this is just about the most arrogant piece I have read in a long time.


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10 September 2021
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I had screen shot it from Tattle after googling it from here and I have shared it over PM...

I hope that doesn't break rules...I'm not a social media expert by far. Although I guess it does show about being careful what you type as once it's been screenshot by someone there is a permanent record.

I actually feel desperately sad for the rider and her friends and family. Such an awful thing to have can't actually put it into words and I just feel for all that have been left behind.

I think I just find it incredibly strange for something so upsetting, so sobering, so sad, so unfair that instead of having the thoughts I had that they instantly thought about themselves.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Shite. I deleted my offer to paraphrase it because I thought it might be unfair. But I'm so shocked what she thought to publish that I will do it after all.

Knowing that there had been a very serious accident, (probably knowing there had been a death?) she wrote a thank you with pictures to the 3 horses who she has evented to 3* and 4* for keeping her safe and said this is why they have a retirement where they want for nothing.

That's all. No thoughts for the rider, no hope she's safe, no waiting to see how badly hurt she was and absolutely zero understanding that by praising her own horses for keeping her safe she has blamed the horse and also by implication the rider.


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12 August 2017
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I've just searched for a post on Tattle about this vet, and it looks like back in 2022 they were talking about her unprofessional behaviour online. I've only seen one page and they mention an online group of people who have run up against her posting somewhere called 'Well Hill Blog' on Facebook; that may be of use to anyone who is putting in a complaint (or may be a b!tch fest, I'm not on facebook so haven't seen it). The post mentioning this blog is dated 2022 so not sure if it's still active.

I'm not going to waste any more time on the Tattle thread as it's clear from this thread what she's like, and this one is less ranty!


Well-Known Member
16 July 2023
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I have been a silent watcher of this thread for a while but just have to say that the original post absolutely sickens me.

Maybe she is lucky enough to have not experienced grief in her life but since the vast majority of us will have lost someone close in our lives, I think that kind of post is absolutely unacceptable. Particularly as she purports to be a professional. Honestly at a loss for words.


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20 December 2023
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Never commented before.

Thought at least we could get a deferential silence over the shocking death of a fellow rider with all her life still left to live.

But no, the initial Bicton news an opportunity for self-aggrandizement. To add, this is cloaked in secrecy being *eventing* news that will trickle down to all the peasants in due course...

And now, an unfunny photo of a horse in a fly mask, claiming to be the beacon of brightness post we are all looking for right now... Tone deaf as well as devoid of any empathy.

RIP Georgie, my heart aches at this unfairness for you and all that knew you.


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4 April 2024
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Going back to earlier comments - there were some interesting reports and videos/photos in the Well Hill Blog for a while, but I think the group has been made private now. Natalie is apparently fine to keep having digs at neighbours, and respond positively when her followers make comments about goats, but nothing is allowed in return.

As for the arson, Natalie put the story out that it was a neighbouring person (in one of the other yards down the track) who set fire to the stables. No action was taken by the police as there was no proof. However, it would appear that there had been several arsons with similar MOs in the area in recent times. There's no way to know what happened, but the story that it was jealous or horrid neighbours clearly attracted more sympathy. Many of the people in the neighbouring yards appeared horrified by this - some were the ones who actually called the fire brigade for her as they were nearby and saw the fire - she didn't as she wasn't there at the time.

Back when the Tokyo Olympics were in full swing, I am sure that the only related post that went up was one with a report about how Natalie went to Tokyo to compete in some equestrian team many years ago. Like it was on a parallel - or even more important, or a bigger achievement - than the Olympics and people competing in them.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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A day in the life…. post 1- ‘me, me, my fab horses, me’. Post 2. Announce the tragic news. Post 3- retract the news as ‘it’s not my place to say’ and reassure everyone that ‘I’m ok’. Express sympathy - sort of - ‘no words’. Post 4 ok that’s enough of that, here’s a silly picture of my horse and a sponsor tag, as we need a ‘bright post to end the day’.

Has anyone ever been quite so tone deaf? She’s not wired right.


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25 February 2016
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A day in the life…. post 1- ‘me, me, my fab horses, me’. Post 2. Announce the tragic news. Post 3- retract the news as ‘it’s not my place to say’ and reassure everyone that ‘I’m ok’. Express sympathy - sort of - ‘no words’. Post 4 ok that’s enough of that, here’s a silly picture of my horse and a sponsor tag, as we need a ‘bright post to end the day’.

