Towerlands Welsh Medal show-My worst experience ever!


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4 January 2007
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Can't remember who said it earlier but the description 'yobs with cobs' seems appropriate after reading some of the posts on here.

Horse abuse is wrong regardless of how it's done! Winding a horse up with bags, bottles or screeching like Saturday night chavs is awful and shame on those of you who can't see that. And no that isn't how a showing experience should be. Downright disgraceful. Idiots.
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Well-Known Member
8 November 2011
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Sorry shouldn't really be on here - should be watching BGT!
Is there anyone out there in their right minds that would have put in complaints at a show like that, or for that matter confronted these people? I would have been eaten alive. Not a coward but also not suicidal.
As for Market-Trader, well they have dug a hole big enough not just for themselves but all the 'element' involved. They have basically said that everything I pointed out had happened plus added the extra gingering-up that I knew nothing about. The only difference is they believe it to be acceptable and nobody elses business.
Gingering up, are these people for real, never have I heard of anything so abhorrent, I can't actually comprehend that this goes on.
We should have swab tests taken and any owners found guilty should be put in an arena with chilli peppers up their backside, hand grenades thrown behind them and see which one is the best high-stepper then.
How on earth the studs in Wales view this post with the comments made - They are the ones with the centuries of breeding behind the cob - not this new age crowd.
Finally I will reiterate that I found that it was this element involved that is to blame and any showman who does not behave in this manner is the type of showman and their cob I wish to see, admire and feel that sense of excitement seeing these fantastic animals.


11 February 2011
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So Cambrica you are now saying the show organizers are also non approachable and that you couldnt have discreetly mentioned the incidents to them ! total rubbish and a cowards excuse ! either that or you actually witnessed nothing ! sounds like sour grapes as you were 3rd out of three ! there are massive amount of photos from this show and im sure you can still find the culprits to name and shame , im pleased you have decided to never show there again as you have done very little other than moan, insult exhibitors the show in general and now the organizers, and bad mouthed in general with no proof ! to back up your allegations, perhaps you should consider giving your time into organizing a show yourself dealing with the hard work involved and enter yourself at least that way you might have a happy day ! i have heard some stories but such rubbish that you couldnt report the problems is just a total joke.


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24 March 2012
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lledrith - I think your post was well said.

I take great offence to the poster who classed people as yobs with cobs and chavs!! I own and breed welsh cobs and work damn hard to keep them, look after them and turn them out into a standard where I can compete them, just like the minority of welsh pony and cob owners - and to be classed as either of these two stero-types is highly offensive! Why would you use the term chav is it because of the way these so called people dress?:confused:

To the originator of this post, you have had the balls to come onto a forum to air your views so why did you not have them with you to complain at the show, I am sure the show organiser would have been very proffessional and taken your concern/complaint and actioned it, as you or someone else referred to previously if you saw a child being struck in the supermarket would you go and tell the parents it was wrong.......maybe if they were wearing office clothes, perhaps not if they were wearing a tracksuit and gold earings!!!


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23 March 2012
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With regards to Camprica's recent comments, I have not dug an hole by no means i was just telling you and dogodders on here that we all know this goes on whether we deem it right or wrong you are in no position to comment. I also told you some hometruths which by the sounds of it you are quite upset about.

You and many others on this thread state that I was insulting and disrespectful, maybe you should have a look at all your previous quotes and many others alike, you and many others started insulting people on here before I even knew this thread existed so to then go on and say that I was insulting is an absolute joke. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. You initially wrote in your first post that you welcomed opinions, opinions is what you have got. If you didn't want honest opinions except ones that were agreeing with you, you should have kept your small minded comments to yourself along with others on here.

People have had alot to say as to what they beleive the welsh owners are like i.e. Yobs with Cobs - We only ever get aggressive or defensive when people who quite clearly just manufacture lies and try to attack us Yobs with Cobs.

