Those of you with more than one horse..


Well-Known Member
25 March 2011
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I have 2 and I don't have favourites. My welsh section a has been with me 7 years and counting and I adore him, despite the fact he can be an utter git, because he just has so much charm and character. My Connemara is newer, it will be 3 years in a week or so, but he is just such an utter darling that it's impossible not to love him to bits. They are like chalk and cheese (or black and white as that is what they literally are!) so they are too different to compare like that really. I think I would have favourites if I had more, but with two it's easy to share the love.


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1 May 2010
Rothbury Northumberland
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I have four, three horses and a baby cob, I love them all, but my TB and Trotter X are special, my Trotter X, I loved him from the first second I saw him and still tell him he's gorgeous every day, I have had to get tough with him as he's very jealous and chases the others off, I've had him five years now, my TB is very much a mummy's boy, at 17 2hh, he amuses me daily when he looks to me for protection, my WB mare loves being groomed, has hair like mine (untameable) and takes no cr*p from anyone, I just love her for who she is, my baby cob, he is a hairy version of my Trotter X, escape artist, needs to be up close, has a sense of humour, all totally different characters, all very loveable in their own right


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4 March 2008
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I usually have two, sometimes three, and I have always had a favourite. But this year I have two four year olds bought at about the same time and they are both E-NOR-MOUS characters and I love them both equally. I never thought that would happen.

If I was forced to sell one, I have no idea which I would choose. One is potentially more athletic, and taller, but he isn't as brave or as forward. Both are utterly loving and lovable and each in their own way looks a picture.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Yes I have a favorite I always do ,
I like them all and admire their different qualities but have a soft spot for J .
But then again I do love fatty he's so cheeky and makes me laugh every day.

Spring Feather

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30 December 2010
North America
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Yes I have favourites. I'm not sure how many horses I own but it's somewhere around 20 or 30 and I have 3 or 4 favourites. In my head I have them all in categories and I have one favourite in each category.

Crosshill Pacers

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4 May 2012
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We have 17 (two of them are mine outright, and Star is definitely my favourite even though I love Missile too). Of the others, my OH's dad's favourite is probably Eternal, OH's favourite (and mine too) is Tracey. We also have a favourite foal each of the four, OH's is Amy and mine is Wilko. I think it's human nature!

We treat them all the same though despite having favourites.

Peregrine Falcon

Looking forward to drier days
1 July 2008
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I love all of mine. They have different characters so I like the different aspects of these. They do different things to make me smile and I'd be hard pressed to pick a favourite.


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1 October 2009
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I have two but I love my mare the most. I need her like I need oxygen to breath. We have a fantastic relationship that will never be replicated. I feel responsible for my gelding and have affection for him, but we've never quite jelled. He's a big beautiful boy but he's now for sale and I'm doing all I can to get him the right home and secure his future.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2013
Western Australia
I have 6.. I love my main endurance horse the best. Not just for what he does for me but for his utterly sweet, people pleasing, will do anything for you character. He's at the bottom of the pecking order in the herd so needs extra cuddles to make up for it (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).


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11 December 2004
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My favourite is whoever I am working with at the time.

If I had to choose one to sell on any given day, that would also alter.


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16 March 2008
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I must be the only one with a favourite then!

I have 3 horses and one of them is the absolute apple of my eye- he is head and shoulders above the others and tbh, he is ahead of most humans i know too!


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3 March 2014
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I have 3 and love them all but I have a special bond with my old TB that was built bringing him back to health when I got him. Ironically he only came to me as a life long companion to the cob I was getting and part of the deal that I took both. So i guess he is my favorite. I adore the cob for very different reasons but the TB is just special to me. The other cob is lovely, I'm not really a mare person although she gets as much fuss and attention as the others


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1 August 2006
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My initial reaction to this was no, I love them all for different reasons... then I thought about it, and realised I love Buster the one-balled-stallion:

He's a flashy stamp of a Shilstone Rocks Dartmoor.
He's amazingly versatile; the right horse no matter what we're doing: Hunting, pony rides, hacking, local show, gymkhana, parades, driving the town mayor, even logging - all taken in his stride.
He reads minds - especially when the mind in question is thinking 'let's have a gallop'
He's such a good doer that if they were all like him I would never have to buy any hay.

...but most of all, he's the first youngster I ever broke, and I'm very proud of him.


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29 September 2013
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I love all mine completely and unconditionally. However, I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't admit to having a real soft spot for my little old welsh B. She's been with us the longest (11 years -ish) and means the absolute world to me. I don't know I would say she is my favourite but she definately has a special place in my heart.


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25 October 2010
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Yep. I do. But it changes every time i am focusing on some particular thing. If i'm riding, my riding horse is my fave. If i'm driving, my driving horse is the fave, and if im showing the show horse is my fave lol this is usually seasonal.


