Team Reggie: Reggie goes rubbish at RNS, and vibes for Smokey needed...


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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When things were tough with Reg, Al used to try and find positives in the little things. The positives we'll be taking from the (Royal, thank you very much ;)) Norfolk Show are:

  1. Everyone survived
  2. Umm. Just a sec...
  3. That's about it actually.

So as you can all tell it was a successful day :D

Generally, Reg should excel at showing. He is well-schooled, polite, handsome and eye-catching. His conformation is excellent, bar his big fat fetlock and that is excused under RoR rules. Last year at RNS he was very good aside from in the line up, and at Houghton this year he was even better. Hopes were high.

We arrived, and Reg was quite lit up so Al hopped on to take him for a wander. Arrived back half an hour later with them both dripping sweat and Reg breathing fire... People had started clapping and this was too much for such a highly strung beast as himself. Discretion being the better part of valour, Al got off and with some help manhandled him back to the box. A bath and some polos later Reg was much more himself, and was back to being a total dollop.



He is absurdly pretty!

Tacked up again and pottered over to the warm up where he went really sweetly...


But then the heavy horses with their carriages came past and all sense was lost. Al got off again (this is the girl who would merrily sit out 20 minute tantrums on Bee, as an indicator of how Reg was behaving!) and some sweet talking and cuddles meant he regained sense.

Entered the ring, and his racing instinct kicked in. I hate to break it to him, but this is about 4 years too late... But there were 22 other horses in there and Reg was going to beat them all. Al did her very best 'head up, sit back, smile' routine and they flew round the arena.





You'll note most of the photos are cantering ones. This is because this is mostly what Reg did.


It's hard work, trying to race 22 horses...

Amazingly, he was pulled in 8th. God knows that the others horses had done... Murdered the judge's sister?

He stood in the line up with all his usual grace and patience:



But did go sweetly enough for the ride judge (with no one to race, he settled) and then posed beautifully for Jenny Pitman:



He does look quite nice really...

They then stood about and tried to regain some composure:



The steward asked them to get back on, and Al took a minute to send some prayers to anyone listening for Reg not to explode again:

They were pulled in 8th initially, and seemed to stay about there so no frillies or money. Reg has never behaved more like a racehorse, including the 6 years he spent in training, and he sulked the whole way home. Al took him out on his favourite hack the next day which appeased him somewhat :D
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Well-Known Member
9 May 2007
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He is rather lovely ;) Not bad 8th out of 22 tho'.

Sending vibes from one Smokey to another :(


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Oh Reg! He looks super though, at least. I loved the "Murdered the judge's sister?" comment :D

Hope Smokey's ok, poor chap.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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Love Reggie's report, really brought a smile to my face :D you can see the mischief in his face ;)

Everything crossed for Smokey, sounds like it looks worse than it hopefully is x


Well-Known Member
5 February 2008
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He looks fabulous and brill report. They do have an awful lot to put up with at county shows and the ROR classes are always huge.


Well-Known Member
16 April 2012
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Despite reggies behaviour he still looks gorgeous! im very impressed al even did the class, id have probably packed up and gone home!! i hope smokey is better soon!


Well-Known Member
25 November 2011
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I was waiting for your report on royal Norfolk, I was parked behind you, I was also in the ROR but my horse kicked himself and made himself lame so I only got as far as the warm up, I was going to be brave and ask you how it went, but you had left by the time I had finished shopping.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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What a handsome dude!
And fingers crossed for smokey :)

It's a good thing he's pretty or he'd have been kicked out I reckon! Such a knobber :D

Thank you :)

He is rather lovely ;) Not bad 8th out of 22 tho'.

Sending vibes from one Smokey to another :(

He is lovely, I just wish he'd let the judges see that rather than doing his best 'untamed racer' thing :D No, it's not really but he was naughty enough that word got back to Al's instructor before Al got to tell her! :eek: Today's lesson (where he ponced beautifully) was started with "I hear Reg was a w!!ker at RNS then"!

Thank you :) Poor prancey pony. He's actually very well in himself, and is spending his 'quiet time' chatting to the chickens. He's got such a funny character, you can provide commentary for him as he does stuff :D

haha very entertaining horse, Reg is a dude! well done :D

hope Smokey has a speedy recovery :)

We were entertained, Al definitely wasn't :D He is a complete dude, and a week later we're still doing impressions of him in the line up- he was a spoilt little child throwing his toys!