People's comments regarding the Geler Pearl's death about it being down to abuse should have kept their idiotic views to themselves becasue when this happened, AGAIN somebody who did not know the casue of death got straight on this forum and started shouting horse abuse this caused a stir on here also in which the Owner put an accurate account of what happened on here - you do not beleive me check it!! So in future before you have anything to say check your facts and make sure they are correct before you cause hurt and distress to owners for no apparent reason other than your own stupidness and vocal problem (being that you cannot keep your mouth closed until you know what you are actually talking about). (GO AHEAD LYNCH ME YOU KNOW FULL WELL I AM RIGHT)

It seems to me that you moan about horses being too fat, too excited... Well I moan when a horse is too skinny to show and would prefer to be left in the field than actually in a show ring.

Horses are like children they need discipline, (this does not mean I condone child abuse before you all start ringing NSPCC and trying to make me out to be Myra Hindley!!), my point is you cannot put a Section D Stallion on the naughty step!! Would you discipline your child two or three hours after the incident NO you wouldn't because then they wouldn't know why you are punishing them, you do it on the spot of misbehaivour. Exactly the same with horses....

I see that not any of you commented on riders use of whips and spurs is this because I was right and you cannot admit that at home you are not so prim and proper.

I agree with Icy that maybe Camprica has got a touch of the green eyed monster because her horse came nowhere in it's class, well I say don't hate the players, hate the game. With regards to the show organisers, they are not big hulky bodybuilders they are little ladies so to say you were not suicidal is just hilarious. Maybe next time you will take your major concerns of horse abuse to the organisers attention instead of causing a massacre on a forum becasue to be quite honest it is you that has dug a hole that you cannot get out of becasue you have NO CASE.

As for the person who commented on my original post about paragraphs: Is this enough paragraphs for you.

Never in my original post did I say I AGREE WITH GINGER AND BAGS, i simply said that people know it is used and it is something that this forum is NOT going to banish, no matter how much you fabricate the truth.

Towerlands was a good show along with other medal shows clearly this sort of showing does not agree with you and many on here so maybe it is time to hang up your boots.

"Chav's comes to mind" someone said, when you point the finger at someone there is always three pointing back at you.. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!

So my final point is everyone was quick to get on here and slag us "Yobs With Cobs" off with no regards for us. Well you have quite clearly had a dose of your own medicine it don't taste so nice now does it!!

And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2009
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With regards to Camprica's recent comments, I have not dug an hole by no means i was just telling you and dogodders on here that we all know this goes on whether we deem it right or wrong you are in no position to comment. I also told you some hometruths which by the sounds of it you are quite upset about.

You and many others on this thread state that I was insulting and disrespectful, maybe you should have a look at all your previous quotes and many others alike, you and many others started insulting people on here before I even knew this thread existed so to then go on and say that I was insulting is an absolute joke. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. You initially wrote in your first post that you welcomed opinions, opinions is what you have got. If you didn't want honest opinions except ones that were agreeing with you, you should have kept your small minded comments to yourself along with others on here.

People have had alot to say as to what they beleive the welsh owners are like i.e. Yobs with Cobs - We only ever get aggressive or defensive when people who quite clearly just manufacture lies and try to attack us Yobs with Cobs.

People's comments regarding the Geler Pearl's death about it being down to abuse should have kept their idiotic views to themselves becasue when this happened, AGAIN somebody who did not know the casue of death got straight on this forum and started shouting horse abuse this caused a stir on here also in which the Owner put an accurate account of what happened on here - you do not beleive me check it!! So in future before you have anything to say check your facts and make sure they are correct before you cause hurt and distress to owners for no apparent reason other than your own stupidness and vocal problem (being that you cannot keep your mouth closed until you know what you are actually talking about). (GO AHEAD LYNCH ME YOU KNOW FULL WELL I AM RIGHT)

It seems to me that you moan about horses being too fat, too excited... Well I moan when a horse is too skinny to show and would prefer to be left in the field than actually in a show ring.

Horses are like children they need discipline, (this does not mean I condone child abuse before you all start ringing NSPCC and trying to make me out to be Myra Hindley!!), my point is you cannot put a Section D Stallion on the naughty step!! Would you discipline your child two or three hours after the incident NO you wouldn't because then they wouldn't know why you are punishing them, you do it on the spot of misbehaivour. Exactly the same with horses....

