seems to be par for the course, good job they are not in charge of the PR![]()
This thread has turned into welshie chave central !
I own and breed welsh cobs and work damn hard to keep them, look after them and turn them out into a standard where I can compete them, just like the minority of welsh pony and cob owners
And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.
With regards to Camprica's recent comments, I have not dug an hole by no means i was just telling you and dogodders on here that we all know this goes on whether we deem it right or wrong you are in no position to comment. I also told you some hometruths which by the sounds of it you are quite upset about.
You and many others on this thread state that I was insulting and disrespectful, maybe you should have a look at all your previous quotes and many others alike, you and many others started insulting people on here before I even knew this thread existed so to then go on and say that I was insulting is an absolute joke. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. You initially wrote in your first post that you welcomed opinions, opinions is what you have got. If you didn't want honest opinions except ones that were agreeing with you, you should have kept your small minded comments to yourself along with others on here.
People have had alot to say as to what they beleive the welsh owners are like i.e. Yobs with Cobs - We only ever get aggressive or defensive when people who quite clearly just manufacture lies and try to attack us Yobs with Cobs.
People's comments regarding the Geler Pearl's death about it being down to abuse should have kept their idiotic views to themselves becasue when this happened, AGAIN somebody who did not know the casue of death got straight on this forum and started shouting horse abuse this caused a stir on here also in which the Owner put an accurate account of what happened on here - you do not beleive me check it!! So in future before you have anything to say check your facts and make sure they are correct before you cause hurt and distress to owners for no apparent reason other than your own stupidness and vocal problem (being that you cannot keep your mouth closed until you know what you are actually talking about). (GO AHEAD LYNCH ME YOU KNOW FULL WELL I AM RIGHT)
It seems to me that you moan about horses being too fat, too excited... Well I moan when a horse is too skinny to show and would prefer to be left in the field than actually in a show ring.
Horses are like children they need discipline, (this does not mean I condone child abuse before you all start ringing NSPCC and trying to make me out to be Myra Hindley!!), my point is you cannot put a Section D Stallion on the naughty step!! Would you discipline your child two or three hours after the incident NO you wouldn't because then they wouldn't know why you are punishing them, you do it on the spot of misbehaivour. Exactly the same with horses....
I see that not any of you commented on riders use of whips and spurs is this because I was right and you cannot admit that at home you are not so prim and proper.
I agree with Icy that maybe Camprica has got a touch of the green eyed monster because her horse came nowhere in it's class, well I say don't hate the players, hate the game. With regards to the show organisers, they are not big hulky bodybuilders they are little ladies so to say you were not suicidal is just hilarious. Maybe next time you will take your major concerns of horse abuse to the organisers attention instead of causing a massacre on a forum becasue to be quite honest it is you that has dug a hole that you cannot get out of becasue you have NO CASE.
As for the person who commented on my original post about paragraphs: Is this enough paragraphs for you.
Never in my original post did I say I AGREE WITH GINGER AND BAGS, i simply said that people know it is used and it is something that this forum is NOT going to banish, no matter how much you fabricate the truth.
Towerlands was a good show along with other medal shows clearly this sort of showing does not agree with you and many on here so maybe it is time to hang up your boots.
"Chav's comes to mind" someone said, when you point the finger at someone there is always three pointing back at you.. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!
So my final point is everyone was quick to get on here and slag us "Yobs With Cobs" off with no regards for us. Well you have quite clearly had a dose of your own medicine it don't taste so nice now does it!!
And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.
For God's sake Marketrader, wind your neck in. Talk about getting out of the wrong side of the bed...!!!!!
The OP came on here to give their opinion of some poor handling at a show. She did not slag off all welshie owners or breeders, but stated facts as they saw them on the day, and stated her discomfort at some of the things she saw. End of. Quite why you think that deserves your vilification I don't know???
You certainly haven't said anything on this thread to be proud of or for any welsh owners/breeders to be proud of, in fact just the opposite. I for one am quite disgusted at your behaviour. By the way this is my opinion. I am allowed to state my opinion on here because it is an open forum. If it wasn't for opinions forums wouldn't exist. The OP, myself and anyone else who chooses to can give an opinion. Let's face it, your post s are your opinions, so please don't tell people they shouldn't give opinions, without opinions forums wouldn't exist, you dingbat!!! Grow up!
And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.
None of the above. Just your grammar.
I have visions of plenty of decent welsh breeders cringing whilst reading this. The argument put forward by the welsh showing 'lot' leaves a lot to be desired, and furthers my belief that OP was speaking the truth.
Why would you get aggressive unless someone named you personally and accused you of animal abuse? OP never named anyone. But in return you picked apart her placing in the class, pulled apart the breeding of her pony and personally insulted her. You bragged of 'gingering up' and studs that sell 'rubbish' to novices.
