Video Thoughts please....


Well-Known Member
27 December 2011
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Sorry Angel7, I appreciate that there is a potted history here, I do genuinely appreciate yours, and others, thoughts and's why I asked....Ill try to explain as briefly as possible...
He arrived here in May last year.
When he initially went lame (off hind) he was taken to the vets for foot x-rays but the WLD was discovered and we already knew his feet were a mess. Vet suggested to treat WLD and see how he was plus he had Danilon. He was no longer lame after 4 weeks of intensive farriery and sorting WLD. Then we discovered a broken tooth, that was sorted. Farrier and foot cleaning treatments ongoing. He seemed more comfortable. Then I found a small bleeding lump inside his thigh, vet called, we kept an eye on it bearing a sarcoid in mind. In less than a month it turned into a large, ulcerated mess...despite best efforts it was clearly getting worse. Vet came out again and discovered 4 more on and around his sheath. Laser surgery was recommended as soon as possible as being the best way to get rid. He was insanely itchy when he arrived, he was jabbed for mites, treated with Deosect, fly rugged from from to back. Rubbed his mane raw etc. So I hogged and de-feathered him to make it easier to treat plus easier for the farrier.
Laser surgery was done in September. It all went well and he recovered really well and quickly. All was going well. Then as the weather got wetter the field got very boggy...landlord dropped 18T of hard-core in our gateway etc. Pony got very sore again. Farrier came and pared his frogs back as they grow fast and he was much better. Physio saw him, said he was sore/tense across his back and gave us stretches to do. Come December he's now apparently not footsore, Physio and farrier give us the go ahead to put him under saddle and see how he goes. He was NOT a happy bunny, pain face, chewing relentlessly at the bit, walking as though he was on hot coals. Vet back out, bute trial....then farrier back out and decides feet are just about good enough to put front shoes on...he had not had shoes in 18 months and he was apparently fully shod before this. The difference was almost instant....then I take the above videos, watch them over and over and know he's not right....which leads us to now.
I'm hoping that covers most of it.