I see that not any of you commented on riders use of whips and spurs is this because I was right and you cannot admit that at home you are not so prim and proper.

I agree with Icy that maybe Camprica has got a touch of the green eyed monster because her horse came nowhere in it's class, well I say don't hate the players, hate the game. With regards to the show organisers, they are not big hulky bodybuilders they are little ladies so to say you were not suicidal is just hilarious. Maybe next time you will take your major concerns of horse abuse to the organisers attention instead of causing a massacre on a forum becasue to be quite honest it is you that has dug a hole that you cannot get out of becasue you have NO CASE.

As for the person who commented on my original post about paragraphs: Is this enough paragraphs for you.

Never in my original post did I say I AGREE WITH GINGER AND BAGS, i simply said that people know it is used and it is something that this forum is NOT going to banish, no matter how much you fabricate the truth.

Towerlands was a good show along with other medal shows clearly this sort of showing does not agree with you and many on here so maybe it is time to hang up your boots.

"Chav's comes to mind" someone said, when you point the finger at someone there is always three pointing back at you.. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!

So my final point is everyone was quick to get on here and slag us "Yobs With Cobs" off with no regards for us. Well you have quite clearly had a dose of your own medicine it don't taste so nice now does it!!

And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.

For God's sake Marketrader, wind your neck in. Talk about getting out of the wrong side of the bed...!!!!!

The OP came on here to give their opinion of some poor handling at a show. She did not slag off all welshie owners or breeders, but stated facts as they saw them on the day, and stated her discomfort at some of the things she saw. End of. Quite why you think that deserves your vilification I don't know???

You certainly haven't said anything on this thread to be proud of or for any welsh owners/breeders to be proud of, in fact just the opposite. I for one am quite disgusted at your behaviour. By the way this is my opinion. I am allowed to state my opinion on here because it is an open forum. If it wasn't for opinions forums wouldn't exist. The OP, myself and anyone else who chooses to can give an opinion. Let's face it, your posts are your opinions, so please don't tell people they shouldn't give opinions, you dingbat!!! Grow up!
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Well-Known Member
18 December 2009
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For God's sake Marketrader, wind your neck in. Talk about getting out of the wrong side of the bed...!!!!!

The OP came on here to give their opinion of some poor handling at a show. She did not slag off all welshie owners or breeders, but stated facts as they saw them on the day, and stated her discomfort at some of the things she saw. End of. Quite why you think that deserves your vilification I don't know???

You certainly haven't said anything on this thread to be proud of or for any welsh owners/breeders to be proud of, in fact just the opposite. I for one am quite disgusted at your behaviour. By the way this is my opinion. I am allowed to state my opinion on here because it is an open forum. If it wasn't for opinions forums wouldn't exist. The OP, myself and anyone else who chooses to can give an opinion. Let's face it, your post s are your opinions, so please don't tell people they shouldn't give opinions, without opinions forums wouldn't exist, you dingbat!!! Grow up!

I've just realised I singled you out Markettrader, this was unfair of me. In my opinion ICY also needs to grow up!

Good night.
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11 January 2008
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I have resisted posting so far but unfortunately now feel that there needs to be some sense made of all the bitching and hearsay gossip which has gone far to far and tbh will probably result in this pointless thread being pulled by the mods. Feelings are running high due to the ignorant and well off the mark comments made and whilst Markettrader made some valid points they could have probably done with reflecting on their comments made in the heat of the moment.
It is clear that as usual the 'internet keyboard warriers / trolls' have alot more dutch courage to say unsubstantiated drivel when they can hide behind anonymity that if they actually had to put their names to their postings. Certain peoples postings are decending into ever more farcical allegations and insults which are more appropriate in a playground setting than on a seemingly sensible adult forum.