Maybe your intent is to scare other competitors off. What is it you're so frightened of here? Competition? Someone speaking up? because if I was faced with the likes of you I wouldn't dare lodge a complaint either!
I hope that following this eye opening thread, and the reaction of the welsh showing 'clique' (so many new members, one small post) anyone who witnessed the dangerous behaviour will make a complaint to the wpcs and towerlands. I would hope that towerlands being the establishment it is, and the wpcs, would not condone such vile cruelty as 'gingering up' and as a result would take action against anyone found guilty of doing this.
I use whips where appropriate, but the only time anything goes up my horses bottom is medical reasons only!
Damn, why is it whenever we (Welsh) are on t.v, radio or in a film we make a complete ar se of ourselves.
Seems now it happens on forums too. If it wasn't for my accent I'd pretend I wasn't Welsh. We must look a bunch of illiterate ten year old travellers... And I've only read the last page of this thread!
With regards to Camprica's recent comments, I have not dug an hole by no means i was just telling you and dogodders on here that we all know this goes on whether we deem it right or wrong you are in no position to comment. I also told you some hometruths which by the sounds of it you are quite upset about.
You and many others on this thread state that I was insulting and disrespectful, maybe you should have a look at all your previous quotes and many others alike, you and many others started insulting people on here before I even knew this thread existed so to then go on and say that I was insulting is an absolute joke. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. You initially wrote in your first post that you welcomed opinions, opinions is what you have got. If you didn't want honest opinions except ones that were agreeing with you, you should have kept your small minded comments to yourself along with others on here.
People have had alot to say as to what they beleive the welsh owners are like i.e. Yobs with Cobs - We only ever get aggressive or defensive when people who quite clearly just manufacture lies and try to attack us Yobs with Cobs.
People's comments regarding the Geler Pearl's death about it being down to abuse should have kept their idiotic views to themselves becasue when this happened, AGAIN somebody who did not know the casue of death got straight on this forum and started shouting horse abuse this caused a stir on here also in which the Owner put an accurate account of what happened on here - you do not beleive me check it!! So in future before you have anything to say check your facts and make sure they are correct before you cause hurt and distress to owners for no apparent reason other than your own stupidness and vocal problem (being that you cannot keep your mouth closed until you know what you are actually talking about). (GO AHEAD LYNCH ME YOU KNOW FULL WELL I AM RIGHT)
It seems to me that you moan about horses being too fat, too excited... Well I moan when a horse is too skinny to show and would prefer to be left in the field than actually in a show ring.
Horses are like children they need discipline, (this does not mean I condone child abuse before you all start ringing NSPCC and trying to make me out to be Myra Hindley!!), my point is you cannot put a Section D Stallion on the naughty step!! Would you discipline your child two or three hours after the incident NO you wouldn't because then they wouldn't know why you are punishing them, you do it on the spot of misbehaivour. Exactly the same with horses....
I see that not any of you commented on riders use of whips and spurs is this because I was right and you cannot admit that at home you are not so prim and proper.
I agree with Icy that maybe Camprica has got a touch of the green eyed monster because her horse came nowhere in it's class, well I say don't hate the players, hate the game. With regards to the show organisers, they are not big hulky bodybuilders they are little ladies so to say you were not suicidal is just hilarious. Maybe next time you will take your major concerns of horse abuse to the organisers attention instead of causing a massacre on a forum becasue to be quite honest it is you that has dug a hole that you cannot get out of becasue you have NO CASE.
As for the person who commented on my original post about paragraphs: Is this enough paragraphs for you.
Never in my original post did I say I AGREE WITH GINGER AND BAGS, i simply said that people know it is used and it is something that this forum is NOT going to banish, no matter how much you fabricate the truth.
Towerlands was a good show along with other medal shows clearly this sort of showing does not agree with you and many on here so maybe it is time to hang up your boots.
"Chav's comes to mind" someone said, when you point the finger at someone there is always three pointing back at you.. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!
So my final point is everyone was quick to get on here and slag us "Yobs With Cobs" off with no regards for us. Well you have quite clearly had a dose of your own medicine it don't taste so nice now does it!!
And anybody got a problem with my punctuality or my paragraphs or the way I have set my post out or any spelling mistakes, please do let me know becasue I will be very grateful of your opinion.
Damn, why is it whenever we (Welsh) are on t.v, radio or in a film we make a complete ar se of ourselves.
Seems now it happens on forums too. If it wasn't for my accent I'd pretend I wasn't Welsh. We must look a bunch of illiterate ten year old travellers... And I've only read the last page of this thread!
Damn, why is it whenever we (Welsh) are on t.v, radio or in a film we make a complete ar se of ourselves.
Seems now it happens on forums too. If it wasn't for my accent I'd pretend I wasn't Welsh. We must look a bunch of illiterate ten year old travellers... And I've only read the last page of this thread!