this is just about the most arrogant piece I have read in a long time.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2023
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when you get on a horse that is `thinking` when yo first get on, distraction, instant distraction is my tool, teach it lateral work, so when you get on you can go straight into sideways, shoulder in, and on a circle, half pass etc, it will not harm it, and it will be too busy thinking what to do with its legs to do anything else.

if you have fed it too much as well and not lunged it first what do people expect is going to happen with a young horse

she might well be a super vet, i don`t know, but training is a whole other world.

i am left wondering if a lot of the boiling over tension that spoils the picture with dressage horses is purely due to deliberate over feeding and confining to induce the physical animated activity falsely, that should really come from a longer route in the training, short cuts.


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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My mare, is 100% rock solid out hacking, you could set a bomb off next to her, on the yard she's chilled out, in the stable and field she's calm, even on box rest she's a sweetie, so when she started spooking, bucking and cantering off in lessons it was totally out of character and there HAD to be a pain related caused (it was).

But if you have a blood horse, full of food, little turnout and bred to be sharp, how do you distinguish between pain and general "brain not engaging with body" behaviour? My TB would have moments in the school and it usually meant we were overdue a blast out hacking.

I don’t know, I like my horses sedate and quiet and have no aspirations to fling myself over big jumps at speed or win proper classes 😆
I suppose because ime a fit blood horse, even if its being a bit lively, will behave in a completely different way to a horse who is feeling sore or anticipating being sore or expecting some sort of reaction from the rider having been lively.

So if I'm on something that's feeling well and jolly and bursting out of its skin, I might expect a spook or a bounce (definitely not a rear) and a bit of joie de vivre, but equally I'd expect to be able to ride out of it and eventually get some work done. A horse which is displaying an aversion to work, reactive in the same spot in the arena every time, or when doing a particular thing like coming off a straight onto a turn, and where the behaviour then escalates after the initial thing into something far worse, is worthy of an investigation (could be physical, could be management related, but that backwards/sideways/up behaviour shown in the video would be multiple physical red flags to me).


Well-Known Member
9 May 2019
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I suppose because ime a fit blood horse, even if its being a bit lively, will behave in a completely different way to a horse who is feeling sore or anticipating being sore or expecting some sort of reaction from the rider having been lively.

So if I'm on something that's feeling well and jolly and bursting out of its skin, I might expect a spook or a bounce (definitely not a rear) and a bit of joie de vivre, but equally I'd expect to be able to ride out of it and eventually get some work done. A horse which is displaying an aversion to work, reactive in the same spot in the arena every time, or when doing a particular thing like coming off a straight onto a turn, and where the behaviour then escalates after the initial thing into something far worse, is worthy of an investigation (could be physical, could be management related, but that backwards/sideways/up behaviour shown in the video would be multiple physical red flags to me).

Exactly this. The spooking in that video and in others I have seen are not what I consider to be ‘normal’ high jinx spooking. Definitely not a horse I’d be shoving draw reins on and making to work until it was exhausted to teach it a lesson (which is completely pointless as the horse will not associate the lesson with the spooking).

I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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If my horses arent happy to see their tack then there is an issue. Usually pain but sometimes management. Leo used to call to me when he saw me with his harness, thats how much he enjoyed his job. I put one weird outburst down to a new batch of hay that was early cut and not rested enough. The second time I knew there was an issue and he ended up never being driven again. He does the odd pony ride for kids and some light hacking now and loves his life. We wont ever ask any more of him than that.

I could easily have managed him and ignored the outbursts, but I have always wanted my horses happy and enjoying work. Theres no pleasure for me in working with a horse thats miserable.


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23 December 2010
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She appears to a bad temper she appears addicted to shouting and ridiculous outbursts .That’s bad luck for her people like that are never good horse trainers unless it’s countered by extreme talent on the riding and feel side .

I find it extraordinary that people pay to trust her with their animals .

Is the horse is video sore in some way I have no idea but is it possible that a spirted sharp horse reacts like that when a rider rushes home with the inside of her head looking a food processor making breadcrumbs ( because that what see in my head when I read these outbursts ) as she processes the ridiculous fact that parents have to pick their children school and that causes traffic .
You need the right vibe to deal with sharp horses I suspect she may struggle with that .

I am older and so struggle to understand why anyone wants to post this sort of stuff on line .
I wonder too if she has a temper problem. She controls her FB comments by simply removing anyone who doesn't agree but of course you can't just remove the horse you are trying to school if it doesn't agree. She doesn't seem to realise that just because she has 20 minutes in her busy schedule at precisely 3.20m to work the horse it has similar ideas.