1. To the OP 'Cambrica', firstly i'm sure you must have had some idea what Towerlands Show was like, it has been going for many years and forums are usually buzzing with talk of the atmosphere, music, cobs from all over the country going etc. It is renown as the season opener and is treated by people as a celebration of the season starting, a pony party! I presume as you have had experience of going to the Royal Welsh then yes you will be aware that cobs are shown with a certain flair - head and tail up and there is plenty of cheering from the crowd to excite them. As the grand ring is the size of a football pitch (maybe bigger?!) and all cobs have to walk through the gates into the ring then plastic bags and tins will have absolutely no effect on them as they will be far to far away. Therefore you must have known there would be some atmosphere at the show.
Secondly, if anyone sees any act of cruelty to an animal at a show I expect the organisers to be informed immediately, to say you were intimidated by the organisers is downright rude and a blatent excuse for why you chose to do nothing on the day but to bitch anonymously afterwards on a forum which does nothing to help an animal which may or may not have been abused.
Thirdly, you were in a gelding 3 yrs and under class, the WPCS has been increasing the profile and sponsorship of these classes as they are damn important in the times we are in to encourage the gelding of colts and make them more attractive to exhibitors and also to allow them to compete on the same footing as colts & fillies etc. The standard of gelding classes is therefore getting higher and higher as more people take on board this message. I'm afraid your cob may have been bred by a well known stud in Wales but the prefix alone does not make it a good one. Towerlands is a WPCS Silver Medal show which means it is a prestigious event (yes probably the WPCS equivalent to a HOYS qualifier) with a high quality and quantity of entries and if you are going to compete at this level you need to prepare yourself and your pony properly. Correct feeding, trimming, grooming and turnout are absolutely vital if you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with 'the big boys' and not stick out like a sore thumb propping up the wrong end of the line. Showing is expensive and I know that I would not keep travelling to shows spending a fortune if I was at the bottom - not fun. I also know that if I stand down the line at a show I look at the ponies above me and think 'what can I do to improve my pony' so I stand higher the next time. I do not go home and call the judge a w****r, the other competitors Chavs or the show a pile of Sh**e.
To the idiot who had the audacity to say that the older gentleman kissing his cob was forcing it and agressive whip handed, what an idiot you are. Mr Andy Bircher you were referring to, is an extremely quiet, nice and Gentle man who is a lovely character at the shows. The palomino cob was only a yearling filly and he handled her with great care and it was obvious there is a strong bond with her as with all his cobs. If you would care to look at Chris Newmans Towerlands pictures on her facebook page (Sorry Chris hope you dont mind) you will see that is plainly obvious. BTW Cob whips, which seem to cause such offence are actually as good as useless if you actually need to hit a horse, they are there more to finish off the picture than anything else.
Re: GINGERING!! - Almost an urban legend this one, yes it does go on, but far less that you would think (think about rapping showjumpers, oh yes you must ALL be doing it!) The vast majority of people showing welsh ponies and cobs do not need to use such methods, if the pony enjoys the show ring atmosphere it will show itself naturally. A case in point - I showed a pony last year, 1st show I had to practically drag her round the ring, she was unimpressed. As time went on she got more and more confident and really started to enjoy herself, by the Nationals (far less atmosphere than RW) she was bouncing and snorting and flagging her tail. No she wasnt gingered, blindfolded, shut in the dark either, she actually spend most of the summer in the field and she looked marvelous as a result. So dont point the finger unless you have evidence!
To the REPROBATE who has made the extremely libellous comments regarding Geler Pearl, hearsay and chinese whispers are a terrible thing. Her passing was a source of great distress to her owners. I hope you have nothing to identify you on here as I would be consulting my solicitor if I was her owner. Terrible nasty underhanded person with no parents, this is the very worst sort of internet troll.
Finally there are as we know, good and bad in all walks of life and in all areas of horse ownership. What is the difference between bad cob handlers and rough showjump riders, or over horsed 'bimbos' on big warmbloods that are dominated and bullied into submission with big bits and spurs not allowed free relaxed expressive movement? The sight of a good welsh pony or cob showing off with a handler in whom they trust is one to behold, the movement is totally balanced, ears pricked, head and tail held high. That is what anyone who shows them should aspire to.
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Well-Known Member
24 November 2010
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And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.