Thank you- we hope so too! He's missing all the things he finds the most fun, poor boy.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Had to laugh at the pic of Reg standing 'gracefully' :D

Sending loads of vibes to Smokey.

He's just the picture of a show horse, isn't he? :D :D Thank you, strained stifle is better than a slipped hock so we're not too panicked yet!

Lovely man and top marks to Al for keeping her cool!

I think keeping her cool is generous ;) She wasn't wearing her "I love horses" face- by the time it was finished they were both as sulky as each other. Luckily, they both were cheered up with sweets :D

Oh Reg! He looks super though, at least. I loved the "Murdered the judge's sister?" comment :D

Hope Smokey's ok, poor chap.

Honestly, it's the only way he could have been pulled higher than most of them! If he wasn't so big I think he'd have been at the bottom, but because he does tower over most of the others he gets noticed easily. The mad galloping also meant he'll stay with them for a while... :D


Well-Known Member
31 July 2009
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Love the captions to the pictures and 8th out of 22 is pretty damn good :D

Get well soon Smokey, it's to hot to ride at the moment anyhoo :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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Reg is so handsome so must be forgiven for being a bit keen!! My ex racehorse would of catapulted me and left if heavy horses in carriages came past!!

Fingers and toes crossed that its nothing serious with smokey and he recovers quickly.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Love Reggie's report, really brought a smile to my face :D you can see the mischief in his face ;)

Everything crossed for Smokey, sounds like it looks worse than it hopefully is x

Thank you :) He was hilarious throughout, and now no one is in immediate danger it's a very funny outing. At the time, no one was laughing so much as it did feel a bit like one horse going for a hoon could have caused total chaos and several deaths :eek:

Yes, typical TB really :D Why can't Al like nice, hardy little ponies?!

He looks fabulous and brill report. They do have an awful lot to put up with at county shows and the ROR classes are always huge.

Meant to add vibes to smokey.

Huge, and in the smallest rings! The hunters had 5 in each class and got the biggest ring, whereas the 22 ex-racers had a 20m by 40m area... It was a big ask of him and he did well to keep coming back down to earth like he did!

Despite reggies behaviour he still looks gorgeous! im very impressed al even did the class, id have probably packed up and gone home!! i hope smokey is better soon!

I think the thought crossed her mind once or twice! He does seem to do ok despite his lunacy (which comes from nowhere, as everywhere else he is the biggest dope on a rope around) so she stuck it out just in case :D

Thank you :)

I was waiting for your report on royal Norfolk, I was parked behind you, I was also in the ROR but my horse kicked himself and made himself lame so I only got as far as the warm up, I was going to be brave and ask you how it went, but you had left by the time I had finished shopping.

Did we chat to you about class times or something? You should have introduced yourself :) We packed up and left quite quickly as we'd gone the day before for shopping (we're very local) and Al was knackered after holding Reg in for so long :D

Hope your boy is ok :( Bloomin' horses, they have a terrible sense of occasion!


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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Brilliant report, photos and captions - what a diva Reg is ;) :D

Everything xd for a good outcome for Smokey, everything xd for you all, you don't deserve more disappointment...


Well-Known Member
16 September 2008
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reg is simply too gorgeous for words - do you think he knows it?
I hate to think what Scarlet would have made of it all, she is a complete dipstick at the best of times.
Hugs to Smokey, tell him he's missing a lot of fun stuff & to get better soon.

LD xx


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Love the captions to the pictures and 8th out of 22 is pretty damn good :D

Get well soon Smokey, it's to hot to ride at the moment anyhoo :rolleyes:

It is, but if he could just keep his opinions to himself he could be right up there- Al asked the confo judge about his fetlock and she said that things like that she ignores- so he did let himself down a tad :D He worked beautifully today though in his lesson so we'll forgive him and let him be a eventing pony proper!

Yes, I think Smokey is enjoying chatting to the chickens and getting a 'tan' (he's glowing because he's greying round the edges) now, work will be a proper shock!

Reg is so handsome so must be forgiven for being a bit keen!! My ex racehorse would of catapulted me and left if heavy horses in carriages came past!!

Fingers and toes crossed that its nothing serious with smokey and he recovers quickly.

