Terrible names


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29 October 2008
West Mids
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I'm not keen on Gary, Andrew and Ken - horrible horse names from the past.

No offence if anyone had a horse called that, but I just don't like men's names, but quite like Lari my horse and his passport name is called Happy as Lari which makes me smile. And at least its not spelt Larry which I associate for some reason with some old lazy American guy in a white vest (haven't a clue why!)


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27 January 2009
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This thread brings back fond memories as I posted on a similar thread oooh...13 years ago?!...and it resulted in my old horse's new owner tracing me. He was in his mid-20s by then and she'd found him in a dodgy dealer yard, underweight, covered in rain scald and being galloped around and jumped by local teens. I will never give away a horse as a companion again - he had gone to a supposedly permanent non-working home 5 years earlier when he got a bit too old and stiff for his hunting loan and I was living / working in London so couldn't take him back. His lovely new owner had him for many years, jumping 1m SJ and then veteran showing and he had a wonderful, pampered last few years of his life until he was PTS at 32 or 33.

And why was he on that original thread? His official name was 'Wadgers End' when I got him, or Wadge for short. I called him Marley and his last owner called him Charlie, or Champagne Charlie for competing.

I had him in the days before passports were mandated so name changes were a lot simpler back then!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I'm not keen on Gary, Andrew and Ken - horrible horse names from the past.

No offence if anyone had a horse called that, but I just don't like men's names, but quite like Lari my horse and his passport name is called Happy as Lari which makes me smile. And at least its not spelt Larry which I associate for some reason with some old lazy American guy in a white vest (haven't a clue why!)

Archie was called Andy when I first had him and I had to change it as I have too many friends called Andy / Andrew.

I quite like human names for horses but they have to have a certain comedy element to them, as in be so old fashioned that a baby being called that would be hilarious. They can't be of an age where there are too many people called those names still alive. Like Stanley, Reg and Bert 20 years ago - now there are too many kids with those names. I've always had a talent of naming my pets with those names just before they get popular for kids which kind of ruins their comedy value. I named Archie and Mabel in the early 2000s. There were no kids with those names at the times, now there are Archies and Mabels everywhere! I quite like Malcolm and Barbara for any new additions now so give it a few years and there'll be baby Babses everywhere.

I hate Charlie's passport name - Adam's Greylad. He's grey and I assume Adam owned him. It's just so unimaginative! I'm tempted to change it and quite fancy "Like a Muppet" just to hear commentators saying "Here's annagain riding Like A Muppet". I also like "Charlie Big Potatoes" but not sure everybody will get the reference and they'll think it's referring to something it's not!


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22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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I had a pony XXXX Giselle. Her name was shortened to Giz or Gizzy. I used this name for years, as did my kids on many show grounds, shouted it across the fields etc etc and never thought anything of it until we loaned her out at 18yrs old. The loaners changed her name to Kizzy which i was a little upset about so asked why. Honestly until they explained why they didn't want their kids shouting that name on a stable yard I never put 2 and 2 together :eek:

I had 2 shetlands as a child called XXXX black magic and XXXX black knight on the papers (before passports) but their stable names were Gladys and Fred which was Charles and Camilla's pet names for each other while they had their affair. the shetlands were mother and son :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
23 September 2012
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I had a pony XXXX Giselle. Her name was shortened to Giz or Gizzy. I used this name for years, as did my kids on many show grounds, shouted it across the fields etc etc and never thought anything of it until we loaned her out at 18yrs old. The loaners changed her name to Kizzy which i was a little upset about so asked why. Honestly until they explained why they didn't want their kids shouting that name on a stable yard I never put 2 and 2 together :eek:

I had 2 shetlands as a child called XXXX black magic and XXXX black knight on the papers (before passports) but their stable names were Gladys and Fred which was Charles and Camilla's pet names for each other while they had their affair. the shetlands were mother and son :rolleyes:

Ok I’ve been staring at this and I cannot make anything out of Giz or Gizzy that would sound inappropriate on a yard. What am I missing in my innocence?!


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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I'm assuming the G makes a J sound.

It does make a J sound

Ok I’ve been staring at this and I cannot make anything out of Giz or Gizzy that would sound inappropriate on a yard. What am I missing in my innocence?!

I'm glad I'm not the only one - we owned her 16yrs before I had it pointed out. Felt like a right idiot.


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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I used to ride a liver chestnut sec d called Graham ?
My mini is called ShitPig which I inadvertently named him...it suits him to an absolute T though ???
My friend has the most beautiful horse who's passport name is Silkwind Fairy Dust....HE is a 17.3 Shire x Oldenburg that's built like an outhouse...worse still, his stable name is Pippin ????


Well-Known Member
12 October 2020
West Sussex
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I used to ride a liver chestnut sec d called Graham ?
My mini is called ShitPig which I inadvertently named him...it suits him to an absolute T though ???
My friend has the most beautiful horse who's passport name is Silkwind Fairy Dust....HE is a 17.3 Shire x Oldenburg that's built like an outhouse...worse still, his stable name is Pippin ????

Please please I want to see a picture of Pippin Silkwind Fairy Dust.


Well-Known Member
30 December 2011
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When I was at university the place our riding club went to had a Spanish gelding. He was supposed to be called Suerte (luck) but because the yard staff over the years couldn't pronounce that he became Sweaty. And he was such a gorgeous little grey horse, he didn't suit the name Sweaty at all.

My old horse was called Prince Albert when he arrived. I couldn't keep the genital piercing name so he was just plain old Albert for me ?


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26 August 2020
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My first pony was called Billie Joe, shortened to BJ…. Unfortunately nobody told innocent 11yr old me or my parents what a slang BJ was, until that is I turned up at pony club camp with BJ plastered over every single bit of kit I owned… she rapidly became Billie.
I probably still have the odd bit of ‘BJ’ branding somewhere!

Peregrine Falcon

Sunshine and warmer weather welcomed
1 July 2008
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Piggy, although it was very apt. Sister had him on loan. He was an utter pig to lead, my mum broke her wrist trying to help. Needless to say he was quickly sent back!!

Bob notacob

Well-Known Member
15 February 2018
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My first pony was called Billie Joe, shortened to BJ…. Unfortunately nobody told innocent 11yr old me or my parents what a slang BJ was, until that is I turned up at pony club camp with BJ plastered over every single bit of kit I owned… she rapidly became Billie.
I probably still have the odd bit of ‘BJ’ branding somewhere!
Yes , Boris Johnson is a hard thing to live by

cauda equina

Well-Known Member
2 February 2014
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Not a horse, but a dog - when I was young I had a dog called Toss, named by my unworldly mum
Years later I read that the writer Horatio Clare had a Toss too


Well-Known Member
1 June 2021
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I used to ride a horse called Boris. I always referred to him as Bozza because I couldn't take the comments. And this was back when he was still just the buffoon on HIGNFY.

a friend has a horse called Boris. He’s pretty cool. And suits his name.

no similarity to the PM though ?
28 February 2011
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Yes , Boris Johnson is a hard thing to live by

I do miss Big Bad Boris ? he was Boris for 6 years so before Boris Johnson really came to the fore. And yes we often called him BoJo as well. He was nothing like Boris Johnson for the most part.

No actually, thinking about it, he was! He was lazy but when he had to knuckle down to it he got the job done. He often made mistakes and blunders as well which cost him races ?

But first and foremost he was as honest as the day is long.


Well-Known Member
24 January 2012
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My warmblood was called Aaron when i brought him... that was swiftly changed!!! He's now known as Bear because he's a massive 17.2 dark bay cuddly bear!!


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18 July 2021
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I learnt to drive with a pony named Gigolo. I had no idea what this word meant as a child, and got some odd looks from teachers when I told them what I had been doing at the weekend.


Mildred's Maid
21 October 2021
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"I mentioned this in the name change thread but there was a poor soul named Ugh because the staff thought he was ugly. He wasn't bonnie but he had the loveliest nature."

This reminded me of a donkey i rescued that the vets nicknamed her Fugly, you can imagine what the F stood for.....


Well-Known Member
1 April 2020
In a paddock far far away
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We bought a pony years ago that was less than pretty. We called him Frogface, and I knew someone who had a horse she proudly called Malcolm. Can't get my head around Malcolm at all. I mean, why??

We had a cat called Malcolm .
One day we had a policeman come round to the house to take a witness statement from one of our kids who had witnessed a mugging . The policeman sat down in an armchair and one of the terriers jumped up next to him and , as the officer began writing , kept aiming licks at his hand . The policeman carried on manfully but then the cat jumped up on the other side and started dabbing at the pen as it moved across the notebook .
I said sternly " Malcolm ! Pack it in ! "
The policeman looked from one side of the chair to the other and said
" Which one's Malcolm ? "
Before I could answer , the child tutted and replied scathingly " How many dogs do you know called Malcolm ? "
The policeman looked thoughtful for a moment , then nodded and said
" Fair point . "