Well-Known Member
This is a barefoot trimming method, I wondered if people on here had heard of it and if so what their thoughts are? To me the 'after' hooves don't look right, but I'm no expert (they seem to take the toes shorter and the heel buttress higher than most trimmed hooves I have seen in the UK, so the feet look more boxy. They say this give more room for development of the digital cushion. Someone has told me it is no wonder that my horse is crippled with hind feet like he has, because he will have no room for any digital cushion and is walking on the bulbs of his heels, and that this apex trim will save him. Obviously when you feel a bit vulnerable and fragile about your horse it is easy to latch on to anything, but their pictures just don't look right to me, unless i am so used to seeing the wrong thing? I do agree that my horse has weak digital cushion.