Tell me not to!


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Well it worked. When I got back with Deza, the three were happily in the barn together for three hours until I turned them out. Fingers crossed, that's the introduction finished.

He'll have been here a week tomorrow and not put a foot wrong or been anything other than better than any expectation I had of him :)


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
Thinking back, when Max came to us, he went out with Dolly and Ol, who had been together forever (or so it seemed). I thought nothing of it, there were no real scuffles, but I remember sending a video to Clodagh. Once she mentioned it, I could see Ollie “herding” Max away from Doll.

Glad they are all settling, and am sure they will be fine.


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11 October 2014
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He's a beauty.

I've got 2 geldings and a mare together. The geldings have been together for 9 years and I moved them in August to keep this wee mare company. Its only been in the last 2 weeks that she has fully accepted one of them. It's been a long slow process. Herd dynamics/relation ships/new groupings are fascinating to watch.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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All standing together outside this morning and happy as Larry in the barn right from the off today. He's been here a week at 3 o'clock today and I couldn't be more happy with him.

On soaked forage from today because they have all put on some weight. I'm hoping to keep it ad lib for a while, but might need to use straw as well. The pile Ludo is eating was in case he pushed Jojo into the pen, but he hasn't. They did a round Robin for a minute or two before they settled who was going to have which of the four lots in there, but it was very friendly.

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Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Jojo and Ludo closer to each other than Deza, that's a first. The outside pen is shut (left hand door) to get Ludo to accept that just because it's easy to push Jojo out into it, he shouldn't have to leave the barn unless he wants to. I've watched them like a hawk and it was calm and quiet in there all afternoon. And from the way Ludo sniffed her and her poo today, she's in season as well, so that's another milestone reached.

I picked his feet out today. Fronts are fine, backs he isn't sure about but nothing a few more goes won't resolve. He's a very quiet youngster and he loves a cuddle. I really can't fault him.

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Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Horses who feel threatened don't lie down. Ludo has, on the second day of not being able to push Jojo into the pen because the door is shut, given up. From how he is behaving (not her, I can never tell) Deza is in season, so that's one less thing to worry about as well. Jojo isn't riggy and Ludo hasn't got aggressive over her.

I love his face, he has a big broad forehead down to a tiny narrow muzzle :) His profile is neither properly Roman, nor straight, but he currently has a big head for his size and I think he'll be very handsome when he grows into it. He's got two whacking great molar eruption lumps spoiling his jawline, but he doesn't seem uncomfortable and is eating well. They'll disappear in time.



Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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if he grows to those hind legs he has a lot to grow yet

My current thinking is that he is likely to make nearly 16 hands. His back end is at least 15.2, and unless he stays permanently bum high, which seems unlikely, that's his absolutely minimum, but the head and legs belong to a horse of at least 16h.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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He looks so lovely! I've enjoyed following along with how he's settled in and seeing how you've approached getting the three of them introduced :)

It's credit to all three of them really. Deza is the least marish that a fertile mare is possible to be. Ludo is the least stallion like that a gelding can be, never mind a late cut one who sired foals. And Jojo is the soul of diplomacy without being a complete victim.

I watched Ludo with Jojo before I left for a lesson with Deza this morning, and he seemed to be running Jojo up and down the barn. It looked worrying, then I noticed that at the end of each length of the barn, Ludo was stopping and licking and chewing, which we all know is a submission gesture. I came to the conclusion that he was trying to get Jojo to play. He's a very playful horse and I would love for him to have found a playmate.
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