That's Al's thought too :D He's so pretty, he should be a girl really! He did attempt that but Al was expecting it so managed to hold on (to my lovely plaits, so they got very scuffed... Not impressed!). A lot to be said for grim determination in the knowledge if he escaped he would undeniably go through all the tradestands and break the most expensive thing available...

Brilliant report, photos and captions - what a diva Reg is ;) :D

Everything xd for a good outcome for Smokey, everything xd for you all, you don't deserve more disappointment...

Diva, or div?! :D It was very funny once it was over and everyone was still in one piece! Thank you :)

I had a very long rant to the lovely dafthoss when it first started, Al deserves a massive dose of luck some time soon to make up for some of the rubbish bits she's faced this year. Luckily Reg is trying his heart out for her- if this had all happened last year, I think it would have finished her off.

reg is simply too gorgeous for words - do you think he knows it?
I hate to think what Scarlet would have made of it all, she is a complete dipstick at the best of times.
Hugs to Smokey, tell him he's missing a lot of fun stuff & to get better soon.

LD xx

I think he knows he's very much the top dog on the yard, and he knows how adored he is. But he is quite unassuming- Smokey knows he's too perfect for words, but Reggie is a lot more interested in food!

Reg would have loved Scarlett in there with him to create merry hell with :D Hope she's improving lots and the op was a success. You and L deserve some really good luck now!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Reg looks absolutely perfect. Something else positive to take from the day :D

I sooo feel your pain with Smokey. Mine is in pretty much the exact same situation. Sound on Tuesday (vet checked it!) and hopping on Wednesday when people came to try it :mad: I nearly shot it on the spot!!

I'm sure they're both fine and just being melodramatic TB creatures as they do. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
19 July 2004
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Great report! You have to laugh.... TB's!! :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about Smokey :( what is it about 2013????? Much too much bad luck going on for my liking.
Vibes for you all from all of us. x


Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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Knobbers, the pair of them!!!!

Reg does look handsome though - he goes a lovely colour over summer!

Fingers crossed for Smokey :)


Waffled a lot!
7 June 2010
north west
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Love the report, you write so well!

Reggie looked beautiful, even if he didn't show off his manners that day. I love her "sit up and pretend its not running off with me" face, I think I did a similar one when I passed my stage 3.

Fingers crossed for Smokey. What a shame, it was all going so well.


Well-Known Member
25 August 2012
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Even if he was being a tad silly, Reg looks absolutely stunning. Hope smokey feels better soon, he's a lovely boy too.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Reg looks absolutely perfect. Something else positive to take from the day :D

I sooo feel your pain with Smokey. Mine is in pretty much the exact same situation. Sound on Tuesday (vet checked it!) and hopping on Wednesday when people came to try it :mad: I nearly shot it on the spot!!

I'm sure they're both fine and just being melodramatic TB creatures as they do. :rolleyes:

He looks the part, doesn't he! He is a proper beauty, even when he's being a tit, which is probably why judges like him :D Seeing as RoR is mostly manners I can't see how else he managed to scrape into the top half! Reg's half-brother was about the same size and had the same face, but behaved sweetly and came 3rd- we told Reg he needed to follow that horse's example, but he just snorted and loaded himself...

The small grey things clearly need their matching heads banging together. What a pain for you! Just a knock in the field? They certainly pick their moments...

Reg is looking in great condition, same his behaviour wasn't the same!
*fingers crossed* for Smokey - blimmin TBs!

:D Exactly. Al told him he was a total let-down, but they were having a cuddle at the time so I'm not sure he really got the message...

Why do we have TBs again?!

Great report! You have to laugh.... TB's!! :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about Smokey :( what is it about 2013????? Much too much bad luck going on for my liking.
Vibes for you all from all of us. x

2013 for Al and B is definitely a 'character building' one... By the time it is over their characters will be so well-built they'll pretty much be saints, poor girls! Hopefully things will start looking up for them both now, and they'll finish the year on a high.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2008
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Sorry that it wasn't such a great day but I loved reading your report - very entertaining!

I am sure R will be back to his glorious calm self for the next show and i hope smokey gets better soon x


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Presumably. I am tempted to take her over to the vet school though as I hate not knowing :eek:

She certainly has a sense of occasion my horse :mad: