The end of horses for me!


Well-Known Member
3 September 2007
I think you will see from most of these replies how much support you have from all of us. I have had a few small bouts of depression and I know it is nothing at all like you are going through but it was enough to make me understand how hard it is for people who suffer serious bouts of depression. There is Always light at the end of the tunnel although unfortunatly when you are in a bad place you cannot always see that light.

I cannot offer any creative help but I think it is wonderful that you have your adoreable 6 month old baby boy. I hope you find someone to buy your horse who will make the best of him.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2007
dan saff
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OMG at pcs of your boy! he s Beautiful, I wish i could have him! All can do is offer support, He does look like a horse of a liftime... do you really have to get rid of him?
Through all the trials & tribulations of my life it has been my horses that have helped & saved me, Im sure that i the same for many on here. It is hard to see forward when darkness blinds you but rest assured there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Try to get you boy a loanee who would allow you to continue regular visits then you will not feel as though you have lost him & you will be able to watch his progress, there are ALOT of nice horse loving people out there who im sure would bite your arm off to loan your boy. Dont be put of by one bad experience! The worse thing you could do is sell him then forever regret it. THINGS WILL GE BETTER. Your baby wont be a baby forever, believe me blink & before you know it they are all grown up. Enjoy your son...That doesnt mean you have to lose your boy too!
You have had some good advice from people who genuinely care & who understand how important for lots of different reasons our horses are. I hope you can take strength from the people on here & hopefully things will not seem so bleak. xx


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
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I'm not sure if this helps at all but I live in Surrey and could possibly help with schooling your boy once or twice a week if that helps? I have my own girly otherwise I would have offered to take him on loan just to ease your situation! xx


Well-Known Member
4 February 2008
knit your own knickers land
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Cowboy1 have just posted in a post above about your boy, who looks lovely by the way.

Won't be bossy but - please contact your local Children's Centre should be able to help with your housing and other difficulties they should be able to take the strain out of contacting all the different agencies for you and offer support with your baby and illnesses. Have posted a link below with the web page withich has the contact details of one near you

Children's centres are quite new but have all the services for families with children under 5 in one place or nearby.


Well-Known Member
27 June 2008
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on a positive note.........IT'S WORTH IT!!!!!!!!
i had to sell my beloved first horse who i had owned for 8 years when i had my first baby. i managed to keep him for almost a year, but got heavily overdrawn doing so.( i gave up work to be a full time mum.) i put him on loan for 8 months, then sold him to the lady cheap.
i deeply missed him, and felt jealous of my husband (who kept his motorbike|) but threw myself into being a mum.
then i had another baby( 3 years apart), and again was a full on mum. when she was 2 i became a childminder ,that was 3 years ago. i started saving. i only work part time, but managed to save some money and get into a good situation with some savings as security.
when my youngest stared school last sept. i bought Polly. a mad 14.2 hh welsh x tb.
as a mum you sacrifice everything.....but believe me it is worth it.i gave up arthur for my girls, to be an at home mum, and now my eldest is 8, youngest 5 and they are fantastic kids.i feel very proud that i have helped them to be these peoople.
at the time it was hard leaving something that i loved...BUT the amount of joy i have had from watching my children grow and develop has far outweighed this loss. My time has finally come,and with a supportive husband ( who saw how much it hurt) i have got my time now. and your time will come again too.i have not had depression so i can not help with that, but i do know what it is like to be a mum. my husband worked 14 hr shift work, so hardly saw him sometimes--which is hard when you've got a screaming baby on your hands,
IT DOES GET EASIER!!!!!!!!!trust me.
i had ME when i was 16. mostly over it now but can fully sympathise with you. it is horrible. only advise i can give on that front is plent of rest and eat well. ( easily said with a young baby i know) don't try to be superwoman. if the washing doesn't get'll still be there tomorrow and it won't affect just leave what doesn't have to be done.
i am 31 now. but still can't burn the candle at both ends.. .. just take each day as it comes.
also, join a toddler or baby club,
it's amazing how chatting to others will help and brighten your day. try to get out every day, even for a short while.
good luck with it all. if you want a chat pm me always here!


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Aha! OK I know your horse, and I know the probs and I think I know who has offered to take him on - fact is I am 100% that she IS worthy and your money WILL be forthcoming.

If she doesn't want him (and I am NOT going to stand on any toes here) then I will seriously talk to you about taking him on for 3 months and hunting and BSJAing him - Let me know by PM as I am on hols for another week and am not always available. Fact is, if he IS all you say he is, you will get decent money for him once competed x


Well-Known Member
27 October 2004
Not sure where you are in surrey, I could, maybe, help with your boy every now and then? Let us know the location, PM me if you need, I am close to Merrist Wood

Hope things sort out for you soon, hugs


Well-Known Member
12 May 2007
West Country
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everything perfect polly said.
i gave up just about everything for my two girls, and now they ride better than I do, but I love them to pieces and it was all so worth it.
and to add to that, someone told me, nobody's last words were ever 'I wish I'd done more dusting'


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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I'm really sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time.
Even if you can't buy your own property, there is no way you will be homeless with a young baby so try not to worry too much. (Easier said than done I know) Like others on here, I would be worried about letting your boy go to someone who can't pay you for a year. Can't they get a loan? If they can't afford to buy him, how will they afford to keep him?

If you feel it you need it you should be able to get help from your Doctor for your depression and ME and citizens advice and council could help you regards accommodation. Sorry, I'm sure you know all this.

Hope things pick up for you soon.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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Can't the person "buying" your horse pay in installments?

Get a proper bill of sale drawn up, and signed, saying when the payment is to be made and that you still own the horse until the final payment.

As for the flat, if you have a baby I am sure that makes a difference about tenure. Find out fast.


Well-Known Member
17 November 2007
Somewhere in Ireland up north to the west abit , t
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Lovely lovely people on hho

Op just wanted to say what others have said , you will get through this bad "phase" everything will sort itself out , I hope you get a lovely home for your boy as he is a stunning big lad .

Also hope you get your living arrangements sorted , its not easy coping with a tiny baby and animals , chin up