Tell me not to!


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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He looks really lovely and certainly seems to have settled in well. ? Good looking lad

I'm sure you've seen him trotting around now because I was a bit worried when I saw the pic from the ad that the reason he was cheap was that he was a pacer. I was thinking he might have been in a stepping pace rather than walk in a pic. I hope I'm wrong.and just see it everywhere, don't hate me.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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So exciting! well done ycbm, a rare find! Had to grab a snatch at this thread as i knew you were collecting today...the suspense was worth it! ?
Its amazing he’s settled in so well for one so young. i love his face, looks so kind and interested in the world....he’s going to be so much fun, im so pleased for you!

He looks like a Josh to me! ??


Well-Known Member
31 January 2018
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Just had to read through the whole thread to catch up - a nice way to start my Monday!
I think that Jeff (;)) looks like a very smart little horse and I am looking forward to seeing how he develops over the next few months.
I am ever so slightly jealous :)


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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He looks lovely and nicely put together too. I'm also a little bit jealous as I wanted a 3 yr old when we bought Robin, but instead I have a tiny taliban who terrorises everyone he meets. :)

Looking forward to seeing updates on his progress.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Definitely a nice looking horse, and I'm sure it's reassuring to see him getting on well with the two others so quickly.

Is "pacing" the same as "ambling"?

I've think ambling is a four beat running walk? Not sure about that.

But pacing is "trotting" but with both legs on the same side going forward at the same time, instead of diagonal pairs, which in driving is known as a square trot.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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All happy this morning. He was easy to catch, he came to me when he saw me. It was a bit difficult to bring in 3, as Ludo is jealous and Deza is herd leader. The aren't safe together in the barn, Ludo keeps cornering him, so they are in and he is out, but Ludo and Jojo can talk over the gate.

Deza is actually a bit ribby as a safety precaution going into spring, but built so solid that you can't see it. Ludo is now on minimum rations during the đay, he's well covered.


I had a first chop at his mane, proper little horse now instead of a driving pony :) I measured him and he is exactly 15 hands but an inch bigger on the bum.


I found out why the clip is so odd! He didn't even like the noise of the scissors, and when the OH started a strimmer buzzing, he was very much on the alert. I think we need to start clipper training well before we need a clip!

He has a big trot. Not elevated like Ludo's but very useful looking.

I'm going to write to the person who did his passport at 6 months, he looks more and more like a CB to me.


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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I've think ambling is a four beat running walk? Not sure about that.

But pacing is "trotting" but with both legs on the same side going forward at the same time, instead of diagonal pairs, which in driving is known as a square trot.

Hmm... I tried reading the Wikipedia article about horse gaits, but found it hard to understand. I think I need to find slow motion videos of different gaits, to be able to understand it.

I used to ride a horse that had been retired from trotting races (a really popular sport over here), whose trot was described as "aller à l'amble": both legs on the same side moving together. He didn't do it each time he was asked for a trot, maybe 40% to 50% of the time, and the rest of the time he trotted square. I found his pacing trot very comfortable; I remember reading that medieval palfreys used this gait.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2018
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I used these when clipper training Rosie

There are loads of different types now so no idea which exact ones I got but I imagine they are all much of a muchness. Super super quiet and I actually did end up doing Rosie's little neck and chest clip with them and they were great. Admittedly probably took twice as long as they are small but was a sacrifice worth making as she stood still as a statue and didn't sweat.