we decided to call it a day, we couldnt bare to put him through another winter... undoubtably he would have probably been okay after the winter and have been sound over spring and probably over last years winter, but it was heartbreaking seeing him so misserable :( I made his last few weeks as comfortable as possible with bute etc and i even rode him on a short hack the day before! I got my friend to take some photos of us both together and I even fed him mince pies and ginger biscuits (it was a few days before christmas).

It is strange and youll be heartbroken for ages no doubt but you do 'get over it' so a certain extent, I wont ever not think about my alf, he taught me so much in that short time we were together!! Now I know hes in a happier place, eating as much grass as he can possibly have, in no more pain and chilling out with his past friends :) xxxx


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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Thank you everyone. I know its the right decision but its still very hard. Especially as she still mooches about her field and eats up ok but i know she wont get any better now. And plaine1956 what a good idea.....there will be a big bag of carrots for her on thursday morning.


Well-Known Member
8 June 2009
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So very sorry it is truly the hardest desition we ever have to make but it's the time we show our horses how much we realy love them.
It nearly killed me making this choice for my Lucy but like you I knew deep down it was the right thing to do. This poem realy helped me through that tough time.

If the day should come when I'm in pain,
And you know I won't be well again,
Promise you'll do what must be done,
If this is the battle that can't be won.

It'll break your heart, but please be kind,
Don't let your grieving sway your mind.
For this is when you'll let me see
Just how much you do love me.

Together we've had happy years
The future now can hold no fears.
Please don't let me suffer
so When that days comes, please let me go.

For my usual vet please will you send?
But stay with me until the end.
Hold me steady, speak to me
Till my once bright eyes no longer see

In time I hope you'll come to see
It's the last kindness you'll do for me
One more time please stroke my mane
And know that I'll have no more pain.

And don't be sad that it was you
Who decided this was what to do.
We've been such buddies through the years
Don't let me be the cause of tears.

You'll always see me graze now,
with the sun upon my back
Painful limbs won't tire me now,
however long the hack.

I live now in your heart and mind,
a lovely place to stay.
And what you have in memories,
no one can take away.

Massive ((((((hugs)))))) to you and your mare. make the most of the time you have left and as you say spoil her on her last morning. I wasn't there the day I lost Lucy, I was on holiday and couldn't get back :( But my friend who was looking after her, My vet and even the huntsman all fed her lots of yummy treats she had not been allowed due to being on Steriods for 8 months. I hope she went feeling happy and loved as we all loved her so very much.
Remember to take care of yourself to. xx


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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So very sorry it is truly the hardest desition we ever have to make but it's the time we show our horses how much we realy love them.
It nearly killed me making this choice for my Lucy but like you I knew deep down it was the right thing to do. This poem realy helped me through that tough time.

If the day should come when I'm in pain,
And you know I won't be well again,
Promise you'll do what must be done,
If this is the battle that can't be won.

It'll break your heart, but please be kind,
Don't let your grieving sway your mind.
For this is when you'll let me see
Just how much you do love me.

Together we've had happy years
The future now can hold no fears.
Please don't let me suffer
so When that days comes, please let me go.

For my usual vet please will you send?
But stay with me until the end.
Hold me steady, speak to me
Till my once bright eyes no longer see

In time I hope you'll come to see
It's the last kindness you'll do for me
One more time please stroke my mane
And know that I'll have no more pain.

And don't be sad that it was you
Who decided this was what to do.
We've been such buddies through the years
Don't let me be the cause of tears.

You'll always see me graze now,
with the sun upon my back
Painful limbs won't tire me now,
however long the hack.

I live now in your heart and mind,
a lovely place to stay.
And what you have in memories,
no one can take away.

Massive ((((((hugs)))))) to you and your mare. make the most of the time you have left and as you say spoil her on her last morning. I wasn't there the day I lost Lucy, I was on holiday and couldn't get back :( But my friend who was looking after her, My vet and even the huntsman all fed her lots of yummy treats she had not been allowed due to being on Steriods for 8 months. I hope she went feeling happy and loved as we all loved her so very much.
Remember to take care of yourself to. xx

Thank you Laura, thats really nice x


Well-Known Member
10 February 2008
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I had to make the same decision for both of my lads, i had had both for 20 odd years and it was heartbreaking, but i always said none of my animals would suffer. I gave the horse the summer relaxing in the field, he had dementia and was getting dangerous although in no pain. He was 30 year old and had had a wonderful life with us for the 20 years before.
I made the pony comfortable and pain free, he had acute cushings at the age of 30. He had a week on bute so all the children he had taught to ride could come and say goodbye. I sat in the stable with him the night before sobbing like a baby and then the next day he was put to sleep in the garden and taken away.
It is incredibly brave, but if the horse is suffering it the right thing to do. My heart goes out to you xx