She has no calmness, I'm sure they pick up on that. Also if her FB is anything to go by I suspect she argues.

I have looked at several TRT article/pages and most of the horses there are of similar types to hers. Many come in on their front feet, hind feet or any other combination but he works on calmness showing them how to be calm ie basic groundwork. None of her videos show her working on this aspect either initially in hand and then under saddle. This area seems to be missing.


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20 February 2008
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The facebook post has just come up on my page - I don't now why as I don't follow her. I wasn't going to reply as I know it's pointless, but I was so angry at the congratulatory relies, that I have. I don't expect a response but I don't think she should get away with thinking that the way she treats horses is OK. She's put on a follow up post with the mare jumping - in the school again. The fact that she is a vet petrifies me - to proudly announce that you've worked something to the point of exhaustion is dreadful - any other animal it would be condemned but it's Ok because it will teach the horse a lesson.


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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The facebook post has just come up on my page - I don't now why as I don't follow her. I wasn't going to reply as I know it's pointless, but I was so angry at the congratulatory relies, that I have. I don't expect a response but I don't think she should get away with thinking that the way she treats horses is OK. She's put on a follow up post with the mare jumping - in the school again. The fact that she is a vet petrifies me - to proudly announce that you've worked something to the point of exhaustion is dreadful - any other animal it would be condemned but it's Ok because it will teach the horse a lesson.
The jumping video is very interesting ...


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2 January 2009
Location my wellies
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I agree with GS and paddy555 about her temper
She always seems to be looking for a fight - with people who question her riding or disagree with her (aka trolls), people who leave her gate open, her own horses, anyone really
She’s also quite unreasonable and appears to be slightly paranoid, reading into comments negativity which isn’t there.


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29 January 2008
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So someone expert put me straight please. She has a video of her hacking on a path through a huge puddle then she starts trotting on a firm surface. It is a hat cam or body cam video so can only see the horses ears. The footfalls sounded very uneven and the horses head seemed to be nodding at times. I was just thinking "is he lame" when she said "For anyone who thinks he's lame, he's not I'm doing rising trot". I am just curious as I had literally just thought this. Am I wrong are the uneven footsteps usual? I haven't ridden for years but have owned many a lame horse in my time! Thanks to those who know what they're talking about :)


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20 February 2008
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She did reply to me. I'm a troll because I commented on the original post and then the one of her jumping. She also must have gone through my facebook history as she commented on a review I'd posted on some food I'd bought! Also a very patronizing comment about my ' sweet little pony' and how we obviously rode very different types of horses. If she comes back again I won't bother to reply. I


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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She did reply to me. I'm a troll because I commented on the original post and then the one of her jumping. She also must have gone through my facebook history as she commented on a review I'd posted on some food I'd bought! Also a very patronizing comment about my ' sweet little pony' and how we obviously rode very different types of horses. If she comes back again I won't bother to reply. I
Did you criticise the chef? Can you actually cook? 😂


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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She did reply to me. I'm a troll because I commented on the original post and then the one of her jumping. She also must have gone through my facebook history as she commented on a review I'd posted on some food I'd bought! Also a very patronizing comment about my ' sweet little pony' and how we obviously rode very different types of horses. If she comes back again I won't bother to reply. I
I wouldn't know how to do that, even if I had thought to do it. And I say this as someone who will sleuth when the occasion calls for it but just... wow!

ETA - heck I don't even know how to find my own history of reviews left let alone anyone else's.

cauda equina

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2 February 2014
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She did reply to me. I'm a troll because I commented on the original post and then the one of her jumping. She also must have gone through my facebook history as she commented on a review I'd posted on some food I'd bought! Also a very patronizing comment about my ' sweet little pony' and how we obviously rode very different types of horses. If she comes back again I won't bother to reply. I
I'd be tempted to call her a troll - sauce for the goose and all that!


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14 September 2001
Hants, England
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She did reply to me. I'm a troll because I commented on the original post and then the one of her jumping. She also must have gone through my facebook history as she commented on a review I'd posted on some food I'd bought! Also a very patronizing comment about my ' sweet little pony' and how we obviously rode very different types of horses. If she comes back again I won't bother to reply. I

I’ve found the comments. You don’t understand because your horse isn’t bred to jump! silly you 😂


Well-Known Member
1 June 2021
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Exactly this. The spooking in that video and in others I have seen are not what I consider to be ‘normal’ high jinx spooking. Definitely not a horse I’d be shoving draw reins on and making to work until it was exhausted to teach it a lesson (which is completely pointless as the horse will not associate the lesson with the spooking).

