Stream Z Bands


20 November 2008
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<puts on camouflage to avoid the scientists of hho> ?

I bought equistreamz bands for my horse and my mum's horse.

Didnt notice a blind bit of difference with my horse.

Mums horse's movement was noticeably improved with wearing them. To the point that as walking to the field you could tell if he had lost them or not. Now there could be a correlation between his being an eejit in the field to lose the bands in the first place and his stiffer movement.

I dont think it is the placebo affect because I wanted them to work on my horse and an improvement to mums horse, while great for them, didnt impact me.

In for a penny and all that... I tried feeding turmeric over two different periods to my horse and it made zero improvement to anything. Mum fed it to her horse and it did appear to make a difference.

The bands were worth trying for us and I was prepared for it to be money down the drain. They did make a difference to Jules so were worth trying for that alone


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22 September 2015
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I use them & do think they make a difference to my boy.

I don't particularly rate the coverings as my horse has trashed two sets of covers now but he does wear them 24/7 & I just tape them together now. Hes not getting a new covering until he totally trashed his current pair ?


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26 September 2012
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They definitely seem to make a difference to the swelling my mare experiences in winter, and it cant be the 'wrap effect' as only two of her four legs have the 1 inch bands wrapped around them.
I dont think they make a particular difference to her chronic lameness but they make me feel better having them on anyway


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16 July 2011
North East, UK
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There is no robust clinical evidence that they have any positive impact.

however... if you want to try them for peace of mind they aren’t going to do any harm.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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I thought they were a load of rubbish, there was a thread on here lambasting them. The owner of the firm came on and was lambasted. He offered to GIVE one to anyone who thought they were rubbish. The people lambasting him laughed at the offer.

I, meanwhile, PM'ed him and said that although I had not been one lambasting on that thread, I would very much like to have a free one. It was for me, I had an extremely painful knee at the time.

It helped. It helped a LOT.

And I would think that it was just a placebo effect, except that, after a few months, it stopped working and the pain came back. I stopped using it, but decided to wash the outer before putting it away, so took it off and found... the inner core had snapped.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2015
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I have them for my 2 arthritic horses. I thought they made a difference, but took them off a week ago to wash the mud off and have just realised i never put them back on again and there is no obvious difference to either horse. So now I think that there are better things to spend your hard-earned cash on!