30 August 2014
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We have made the decision to have my daughters pony pts in just under 2 weeks time.She is 20 years old with EMS and has had terrible laminitis this spring although not overweight ,she is in a restricted paddock at the moment but will not be able to move on to winter grazing with the others. She hates being in a stable for more than a few hours,one vet suggested a muzzle but we know she will hate that.She has been retired for 2 years now with ligament and tendon problems.We wanted her to have a happy retirement for as long as possible but feel her quality of life will not be good enough to carry on.My daughter and I are devastated but hope that we are putting her needs first.She looks so well at the moment and thats so hard but our vet has told us that there is nothing we can do to give her the life she deserves and has told us to let her go at the top of her game.I hope this feeling of guilt and pain eventually lessens but its going to be a hard 12 days.I ahve seen many friends go through the loss of a much loved horse and always dreaded having to make this decision,its the hardest thing I have ever done.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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We have made the decision to have my daughters pony pts in just under 2 weeks time.She is 20 years old with EMS and has had terrible laminitis this spring although not overweight ,she is in a restricted paddock at the moment but will not be able to move on to winter grazing with the others. She hates being in a stable for more than a few hours,one vet suggested a muzzle but we know she will hate that.She has been retired for 2 years now with ligament and tendon problems.We wanted her to have a happy retirement for as long as possible but feel her quality of life will not be good enough to carry on.My daughter and I are devastated but hope that we are putting her needs first.She looks so well at the moment and thats so hard but our vet has told us that there is nothing we can do to give her the life she deserves and has told us to let her go at the top of her game.I hope this feeling of guilt and pain eventually lessens but its going to be a hard 12 days.I ahve seen many friends go through the loss of a much loved horse and always dreaded having to make this decision,its the hardest thing I have ever done.

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your pony, although we know its best and the right thing its so hard. I was dreading making the call but knew it had to be done. I'm so glad its lovely weather ( well it is here anyway) so she can have a last few days in her field with her friend.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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We have made the decision to have my daughters pony pts in just under 2 weeks time.She is 20 years old with EMS and has had terrible laminitis this spring although not overweight ,she is in a restricted paddock at the moment but will not be able to move on to winter grazing with the others. She hates being in a stable for more than a few hours,one vet suggested a muzzle but we know she will hate that.She has been retired for 2 years now with ligament and tendon problems.We wanted her to have a happy retirement for as long as possible but feel her quality of life will not be good enough to carry on.My daughter and I are devastated but hope that we are putting her needs first.She looks so well at the moment and thats so hard but our vet has told us that there is nothing we can do to give her the life she deserves and has told us to let her go at the top of her game.I hope this feeling of guilt and pain eventually lessens but its going to be a hard 12 days.I ahve seen many friends go through the loss of a much loved horse and always dreaded having to make this decision,its the hardest thing I have ever done.

Sounds like it is her time to go. However, I just wanted to say something about the muzzle. I used to be totally against them. I was convinced my mare would hate wearing one, and also her companion who was lami prone too. But his owner and I made the decision to try muzzling, and I was utterly surprised at how easily they both adapted to it. I never had any difficulty putting the muzzles on them. I don't like them to be worn 24/7 though so they both used to come in to the sand turnout at night where they could have a break from wearing the muzzles. It worked really well for them and helped control both their weight and the laminitis. Sadly we both lost our horses last November due to unrelated problems. Anyway, I just wanted to say that if it is proving so hard to part with your pony and she is otherwise healthy then trying out the muzzle is not something you should discount. She might prove you wrong, like my mare did.


30 August 2014
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I have used a muzzle in the past on a lami horse when I couldn't get restricted grazing and it was mostly okay.This old pony hates fly masks,rugs you name it. She also use to be at the top of the group of mares but now she is picked on and won't come to the gate unless we shoo the others away. I think the others sense her weakness.The EMS causes other problems not just laminitis, she is lethargic and losing a lot of weight.We are keeping her in paddock enjoying the glorious sunshine for the next week or so.I strongly believe that with a pony that is retired that unless you can provide a really good quality of life for them it is time to let them go.


30 August 2014
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Thanks Loulou, our lovely old girl is enjoying the sunshine too.I have made the calls and arrangements are in place. We are going to enjoy the time we have with her.Hugs to you and Winnie x


Well-Known Member
7 July 2010
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I have nothing to add to this except to say that I am very, very sorry . . . and to offer you hugs (I give good hugs, just ask GG) . . . . you are a kind owner and your horse is very lucky to have you.
