Towerlands Welsh Medal show-My worst experience ever!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Honestly, we're not all bad. I promise :)

When you say natives moving I assume you mean drunken welshies on the way back to the lorry for the night?
:p just pulling your leg.


11 February 2011
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Icy, calm down. If someone annoys you on here let it lie, it will annoy them more.

No need to invite people for a brawl.

I'm not having a go, but it leaves you looking the bad egg posting things like the above.

Sorry but i never invited anyone for a brawl ! just an invite to speak on phone or face to face as it appears if anyone misses the slightest punctuation or wrong spelling here, gets insulted and postings misunderstood, i have not insulted anyone just written facts ! and i do not think it is fair for some of the names exhibitors/owners have been called on here ~ "trollops" , "yobs with cobs" ,"illiterate" "chavs" and they were from people supporting this thread ! i totally agree that there are clear issues that need addressing , but by not reporting incidents at the show will not help solve these issues , my own interest in this post is not who is best at typing skills ! but the welfare regarding the horses and it will remain so ! and yes i was at Towerlands and i felt the show was superbly run, i am signing out now as i have a very unwell friend visiting and she is far more important to give my time too x

chad n cory1

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24 March 2012
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Hmmm... having a good moan are we?
Hiding behind usernames making us invincible?
Well - how about saying it to our faces?
I'm sure most horse owners appreciate constructive criticism - when the person giving it has a valid point!
Next time you see something at a show that bothers you (and this may seem like a CRAZY idea to some of you) - SAY SOMETHING TO THE ORGANISERS/STEWARDS/JUDGES/OWNERS/HANDLERS ! :eek:
Its all very well having a whinge and moan anonymously on here - if you're so sure of your convictions - why not say it outright? :confused:

what a speech you are 200 percent wright

chad n cory1

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24 March 2012
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No, it is dangerous, ridiculous and does nothing to the ponies looks or mental state. I am never going to a welsh medal show again, after the behaviour I witnessed by owners.

if its so dangerousand ridiculous y does 90 percent of the welsh cob owners do it they cant all be wrong


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Omfg, really?

I'll leave they keys for the jcb on the side for anyone else who would like to dig the hole a little deeper.

90% of people do not "do it" (wind horses up I mean ;)

I have pulled horses from the ring and explained why because of thus silly behaviour.

You want to wind your horses up, not a problem, don't wind mine up putting the horse and jockey/handler in a difficult situation.

If you need aids to pump the animal up take it home and work on it's diet and routine, learn to produce a horse not how to wind the ****er up on the day.


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4 January 2007
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It seems some people don't know when to stop digging though...

90%?? And you still think that abuse is fine? By the way can you show me where you got that figure from too? ;)


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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The figure came from the same person that informed that poster that's it is fine to do these stupid acts.

I'm still shocked at what the horse world is coming to...


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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Dont you just love this forum

The Op posted a rant, we all do it, everyone would have forgotten about it already.

We suddenly aquire new members trying to defend the practice, admit that its worse than the OP thought, now the thread goes on forever and attracts a lot more attention.

Agree about the JCB, although I dont think they need one, their mouths are doing a great job.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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I'll agree to the rockysmum, but unfortunatly I'll fight to the end as far as "yobs with cobs" etc. is concerned.

We are not all as forementioned, 90% of us are legit and the remaining 10% are teenagers with a big quiet stallion that have no idea how to produce for the show ring so use our thuggish mates to chase it around with last nights beer cans (as they we're more than likley kicked out of the bar for being *****) and the bags those cans we're bought with.

again, the minority of brain dead ego concious all seem to appear in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Well-Known Member
10 January 2006
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I'll agree to the rockysmum, but unfortunatly I'll fight to the end as far as "yobs with cobs" etc. is concerned.

We are not all as forementioned, 90% of us are legit and the remaining 10% are teenagers with a big quiet stallion that have no idea how to produce for the show ring so use our thuggish mates to chase it around with last nights beer cans (as they we're more than likley kicked out of the bar for being *****) and the bags those cans we're bought with.

again, the minority of brain dead ego concious all seem to appear in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm sure you are right, I've not been to a specialist Welsh show but I'm sure I would have noticed this behaviour as we have done a lot of the big counties.

