The importance of a body protector at all times


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1 June 2011
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i never felt comfortable in either of mine so gave one away and no idea where the other one is! i feel restricted wearing them and get chest pains which makes me anxious, not very conducive to a relaxed ride or horse so i feel I am better off without one. I am not convinced of the real effectiveness of a BP, as RTE says, they seem to give people a false sense of security, yes the prevent internal organ damage in some situations but they do not stop bones breaking IMO, in fact in some cases with children the bulkiness under the arms has caused broken bones rather than prevented injury.


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19 January 2014
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i am in the process of finding a body protector that fits well. however, yesterday i took a fall when my filly bolted then turned quickly. i landed on the base of my back and fratcured my pelvis. sadly any body protector would not have saved me from this injury, but it would probably have saved me from sore of the other minor inures. my helmet is also badly marked and will be replaced immediately.

i am awaitng the new champion bp due out as it really is the most light and comfortabl bp but i need one while i am waiting. they will not proetct from many broken bones, but can only assume they will protect from life threatening internal injuries.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2013
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This is such an interesting thread!!

I used to ALWAYS wear a BP as a child but less and less as I got older. Recently the only times I wore it was when I rebacked my huge youngster and competing XC, however after having a fall of said giant, I decided next time to put it on. And I have to say, it made me become very tense and restricted my movement, as it became a psychological thing where I put it on because I expected to come off.

I suppose wearing it more will combat that train of thought, but I agree with posters that say they don't like wearing them as they perceive that it means they are expecting an unplanned dismount.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I bought a champion flexair, but although it was light and comfortable, it looked awful and too bulky. So I am going to have to sell that one now as I have bought the airowear outline, and love it! So thanks for the recommendations. :)


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5 January 2008
South of France
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I wear an Airowear all the time and all I do is school on a surface. As far as I am concerned it's an extra protection against some kinds of very serious risks so I'd rather have it than not. I find mine extremely comfortable, and feel rather 'naked' without it.

However, I do find that in the spring/summer months here when the temperatures soar to the 30s it is just far too hot to wear. Overheating is also a serious risk (I've seen someone faint off a horse and it's a very bad fall as the head leads the way but the legs/feet don't come free from the stirrups at all) so it's the balance of probabilities. I keep thinking I should look into an air jacket which might not feel that warm.


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7 September 2004
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I am afraid I just would never wear a BP all the time, I find them incredibly hot, uncomfortable and restrictive to the point it is a detriment to my riding. I would only wear one XC or possibly if I was getting on an unpredictable horse (although I tend to avoid those these days!).

I will however happily wear my air jacket alone if I am doing something of added risk. I don't notice I'm wearing it and think it is a great bit of kit. Theoretically it would be prudent to wear it at all times mounted, and my only argument for not is that I'm lazy and too tight to replace cartridges when I hop off and forget to unclip!


High upon a hillside
28 February 2008
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I am afraid I just would never wear a BP all the time, I find them incredibly hot, uncomfortable and restrictive to the point it is a detriment to my riding. I would only wear one XC or possibly if I was getting on an unpredictable horse (although I tend to avoid those these days!).

I will however happily wear my air jacket alone if I am doing something of added risk. I don't notice I'm wearing it and think it is a great bit of kit. Theoretically it would be prudent to wear it at all times mounted, and my only argument for not is that I'm lazy and too tight to replace cartridges when I hop off and forget to unclip!

This, aside from the air jacket bit. Not had reason to wear a bp since 2010 sadly, only been doing rehab walking since then it seems!


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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The debate that came off of the back of Laura Collett's fall was that she claimed she owed her life to point 2. Same with all of these people who claim that if they weren't wearing one it would have made the accident better/worse - that is surely just speculation, you cannot know without simulating an identical accident. I could have been better or worse for not wearing a BP that day - I will never know because it isn't a situation I wish to repeat.

I've got into many debates on this point - it really winds me up. There is probably a statistical correlation between wearing a bp and having fewer serious injuries, but the idea of "I'd be dead if I weren't wearing one" is complete conjecture and sets my teeth on edge! I also find them restrictive, and won't wear one unless I have good reason to. Each to their own risk assessment I say!


