Well-Known Member
Hi so a horse im riding at the moment has been lame for around 3 months. He is 19 years old so an older horse. In february he was given 4 weekly doses of catrophen, then last month he got his coffin joints injected. He has had this done around 2 years ago which seemed to work, and since then he had been in light work (i.e. hacking and intro/prelim dressage, a bit of showing etc...), and was given a joint supplement which seemed to keep him ticking along just fine.
This time however, its not worked and he is still lame. He is not very lame, looks sound in walk, can slightly see lameness in trot,id say maybe 2 or 3/10ths lame in the front left. Oddly enough when he first went lame 3 months ago it was his front right. Still acts like a lunatic in the field, but when riding he is definitely not quite right. I was planning to give him another two weeks off before getting the vet again.
However, I just saw an advert for a lady who does thermal scanning for horses. I was wondering if this might be beneficial to do for him? From what ive read it shows areas which there is increased blood flow, and might help pin point where the lameness is coming from.
I just wondered if anyone has had experience of thermal scanning before and is it worth doing?
I am not in any rush to ride him, and if full retirement is what is best for him then so be it. However, I do want to try my best to get to the bottom of his lameness of course.
This time however, its not worked and he is still lame. He is not very lame, looks sound in walk, can slightly see lameness in trot,id say maybe 2 or 3/10ths lame in the front left. Oddly enough when he first went lame 3 months ago it was his front right. Still acts like a lunatic in the field, but when riding he is definitely not quite right. I was planning to give him another two weeks off before getting the vet again.
However, I just saw an advert for a lady who does thermal scanning for horses. I was wondering if this might be beneficial to do for him? From what ive read it shows areas which there is increased blood flow, and might help pin point where the lameness is coming from.
I just wondered if anyone has had experience of thermal scanning before and is it worth doing?
I am not in any rush to ride him, and if full retirement is what is best for him then so be it. However, I do want to try my best to get to the bottom of his lameness of course.