There's no cow on the ice
Not expecting anyone to be able to offer an epiphany, I only wanted to write it down, and get it a little bit off my chest.
Blomma is 12, spayed (so no uterus = not pyometra), and less than 3 weeks ago she started to drink more water. She has gone from drinking up to max around 1 litre per day (the same as Jonna, and Beata), to drinking around 2½, 3 litres per day.
Spent yesterday at the veterinarian clinic, did an 8 hours Cushing test, her blood was also tested for Diabetes, and had the usual liver, kidney values tested. And we went out and collected an urine sample after they had done the first of that days blood samples.
The veterinarian called earlier today, and there is no Cushing, no Diabetes, all her values are normal, the only not normal thing they found was that her urine is very diluted. Which of course isn't strange considering how much she's currently drinking.
The veterinarian is now not sure what can be causing her thirst. To find out if her body for some reason no longer is able to concentrate urine as it used to, from 18.00 this evening we're now testing to see if she can go 12 hours without water (and food). If it goes well, 06.00 tomorrow morning I will take her out for a urine sample, give her food and water afterwards, and take the sample to the veterinarian when they open.
But if she wakes me up desperately searching for water in the middle of the night/show signs of dehydration, I have to stop the test, give her water, and we will have to do the whole thing again, but for only 10 hours. And if that also doesn't work 8 hours...
Apparently there is a medication we maybe can try, which hopefully could help her concentrate her urine better again, if that is what is causing the thirst. But what if they find that she doesn't have any problem with concentrating her urine?
She have started her Autumn shedding a little before the other two, so the veterinarian said they might also want to eliminate that her thirst isn't an unusual symptom of a problem with her thyroid gland. Besides these two things, it didn't seem as if the veterinarian had any more ideas about what the problem could be/how to solve the problem.
So here I sit, waiting. Trying not to worry on beforehand, but still having nagging thoughts in the back of my head, wondering what the cause could be.
By the way, all 3 dogs was fed a portion with food and water each at around 17.50. For Jonna, and Beata that water should be enough for them to not be thirsty until tomorrow. Water bowl removed 18.00.
Berta the cat is a bit confused about why her water bowl isn't where it should be. Even though she normally likes to try to drink from watering cans, buckets, glasses, cups etc, put her + water bowl on the kitchen table, and suddenly she's a bit sceptical.
Thanks for reading, hugs or similar would be appreciated.
Updates will follow when I have any.
Blomma is 12, spayed (so no uterus = not pyometra), and less than 3 weeks ago she started to drink more water. She has gone from drinking up to max around 1 litre per day (the same as Jonna, and Beata), to drinking around 2½, 3 litres per day.
Spent yesterday at the veterinarian clinic, did an 8 hours Cushing test, her blood was also tested for Diabetes, and had the usual liver, kidney values tested. And we went out and collected an urine sample after they had done the first of that days blood samples.
The veterinarian called earlier today, and there is no Cushing, no Diabetes, all her values are normal, the only not normal thing they found was that her urine is very diluted. Which of course isn't strange considering how much she's currently drinking.
The veterinarian is now not sure what can be causing her thirst. To find out if her body for some reason no longer is able to concentrate urine as it used to, from 18.00 this evening we're now testing to see if she can go 12 hours without water (and food). If it goes well, 06.00 tomorrow morning I will take her out for a urine sample, give her food and water afterwards, and take the sample to the veterinarian when they open.
But if she wakes me up desperately searching for water in the middle of the night/show signs of dehydration, I have to stop the test, give her water, and we will have to do the whole thing again, but for only 10 hours. And if that also doesn't work 8 hours...
Apparently there is a medication we maybe can try, which hopefully could help her concentrate her urine better again, if that is what is causing the thirst. But what if they find that she doesn't have any problem with concentrating her urine?
She have started her Autumn shedding a little before the other two, so the veterinarian said they might also want to eliminate that her thirst isn't an unusual symptom of a problem with her thyroid gland. Besides these two things, it didn't seem as if the veterinarian had any more ideas about what the problem could be/how to solve the problem.
So here I sit, waiting. Trying not to worry on beforehand, but still having nagging thoughts in the back of my head, wondering what the cause could be.
By the way, all 3 dogs was fed a portion with food and water each at around 17.50. For Jonna, and Beata that water should be enough for them to not be thirsty until tomorrow. Water bowl removed 18.00.
Berta the cat is a bit confused about why her water bowl isn't where it should be. Even though she normally likes to try to drink from watering cans, buckets, glasses, cups etc, put her + water bowl on the kitchen table, and suddenly she's a bit sceptical.
Thanks for reading, hugs or similar would be appreciated.
Updates will follow when I have any.