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1 June 2012
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I don't technically have two as my old horse now belongs to YO, however I still ride him a lot. I always think I have done the right thing by buying another and by god I do love her, but when I get back on my old horse after a few weeks of not sitting on him- it feels like home and I find it hard to choose! He was my first ever horse though and is such a gent, so I think the 'first love' googly eyes have an influence. He just melts me heart in a way no other horse has! Just a shame he wasn't the all rounder I wanted!

I love them both to the earth and back, but for different reasons :)


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16 October 2006
Herts, UK
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Now I just have Fudge and Lady, it's whichever one is behaving best as others have said. They are very different so I love different things about them. When I had Merl I'd have picked he as he 'needed' me, behaved better for me than anyone else and he was the only one I was riding.


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2 June 2010
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I try not too but there is just something about my mare, she gives me a buzz that I don't get from my gelding. She also annoys me more than he does and causes me far more trouble and grief but I am a happier person when I have her to ride :). I do wonder if it's because she lives in so I've spent more time with her than him as he is out 24/7. I would say I love them both equally but just prefer riding her for some reason, more of a challenge I guess!


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10 December 2008
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I have mine and my share horse but pretty much have the share horse to myself so it's like they're both mine. I've actually known my share horse longer than mine. I love them both equally and for different things.

In some ways they're very similar (apart from both being big and grey!) in that they they're generally good eggs and do everything they're supposed to and neither has a nasty bone in their body. After that, they're polar opposites and literally everything that's good about one, the other is lacking and vice versa.

M is incredibly laid back, A is a bit sparky
A is everybody's friend in the field despite being bottom of the pecking order. Both dominant horses seem to take him under their wing and share things with him that they won't let the others share! M is a loner and the one source of trouble in a generally very happy herd as he'll lash out at horses who invade his space. They tend to leave him alone most of the time though.
A is 100% in traffic, M is genuinely frightened by transit vans after an unfortunate incident. Luckily freezing is his way of dealing with this.
A loves hacking, M gets quite worried by it, especially on his own and vice versa in the school.
M learns quickly and never gets stressed at anything new. He just seems to process it and work it out. Ask Archie to do anything new and not only will it take forever, but until he gets it he'll have a tantrum every time you ask him.
A is cwtchy, M is aloof
A has good hooves but bad feet, M has good feet but bad hooves.
M has a lovely tail but a puny mane A has apuny tail and a decent mane.
M loves to jump, it's the one time he lights up. A can't jump any more but didn't really enjoy it when he did (probably as he was in pain)

The list could go on on and on. If you combined the good points of the two you would have the perfect horse! But flaws and all, I love them both the same and love doing different things with them.


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22 April 2012
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I have two, I love them both but for different reasons. My little mare was my first horse and taught me what owning a horse was all about. I've had her for ten years, we've hacked for hours and hours and although she is a stroppy cow, I wouldn't change her for the world. My gelding is a super sensitive ex racehorse who I have learned so much with. He has taught me to sit tight, to be more effective, to give the horse confidence. We have an incredibly strong bond and I adore him, but I wouldn't say I love him more than my mare.


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8 February 2011
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Out of my horses, my donkey is my favouite : ) just for having so much more character and intelligence than the his small eared cousins. He's my number one stress reliever and time waster.


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21 April 2007
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I used to have a favourite but out of my current two I don't, they are so different. The gelding isn't broken yet, but is very affectionate and loves people. He whinnies to me in the field, comes at a gallop and so on. So he's very loveable. The mare is a greedy pig who couldn't care less about affection - the only time she shows interest is when you have a bucket in your hand. But, under saddle she is incredibly responsive and we have an almost telepathic bond. So she makes up for the on-the-ground indifference.

To be honest, I would love to have just one but as we keep them at home it would be cruel.


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14 August 2005
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I've given this a lot of thought and really can't pick a favourite.
1st is safe as houses, cheeky and I'm so comfortable with her I'll do anything and go anywhere with her but she's only affectionate on her terms.
2nd can be nutty on ground, twitchy or plants when ridden, very affectionate and will come to you when call her even if you up 10 times a day. Backed this year so not got to the stage of being really comfortable and safe with her.

Just read Nudibranch post and I could have written that for my pair :)


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22 July 2010
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My favourite is my mare who I have had from her birth and she is now 24 and retired. She has less personality than my riding pony but there is just something about her that makes her my favourite. I think we just know each other really well. She is directly favoured and gets the good things first and the best feed bucket or hay pile or whatever. She is top of the pecking order so would get this anyway, but if that changed I would still make sure she was still treated by me as number 1.


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9 May 2007
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I have two; an arab and a WbxTb. I love them both equally for different reasons.

The arab I've had for years and was my first horse. We have a strong bond together because of the time that we spent with just the two of us. I'd trust her to hack out anywhere and trust her with my 5 year old niece to handle and ride. She is a rock!

The WbxTb I haven't had as long but we went through a tough time together when she had colic and was on box rest which meant that we really bonded. She had a lot of problems when I got her and I've love seeing her become much more happy and settled.

If I had to pick a favourite it would be the arab, I just adore her :)