Summer Solstice weekend plans


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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*sad face*
how can it be the longest day soon?

What's everyone got planned?

not a lot here, my young students excelled at lorry school this week so I am hoping that we don't get TOO much rain as I'd like to carry on and I need to use the field for lorry practice as my hardstanding at the nursery isn't big enough.

Otherwise, same old same old!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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Gosh summer solstice already! That's a bit depressing.

Not sure what I will do. I was planning to go to my first dressage in over a year but they've closed the entries early ?

I can't find anything else suitable for this weekend so I guess I'll be hacking.


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3 October 2018
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My last weekend as an unmarried pregnant woman living in sin.

Pony wise not much on, depending on weather I might finally get round to giving her her long overdue post winter tidy up. I am getting ridiculously impatient to get back on. I've been doing my yard jobs at 6:30am even though she's out at night which usually means lie ins! But baby wakes up and starts practicing her pony club kicks at 5am and I'm so hot and uncomfy so nice early quiet time at the yard before it gets hot is really rather lovely. See people go off for their early morning hacks and am sick with envy.

I've got about 3 hours booked in at the salon for pre wedding beautifying...eyelash lift and tint, eyebrow wax, facial etc. Also tomorrow is my last day at work until July 2022!!!


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Its my b’day and ill probably be making hay, if the sun ever decides to shine!

Still plenty of summer left….feels good/mild until end of october, when the clocks change…so 16 weeks of summery warmer fun to be had still!
(We had a late start due to may frosts/snow and zero temps this year…we’re all feeling robbed!)


Well-Known Member
17 August 2017
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I’m off to another show. This time we are doing the 60 & 70cm show jumping. That’s the smallest they did and they wouldn’t let me enter the 60 twice (one HC) so I’ve entered the 70 too and will decide after the 60 whether we feel confident enough to do it.

I am also sorting out my diary this weekend with upcoming shows and things to aim for. If anybody in the Midlands area knows of any fun unaffiliated competitions, let me know. Trying to find small Hunter trials and small low-key ODEs (towards the end of the season) to have a bash at whilst also entering show jumping competitions on an as-and-when basis.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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I’m off to another show. This time we are doing the 60 & 70cm show jumping. That’s the smallest they did and they wouldn’t let me enter the 60 twice (one HC) so I’ve entered the 70 too and will decide after the 60 whether we feel confident enough to do it.

I am also sorting out my diary this weekend with upcoming shows and things to aim for. If anybody in the Midlands area knows of any fun unaffiliated competitions, let me know. Trying to find small Hunter trials and small low-key ODEs (towards the end of the season) to have a bash at whilst also entering show jumping competitions on an as-and-when basis.
If Derbyshire is any good try Longford and District Riding Club, really nice unaffiliated hunter trials and one day events. Lovely old fashioned course and nice people.

I was hoping to be there for the clear round xc this weekend but L's feet aren't up to it so I'm trying to stick to arena based activities.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2017
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If Derbyshire is any good try Longford and District Riding Club, really nice unaffiliated hunter trials and one day events. Lovely old fashioned course and nice people.

I was hoping to be there for the clear round xc this weekend but L's feet aren't up to it so I'm trying to stick to arena based activities.

Ooh perfect thank you just had a look and they’ve got some nice sounding stuff in August/Sept/Oct which is when I was looking for!


Well-Known Member
15 March 2016
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I’m off to another show. This time we are doing the 60 & 70cm show jumping. That’s the smallest they did and they wouldn’t let me enter the 60 twice (one HC) so I’ve entered the 70 too and will decide after the 60 whether we feel confident enough to do it.

I am also sorting out my diary this weekend with upcoming shows and things to aim for. If anybody in the Midlands area knows of any fun unaffiliated competitions, let me know. Trying to find small Hunter trials and small low-key ODEs (towards the end of the season) to have a bash at whilst also entering show jumping competitions on an as-and-when basis.
Good plan to give yourself some options.
Re HT etc, Solihull riding club are worth a follow if you're on Facebook- they do all sorts, radfords which is on the Welsh border too, smallwood run unaffiliated stuff, or if you're the other side although maybe a bit too North there's rock wood harriers - Sheffield based


Well-Known Member
17 August 2017
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Good plan to give yourself some options.
Re HT etc, Solihull riding club are worth a follow if you're on Facebook- they do all sorts, radfords which is on the Welsh border too, smallwood run unaffiliated stuff, or if you're the other side although maybe a bit too North there's rock wood harriers - Sheffield based

Got plenty of Solihull events already on my radar! Thanks for the others. Smallwood is interesting and they’ve got an ODE and a HT in September which is great!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2011
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My new baby pony has his first lesson with my instructor. He’s 5 and barely been in the school, as proven this week when after 20 minutes of quiet walking and trotting he decided he’d done enough and downed tools in the middle of the arena. I think I might be working harder than him this weekend!
Obligatory picture of Baby Ace because the world needs more pictures of Clydesdales in it. 5255A290-88F3-41BB-9EA9-7AA1454B283F.jpeg


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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Nada here! No money for training or competing and I have been feeling quite ropey for a week now so I will be glad if I can just hack both horses out. I will be planning the next comp though so we will at least have something to aim for :)


Well-Known Member
1 April 2018
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No dressage comps this weekend. I'm not dedicated enough to drive 3+ hours one way to ride one test ? eyeing one in July and August.

Tons of jumping competitions, but that's not my horse's cup o' tea.

So we've got nothing planned. Schooling tomorrow and a day on the weekend. Hoping that OH can take some video. Would like to sneak in a hack but the weather is a bit uncertain. Looking forward to some storms to knock this heat and humidity down a few notches.

Had a small light bulb moment about keeping the rib cage lifted, mostly the left side. Thought it was a shoulder issue, but not quite. I spent a fair amount of time at the walk since it was hot today, doing walk pirouette's, bending, turns on the haunches and forehand...I actually learn and realize a lot at the walk, even when it comes to something in another gait. Work at the walk is sort of overlooked sometimes.


Well-Known Member
10 September 2015
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A couple of BD tests tomorrow morning and then a lesson Saturday afternoon, it will be nice to get out again. Our last competition was AF's and I made a bit of a fluff up of it so it will be good to hopefully have a successful outing tomorrow.

Taking a friend to arena eventing on Sunday morning so generally a busy enough weekend.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Working Saturday morning but going to my cousins on Saturday afternoon for a BBQ as a little get together coz we couldn’t have anything after my Aunty’s funeral a couple of months back.
Think I’m going to have Sunday off from any outings with Millie. I’ve had a stressful couple of weeks so I’m just going to have a bit of a chill out day.


Well-Known Member
29 September 2013
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Re-backing my 5 year old.

We've finally sorted his saddle and he's very happy with it. I've hopped on him a couple of times and walked a few steps with no drama so the plan is to crack on over the next few days and hopefully go for a baby hack by the end of next week.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2017
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I’m off to another show. This time we are doing the 60 & 70cm show jumping. That’s the smallest they did and they wouldn’t let me enter the 60 twice (one HC) so I’ve entered the 70 too and will decide after the 60 whether we feel confident enough to do it.

I am also sorting out my diary this weekend with upcoming shows and things to aim for. If anybody in the Midlands area knows of any fun unaffiliated competitions, let me know. Trying to find small Hunter trials and small low-key ODEs (towards the end of the season) to have a bash at whilst also entering show jumping competitions on an as-and-when basis.

my plans have changed now. The horse I was going show jumping with is now lame so they’re not going so I don’t have transport. Therefore I’ll have to withdraw. Instead I’m going to build spooky jumps in the arena and hope I can get out again in the next few weeks.