Well-Known Member
I am sure I have told before how Toby has pulled down the bird table to get to the coconut shell that was filled with fat and seed and how he eats his dinner so fast he is retching at the same time (its gross) - well today he surpassed himself!
Every morning after doing the horses I feed the cat, feed the dogs and this morning I chucked out some scraps into the chicken pen. I went in to make a cup of tea, came out and there's Toby in the chicken pen, he'd polished up all the scraps. For Gods Sake he had just within minutes finished his breakfast - he must have jumped the four ft wire enclosure to get in there.
Is there no end to his greediness?
Every morning after doing the horses I feed the cat, feed the dogs and this morning I chucked out some scraps into the chicken pen. I went in to make a cup of tea, came out and there's Toby in the chicken pen, he'd polished up all the scraps. For Gods Sake he had just within minutes finished his breakfast - he must have jumped the four ft wire enclosure to get in there.
Is there no end to his greediness?