I have just had the most terrifying experience...Surely this cannot be legal? I was riding my new 4yo young event horse on forestry commission land tonight when a fighter jet came directly towards us out of nowhere just skimming the treetops. He was going so fast that i do not believe he could have avoided us even if he had seen us, which he clearly didn't. The noise was deafening...terrifying...totally disorientating. My horse froze and spun, but fortunately didn't bolt. THIS COULD HAVE CAUSED A SERIOUS ACCIDENT! Can anyone tell me wether the jet was flying legally? Surely the MOD should tell the public if they are going to fly so fast and low that we can avoid riding at those times? I am still shaking i was so frightened by the jet, let alone my horse who just did not need that kind of fright. A serious accident will happen if this type of low flying continues without warning. Who can i complain to? Who is responsible for this type of low flying jet? I cannot let this go without some sort of complaint/objection.