Has anyone ever been quite so tone deaf? She’s not wired right.
Sounds like a true narcissist. I worked for one once - should have guessed when he talked all about himself at my interview. HR tried to get him to see his team had different personalities by getting us all to do Myers Briggs type stuff and then they plotted the results. He was hugely skewed in one direction - but that meant he was superman and the rest of us were useless 🙄

He also loved the adoration of other people and was nasty to anyone who suggested he wasn't as wonderful as he thought he was.


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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Who even thinks to start a sentence about the death of anyone by saying "This obviously isnt/wasn't me"?

1. No shit Sherlock, you're writing so we can assume you are alive.

2. You aren't, though you seem to believe you are, one of the people who anyone is worrying about right now. You weren't even competing, never mind at Bicton. How could anyone possibly have thought it might be you who died?

She's looking like a shoe-in for narcissistic personality disorder now.

Here's hoping Georgie's family, friends, connections, everyone who saw the fall and anyone else feeling impacted by it is doing OK, or as well as they can be, this morning.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
14 January 2012
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Who even thinks to start a sentence about the death of anyone by saying "This obviously isnt/wasn't me"?

1. No shit Sherlock, you're writing so we can assume you are alive.

2. You aren't, though you seem to believe you are, one of the people who anyone is worrying about right now. You weren't even competing, never mind at Bicton. How could anyone possibly have thought it might be you who died?

She's looking like a shoe-in for narcissistic personality disorder now.

Here's hoping Georgie's family, friends, connections, everyone who saw the fall and anyone else feeling impacted by it is doing OK, or as well as they can be, this morning.

Exactly why would you even feel the need to say it wasn't you when you're clearly alive to write that, believe it not you are not the most important person!


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I'm somewhat impressed that someone must have managed to say something that stuck in order for her to delete it.

What I don't really get is that even if you're prone to saying the wrong thing in this sort of scenario the social convention is STRONG and not complicated re. what it's appropriate/expected to say.


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24 October 2020
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On this vein, dressage hub have insinuated that the tragic death of a dressage rider yesterday, after a fall from the horse they were riding which slipped over at walk, is due to bad riding practices. Disgusting individual.
Some of DH’s stuff is spot on then you read her posts about the dressage rider and facepalm. Imagine having the audacity to be that much of a sh!thead to say something like that


13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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Something from BadEventer popped up on my feed yesterday, no idea why as I don't follow her, and it was a huge b1tchfest about someone who had dared to have a (fairly polite) difference of opinion than her, which she happily engaged in, and then started two new threads riling up her supporters into ganging up on the woman.

Is this a recognised trait amongst equine "influencers"? Being an utter b!tch?

Mrs. Jingle

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17 September 2009
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Something from BadEventer popped up on my feed yesterday, no idea why as I don't follow her, and it was a huge b1tchfest about someone who had dared to have a (fairly polite) difference of opinion than her, which she happily engaged in, and then started two new threads riling up her supporters into ganging up on the woman.

Is this a recognised trait amongst equine "influencers"? Being an utter b!tch?

I do wonder if the yard bully of old who used to strut about trying to turn the rest of the yard onto some poor hapless soul, usually the quiet mind their own business one, has now morphed into equestrian influencers. Seem to have very similar ghastly personality traits.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Something from BadEventer popped up on my feed yesterday, no idea why as I don't follow her, and it was a huge b1tchfest about someone who had dared to have a (fairly polite) difference of opinion than her, which she happily engaged in, and then started two new threads riling up her supporters into ganging up on the woman.

Is this a recognised trait amongst equine "influencers"? Being an utter b!tch?

To be fair, I don’t think some of the very successful influencers have that trait - they’re not perfect, for sure, but it’s hard to see ThisEsme or Megan Elphick as utter b*tches. They come across pretty well generally. It’s not the vibe I get from any of the VE squad actually. Not that I’m a huge consumer of any of their content, to be fair. I’m just here for pretty photos and slow motion videos of ponies…

I think it’s the wannabes who are so unpleasant.


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11 May 2019
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Her recent 10 second video of her horse jumping a log has the comment ‘I really needed to see something lovely today, and that was it. Perfect. Thank you for sharing’.

I don’t understand! I honestly think her fans are partly to blame for her ego.

Until this thread started I thought I was the only one to find this all so nauseating. Am I a bad person?! How does she have so many people wrapped up in her?