The one where the horse pulled away (to put it mildly) from going to the mounting block hardly seemed normal behaviour to me but I also don’t own competition horses so what would I know…. Other than if that was my horse’s reaction to being mounted I would consider what on earth was wrong and certainly not get on unless they seemed happy for me to. Stupid pony hugger that I am.

That’s the video where she threatened them to 24/7 turnout if they didn’t “give her a break”


Well-Known Member
24 October 2020
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The one where the horse pulled away (to put it mildly) from going to the mounting block hardly seemed normal behaviour to me but I also don’t own competition horses so what would I know…. Other than if that was my horse’s reaction to being mounted I would consider what on earth was wrong and certainly not get on unless they seemed happy for me to. Stupid pony hugger that I am.

That’s the video where she threatened them to 24/7 turnout if they didn’t “give her a break”
See I hate this “but competition horses” I’ve had/have still ride competition horses and they are all quite well behaved albeit sharp but never on earth have they reacted like they are at the end of the tether like hers seem to be everyday


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24 October 2020
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Oh dear me - I’ve just read that 🙈 The fact she only talks about spurs being used to keep a horse in front of the leg says it all !
I’m starting to think the basics are missing you know 🙈. I couldn’t read it all because I think my eyes may fall out their sockets from eye rolling haha


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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She did reply to me. I'm a troll because I commented on the original post and then the one of her jumping. She also must have gone through my facebook history as she commented on a review I'd posted on some food I'd bought! Also a very patronizing comment about my ' sweet little pony' and how we obviously rode very different types of horses. If she comes back again I won't bother to reply. I

Have just gone back to her page and the good news is that we, some of us, now have a name. "the boring behaviour brigade"

chianti is it you she addressed the comment "bore off you boring old bag" to? the one with the "sweet little fluffy cob" or someone else. (I won't put that FB posters initials on here)

What keeps on amazing me (and she really is the gift that keeps on giving) is that a professional ie a vet would use the remark "bore off you boring old bag" to anyone on an open FB page. That really does beggar belief from a professional on a page which is called by her business name.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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Have just gone back to her page and the good news is that we, some of us, now have a name. "the boring behaviour brigade"

chianti is it you she addressed the comment "bore off you boring old bag" to? the one with the "sweet little fluffy cob" or someone else. (I won't put that FB posters initials on here)

What keeps on amazing me (and she really is the gift that keeps on giving) is that a professional ie a vet would use the remark "bore off you boring old bag" to anyone on an open FB page. That really does beggar belief from a professional on a page which is called by her business name.

How has this woman got any clients??


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Vets are not needed to be saints , we tend to have them on a bit of a pedestal .
Just because you are a vet does not mean you are a great trainer , rider or have any special empathy for horses, they can be as talented or as useless as all riders .
I love she threatened to let her horses live out .
It’s really funny and as for saying you can not have an opinion until you have ridden down to 1.20 many of us have ,does she not get that .


Well-Known Member
20 February 2008
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Have just gone back to her page and the good news is that we, some of us, now have a name. "the boring behaviour brigade"

chianti is it you she addressed the comment "bore off you boring old bag" to? the one with the "sweet little fluffy cob" or someone else. (I won't put that FB posters initials on here)

What keeps on amazing me (and she really is the gift that keeps on giving) is that a professional ie a vet would use the remark "bore off you boring old bag" to anyone on an open FB page. That really does beggar belief from a professional on a page which is called by her business name.
Did you criticise the chef? Can you actually cook? 😂
Yes. That's me. if I was going to have a tomb stone I might put it on it. I'm quite happy to be part of a behaviour brigade as it must mean I look at horses to check they're ok. In some ways I actually feel sorry for her because in spite of the qualifications and the many horses she owns/has owned and the competition level I don't think she's ever actually known or loved a horse. I've owned three and have known and loved every inch of them. This includes the 'sweet little fluffy cob' that she was so bloody patronizing about! That poor mare isn't right in some way but because of her arrogance she can't and won't see it. She actually quibbled about what level of exhaustion the poor mare had experienced. The lack of professionalism is appalling but so many on her page love her so I don't suppose it matters. She certainly seems to get by on part time work.