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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My BP was thought have been a factor in my back fracturing in a fall .
I never wear one unless I must .
I do wear a point 2 when taking my young horse in the school because he's a bit unpredictable ATM .
This a personal choice thing , If I was forced to wear a BP all the time I would probably stop riding .
I think my race safe is the least loathsome I have owned .
I am thinking of a Kan though next time .


Well-Known Member
28 June 2012
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I wear mine all the time when hacking (and most of the time when schooling) after two trips to a&e in the last 12 months. i looked at the air jackets and i just couldnt see me not getting off all the time without unclipping!

I also have an rstor (again mainly for confidence). I will admit to not seeing the point pre my falls but i think it would have saved me. Again i never sue it schooling (gets in the way) but do hold it to hack. Just makes me feel better.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I think where a BP would save a life is if the rider is thrown onto something sharp that could otherwise impale them. I am not sure that an air jacket would have the same protection value. There are pros and cons of both I think.


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19 May 2012
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I wear an Aerowear Outlyne too and I don't find that it restricts my movement in the slightest. I've had two falls wearing it. The first when the horse stopped at a jump and sent me on without him. I landed on my side and wasn't even winded. The second was far more serious . Horse spun amd lost his foisting and fell with me still in the saddle. The only bit of my right side not bruised was my ribs. Again it took the whole impact of being slam dunked onto Tarmac ..oddly I remember thinking how it had absorbed the impact to my chest and ribs as I lay on the ground trying to regain my sense of which way was up.
So based on my personal experience I can only endorse Wagtail's recommendation to wear one.
I do get the impression that some people who tried the older type and found them restrictive have not tried the newer makes which if correctly fitted should not restrict movement or cause any damage if you fall off.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I think where a BP would save a life is if the rider is thrown onto something sharp that could otherwise impale them. I am not sure that an air jacket would have the same protection value. There are pros and cons of both I think.

I have been riding and living with horses for fifty years and have yet to hear of death by impalement so I will take my chance .


Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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This is a very relevant thread to me at the moment. I have always been an advocate of wearing a BP every time you ride, I have a racesafe. However I had a fall a couple of weeks ago, completely out of the blue (got dumped trying a potential purchase). I had my racesafe on, Ive fallen off in it before and not had any problems, but the way I fell onto my back this time, the bottom of it dug in and caused bruising which has been really sore :( I actually wondered whether it was too short but Im not sure that’s the case, however it has always failed to mould to be properly and lift at the shoulders a bit. I have tried an airowear outlyne and have to admit although its a bit bulkier, I much prefer it - it’s comfy, moulds to you and feels supportive and following the shape of your body somehow feels less likely to dig in. That said, I have just bitten the bullet and bought a hitair jacket which i now plan to wear everytime i ride instead of a BP. I like the fact that your neck and lower down your back are protected in a fall.


Well-Known Member
4 October 2012
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This thread has made me think about wearing my BP, I only wear it when I first buy a horse for the first couple of weeks riding, or for xc. I never wear it any other time whether it be schooling, jumping, hunting or hacking! It just annoys me :eek: I religiously wear a hat at all times though. I do find them a bit restricting as I can't really relax and move freely while riding, and also they just do not work with hunting/ jumping jackets- yes they may go over the top, but I think I have to admit I feel a bit silly wearing one as that "look" seems to stop at the age of 12 when out competing; that sounds very silly to say but it is true to a point. I plan on buying an inflatable BP some time soon, I love the idea of those

Django Pony

Well-Known Member
21 February 2010
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Not a BP, but I now don't ride without my Helite Air Jacket on. It protected me in a nasty fall, and doesn't come in to play unless you need it, so is not as restrictive as a BP.
Each to their own, but that's my two-penneth! :D


Well-Known Member
3 June 2013
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I no longer and will never again wear one, the only serious injury I have sustained is due to wearing one. I appreciate than can be life saving but, due to my experience with one, I feel safer without


Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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I no longer and will never again wear one, the only serious injury I have sustained is due to wearing one. I appreciate than can be life saving but, due to my experience with one, I feel safer without

can i ask what happened if you dont mind? would you consider an airjacket?

