Carries on creakily
Sorry to be driving you all mad with all your helpful suggestions, but nothing yet that leaps out at me
Good thinking, but it was a Rice Farmers Hunt *Moo-Moo* name.
. This is the trailer that I wanted to upgrade from when I went to look at the Moo-Moo

Lovely cars, but not the most reliable. Oh look, that’s another Rover broken down on the hard shoulder… This was a very lengthy hold up on the M5, the photographer had just been to check the horse in the back. Lots of people out of their cars.
Thank you so much again, everyone.
If someone turns up the real name and it’s nothing like what I’ve thought it was I might just have to close this account and reinvent myself under a new username

Was just wondering whether that reinforcement was the bit they mentioned in the additional word, rather than cattle related. So instead of Rice Farmers Hunt Moo-Moo, it was something like Rice Farmers Hunt Galvanized (not the right word but only metal related process I can think gone 9pm)
Good thinking, but it was a Rice Farmers Hunt *Moo-Moo* name.
I can raise you a yellow ochre Rover 2200TC towing a Rice Eventer trailer (a much more lightweight trailer than the Farmers Hunt)Don’t know but had a RFH which I towed with a bright orange Rover 2200 TC. Doesn’t add much but the interesting fact re car it had two fuel tanks. Cool.

Lovely cars, but not the most reliable. Oh look, that’s another Rover broken down on the hard shoulder… This was a very lengthy hold up on the M5, the photographer had just been to check the horse in the back. Lots of people out of their cars.
Thank you so much again, everyone.
If someone turns up the real name and it’s nothing like what I’ve thought it was I might just have to close this account and reinvent myself under a new username