None of the above. Just your grammar.

I have visions of plenty of decent welsh breeders cringing whilst reading this. The argument put forward by the welsh showing 'lot' leaves a lot to be desired, and furthers my belief that OP was speaking the truth.

Why would you get aggressive unless someone named you personally and accused you of animal abuse? OP never named anyone. But in return you picked apart her placing in the class, pulled apart the breeding of her pony and personally insulted her. You bragged of 'gingering up' and studs that sell 'rubbish' to novices.

Maybe your intent is to scare other competitors off. What is it you're so frightened of here? Competition? Someone speaking up? because if I was faced with the likes of you I wouldn't dare lodge a complaint either!

I hope that following this eye opening thread, and the reaction of the welsh showing 'clique' (so many new members, one small post) anyone who witnessed the dangerous behaviour will make a complaint to the wpcs and towerlands. I would hope that towerlands being the establishment it is, and the wpcs, would not condone such vile cruelty as 'gingering up' and as a result would take action against anyone found guilty of doing this.

I use whips where appropriate, but the only time anything goes up my horses bottom is medical reasons only!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Damn, why is it whenever we (Welsh) are on t.v, radio or in a film we make a complete ar se of ourselves.

Seems now it happens on forums too. If it wasn't for my accent I'd pretend I wasn't Welsh. We must look a bunch of illiterate ten year old travellers... And I've only read the last page of this thread!


Well-Known Member
18 December 2009
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None of the above. Just your grammar.

I have visions of plenty of decent welsh breeders cringing whilst reading this. The argument put forward by the welsh showing 'lot' leaves a lot to be desired, and furthers my belief that OP was speaking the truth.

Why would you get aggressive unless someone named you personally and accused you of animal abuse? OP never named anyone. But in return you picked apart her placing in the class, pulled apart the breeding of her pony and personally insulted her. You bragged of 'gingering up' and studs that sell 'rubbish' to novices.

Maybe your intent is to scare other competitors off. What is it you're so frightened of here? Competition? Someone speaking up? because if I was faced with the likes of you I wouldn't dare lodge a complaint either!

I hope that following this eye opening thread, and the reaction of the welsh showing 'clique' (so many new members, one small post) anyone who witnessed the dangerous behaviour will make a complaint to the wpcs and towerlands. I would hope that towerlands being the establishment it is, and the wpcs, would not condone such vile cruelty as 'gingering up' and as a result would take action against anyone found guilty of doing this.

I use whips where appropriate, but the only time anything goes up my horses bottom is medical reasons only!

Well said!


Well-Known Member
24 November 2010
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Damn, why is it whenever we (Welsh) are on t.v, radio or in a film we make a complete ar se of ourselves.

Seems now it happens on forums too. If it wasn't for my accent I'd pretend I wasn't Welsh. We must look a bunch of illiterate ten year old travellers... And I've only read the last page of this thread!

Love it :D :D :D


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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With regards to Camprica's recent comments, I have not dug an hole by no means i was just telling you and dogodders on here that we all know this goes on whether we deem it right or wrong you are in no position to comment. I also told you some hometruths which by the sounds of it you are quite upset about.

You and many others on this thread state that I was insulting and disrespectful, maybe you should have a look at all your previous quotes and many others alike, you and many others started insulting people on here before I even knew this thread existed so to then go on and say that I was insulting is an absolute joke. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. You initially wrote in your first post that you welcomed opinions, opinions is what you have got. If you didn't want honest opinions except ones that were agreeing with you, you should have kept your small minded comments to yourself along with others on here.

People have had alot to say as to what they beleive the welsh owners are like i.e. Yobs with Cobs - We only ever get aggressive or defensive when people who quite clearly just manufacture lies and try to attack us Yobs with Cobs.