Nitro mouse

Well-Known Member
6 December 2010
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Everyone on my yard now wears either a BP or an air jacket. I personally have a race safe, but I am thinking of getting a hit air due to the neck protection. I have arthritis in my neck, due to a bad fall in the past.
What prompted us all to get something was after another livery broke her back. Horse ambling along the farm track with a companion cooling off after working in the school, quiet pleasant day everyone chilled and relaxed. Horse out of the blue throws one massive buck. Friend is thrown up in the air lands heavily breaks her spine.....awful shocking accident...
We are in general older riders so don't bounce as well anymore. Tbh I have gotten so used to wearing mine that I don't even think about it any more...


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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I broke my ribs being flung into a fence in the same way. I still wouldn't and won't wear one of the things unless I absolutely have to. I did get a better horse though.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2009
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I've worn mine every time I've ridden for that last 12yrs as easter 12yrs ago I was out hacking, came off my mare, got trampled (ribs and leg) and had I not been wearing it that day I would have come off a lot worse that I did! I used to wear it most of the time before expect when it was too hot, now if its too hot I wont ride! its just not worth the risk

even if you do look a bit wimpish with it on, id rather be safe!


3 May 2007
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no, sorry, won't be wearing one unless I am doing something that I feel needs it -like xc. won't wear one for backing or hacking-have yet to find one that wasn't restrictive, hot and generally horrid to wear.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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I do get the impression that some people who tried the older type and found them restrictive have not tried the newer makes which if correctly fitted should not restrict movement or cause any damage if you fall off.

I have a six year old race safe and a two year old kan, they are both restrictive to a point IMO.

I hate injuring myself and I like to think I'm safety conscious, but when you are on a shap horse that rears I think you are at a huge advantage without one on - I would have never known had he not gone up with me last year XC whilst I had my BP on - the need to move quickly and stick to him really is compromised when you have a BP on.

What I dislike is yet more pressure to wear them. "The importance of wearing a BP at all times" yes, possibly for you, but day to day it is not important for me and I loathe yet more finger wagging at people who choose not to wear them.


Well-Known Member
4 July 2012
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So sorry to hear about your friend. :( Hope she recovers very soon!

Is this the horse that bolted last time?

I personally would never wear a BP, they're cumbersome and for me, take away the joy and fluidity of riding. I hate wearing gloves and waterproofs too. Horses are dangerous. You could be wearing a BP, hat, steel toecaps, gloves, NFL style body armour etc, and get your neck stepped on. The only thing that will eliminate the risk is not getting in the saddle.

Eta the worst injury I've ever had was from falling out of bed (yeah, I know) and a bp would have prevented those injuries. Maybe I should be wearing one when I sleep...
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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I have tried loads on - but NOTHING fits, I am short and large so would have to go M2M I do wish the companies that make these things would realise not all riders are tall and slim.....I don't ride anymore so not an issue for me, but I do feel for the larger riders among us that have to go without or have one that's very uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
I have a Kan and despite it's weight I find it comfortable and non-restrictive, but I now ride in a Joy Riderz jacket, i like having a proper coat (or gilet if you zip the arms off)' with pockets and can only hope it'll help when the time comes!


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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{What I dislike is yet more pressure to wear them. "The importance of wearing a BP at all times" yes, possibly for you, but day to day it is not important for me and I loathe yet more finger wagging at people who choose not to wear them.}

Sorry.. You misunderstood me. I don't expect everyone to wear them and am alone amongst my friends that I hack out with in wearing one and I don't wear mine for riding lessons . I simply meant that judging how comfy I find mine that it would be a shame to judge them based on peoples' experience of the order types which I believe were very stiff and uncomfortable.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I have a six year old race safe and a two year old kan, they are both restrictive to a point IMO.

I hate injuring myself and I like to think I'm safety conscious, but when you are on a shap horse that rears I think you are at a huge advantage without one on - I would have never known had he not gone up with me last year XC whilst I had my BP on - the need to move quickly and stick to him really is compromised when you have a BP on.

What I dislike is yet more pressure to wear them. "The importance of wearing a BP at all times" yes, possibly for you, but day to day it is not important for me and I loathe yet more finger wagging at people who choose not to wear them.

No finger wagging at all. I feel morally bound to let people know about an accident that would have been a lot less severe had she been wearing her BP. I really don't care if people wish to do otherwise. If it saves just one person from severe injury, it would be worth posting the thread. Personally, I don't find them at all restricting if they are suited to your shape and fitted correctly. But I respect people having different views. It's your life and your body.