Strangers and friends of friends asking to ride your horses


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30 July 2010
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A fellow livery saw me out hunting once and commented on how well behaved my horse was and how well he jumped everything. A few weeks later he asked if he could borrow him to go hunting as he wasn't confident enough to take his own horse! Not surprisingly I said no. I explained that hunting is high risk to my horse and he is too precious to me to risk him being broken. If he breaks when I'm riding that's on me but he wouldn't want it on his conscience if he broke someone else's horse. He was a big, rugby player bloke and not a great rider.

I have let certain people ride my horse in the past but I've asked them, they didn't ask me. I used to let a couple of people hack my horse when I was on holiday to keep him ticking over. They were both slightly nervous riders and sharers of elderly horses so they welcomed the opportunity to ride a fit, well schooled, well behaved horse. I even let one of them take him on a fun ride once. I also let a friend's brother (professional event rider) take him on the Windsor fun ride when I broke my leg and couldn't go with her. I'm not sure my horse was his cup of tea but he was very polite about him :D


Well-Known Member
1 March 2011
NW Hampshire
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I spend most weekends accompanying people who are riding my ponies. Mostly it's regulars who (either they or their parents) also help with fences, care etc, but there's the odd visiting friends or newcomer. The 'un-training' caused by novice riders is largely out-weighed by the additional attention and exercise.
I'm fortunate to be in a position to keep more ponies than I can reasonably use (long-since outgrown by my children), and it's good for them to get out of the field.


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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I only have ponies so I usually get 'can my kids ride your ponies' my answer is always 'how much do you like your kids?' that normally is enough to put them off. If they persist a have a whole armory of replies 'my own grandchildren don't even ride these ponies' 'I don't like children' 'I don't like people in my private space' the best one and my most favourite 'NO!'

I've very rarely let anyone ride my ponies. They cost me an arm and a leg to have and I don't spend all that money for someone else to have the pleasure of them. It sounds very selfish, but I don't tag along on their luxury cruise or exotic holiday so why should they get the benefit of the special things I have in my life.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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Its difficult as I would have loved a kid to come ride ponies I used to have (I actively asked people to come!) but with my horses, nope no way. Even if you had the most sensible horse, accidents happen and then where would you end up...


Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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I think I'd offer them a sit if they really wanted to.

I know what it's like myself when you are so desperate to ride and no one offers or they offer but have no intention of meaning what they say. I've never been precious about my horses to the extent I wouldn't let others ride.

My new boss' wife used to have horses and he asked if she could come and visit any horse I bought, as he knows she'd really enjoy that and I replied of course she could, she could have a ride too. And I meant it 100% and have every intention of doing this.
Sounds like a happy outcome for you and the boss's wife did she compete before with her horses or is she relearning to ride again now on your horse until she feels okay to start riding again properly 😎