People's comments regarding the Geler Pearl's death about it being down to abuse should have kept their idiotic views to themselves becasue when this happened, AGAIN somebody who did not know the casue of death got straight on this forum and started shouting horse abuse this caused a stir on here also in which the Owner put an accurate account of what happened on here - you do not beleive me check it!! So in future before you have anything to say check your facts and make sure they are correct before you cause hurt and distress to owners for no apparent reason other than your own stupidness and vocal problem (being that you cannot keep your mouth closed until you know what you are actually talking about). (GO AHEAD LYNCH ME YOU KNOW FULL WELL I AM RIGHT)

It seems to me that you moan about horses being too fat, too excited... Well I moan when a horse is too skinny to show and would prefer to be left in the field than actually in a show ring.

Horses are like children they need discipline, (this does not mean I condone child abuse before you all start ringing NSPCC and trying to make me out to be Myra Hindley!!), my point is you cannot put a Section D Stallion on the naughty step!! Would you discipline your child two or three hours after the incident NO you wouldn't because then they wouldn't know why you are punishing them, you do it on the spot of misbehaivour. Exactly the same with horses....

I see that not any of you commented on riders use of whips and spurs is this because I was right and you cannot admit that at home you are not so prim and proper.

I agree with Icy that maybe Camprica has got a touch of the green eyed monster because her horse came nowhere in it's class, well I say don't hate the players, hate the game. With regards to the show organisers, they are not big hulky bodybuilders they are little ladies so to say you were not suicidal is just hilarious. Maybe next time you will take your major concerns of horse abuse to the organisers attention instead of causing a massacre on a forum becasue to be quite honest it is you that has dug a hole that you cannot get out of becasue you have NO CASE.

As for the person who commented on my original post about paragraphs: Is this enough paragraphs for you.

Never in my original post did I say I AGREE WITH GINGER AND BAGS, i simply said that people know it is used and it is something that this forum is NOT going to banish, no matter how much you fabricate the truth.

Towerlands was a good show along with other medal shows clearly this sort of showing does not agree with you and many on here so maybe it is time to hang up your boots.

"Chav's comes to mind" someone said, when you point the finger at someone there is always three pointing back at you.. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!

So my final point is everyone was quick to get on here and slag us "Yobs With Cobs" off with no regards for us. Well you have quite clearly had a dose of your own medicine it don't taste so nice now does it!!

And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.

Thanks for the paragraphs - this post is MUCH easier to read :)

Sadly, the punctuation still needs work :(


Well-Known Member
13 January 2011
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Damn, why is it whenever we (Welsh) are on t.v, radio or in a film we make a complete ar se of ourselves.

Seems now it happens on forums too. If it wasn't for my accent I'd pretend I wasn't Welsh. We must look a bunch of illiterate ten year old travellers... And I've only read the last page of this thread!

My mum is Welsh, she is not an illiterate chav and very rarely makes an ar se of herself :D


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Unfortunately lucky lady, I don't. It's a pita, when ever I speak to someone new not from Wales I swear they're waiting for "oh,.whas occurring" or some sort of similar **** up... I'm off to wash my filthy accent off :)


Well-Known Member
18 December 2009
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Damn, why is it whenever we (Welsh) are on t.v, radio or in a film we make a complete ar se of ourselves.

Seems now it happens on forums too. If it wasn't for my accent I'd pretend I wasn't Welsh. We must look a bunch of illiterate ten year old travellers... And I've only read the last page of this thread!

Don't worry, us non-Welsh-people know that Welsh people are generally perfectly reasonable and pleasant normal people, who have a deep passion for their equines, however there are bad pennies lurking in most places and unfortunately this post seems to have woken a few of them up! I'd like to think its aimed at owners of Welsh ponies rather than pony owners of Welsh origin.


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24 March 2012
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Rockysmum- another one to pick up someones use of incorrect words or lack of commas etc, thank u ever so much to bring this to my attention and i can confirm the word you clearly marked in bold in my previous post was meant to be majority!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Aramanta, I'm also Welsh and whilst I'd like to believe your comment would be applicable to me, it's not and your mum is just one of the lucky ones...


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19 January 2012
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Trottington, all I can say is that does apply to me, the good penny obviously.

I'd rather save the ginger for cooking and the bag for Tescos, saves spending 10p on a new bag!