Our new members are going to love your description of them :D :D :D


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26 April 2003
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Thankyou HHO, I needed cheering up! Opened this thread without seeing how many replies it had, and then ended up reading the whole thing.

All I can say is I'm glad I don't do PR for the WPCS as I think I'd have gone out and shot myself faced with the 'assistance' that was given by posters who had scented blood and joined to get their tuppenceworth in ;) Those of you who are involved with Welsh showing who joined purely to refute the OPs views on this thread, if you can honestly read back your posts and think it presents you or the welsh showing community (showing welsh ponies and cobs I mean) in a positive light - you have got to be insane. Some of your posts have done far more to damage my perception of the showing of welsh ponies and cobs that the original thread did, I already knew about the sort of behaviour mentioned by the OP - I was shocked the first time I came across it too - but I didn't know about the pack mentality and bitchiness that was underlying. Coming on and slating the poster for being down the bottom of the line up, well if the line up didn't have a bottom end you wouldn't have a show. It's the people who pay their entries and turn up and make the classes a decent size that give the show a decent income so you can have nice prize money and decent rosettes and sashes. If you ever shown at any level at all you'll know that some days you're one end of the line and some you're the other, I can't believe you've all won everything you've ever been in. If you have, see you at HOYS as you must have some cracking horses.


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8 November 2011
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Mountainview as your name suggests you are a breath of fresh air from the Welshie world.
Luckily I have very broad shoulders so such arrogance and bullying from the three 'not so wise' monkeys is water off a ducks back. As for coming 3rd, crikey 'grow up' if I was placed higher it would have been a waste as I had less than an hour to be elsewhere. Not a rib in sight on him but NO I refuse to supersize him for a red rosette.
If slating me, my horse and the stud I bought him from is your best then I don't really have much to worry about.
Im hiding from no one, you know who I am and know the cob I proudly own. If not refer to your schedule.
One thing I will put straight are comments made by the monkeys regarding my apparent views.
1/ There are many Welsh owners/studs that I have the utmost respect for. Their pleasantness, helpfulness, the horses they produce and the way they are shown.
2/ The event organisers I know work hard to put on this show and for that I congratulate them.

There is nothing I have posted that is untrue and not witnessed by others. It seems though that such behaviour is acceptable at these shows in which case what good would complaining do? I asked the bag waving man screaming obsceneties at his horse to not do it whilst I tried to pass but was totally blanked/ignored, this was in full view of the judge and steward so as an 'outsider' what more could I assume than that this is acceptable.

Seems as though the three monkeys have opened the eyes of many people and my point needs not be proved any further.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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I'd just put this one to the back of your mind. There are idiots, some posting here and providing entertainment. But the majority are professional and good with the animals.

Can I just ask, what stud was your horse from?

Don't answer if you don't want to.


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8 November 2011
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Thanks MV. I know what your saying is true which is all the reasons I wanted to show in the first place. Call me naive but this kind of behaviour I never imagined happened. Yes I've had my moans like everyone else about others behaviour at shows but this was something else!
Haven't wanted to bring the stud's name into it as I have never met such an honest knowledgable man to whom every word he say's I take on board. Click on my profile and you will see. Just don't want it brought into this thread. :)


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19 January 2012
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It shocked me too. When I was explained gingering I laughed, only to be told it was genuine.

Not a problem, I'm on mobile so can't get your profile details up unfortunately. if you have 5 and don't mind doing so could you pm me?



Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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But didnt you say in a previous post that none of the things the OP saw happened, yet you now say there were some incidents and they were dealt with?

The culture of welsh cob showing is very different from the other native breeds and I think people do have a problem understanding. Could someone who feels that bags on whips and stones in bottles do not startle or surprise the horse explain how they work. I can understand if you put something that makes a rusley sound like a sweet wrapper in your pocket it might gain your horses attention as they might think they are having a treat but a bag on stick how does it work?

I have heard of stones in bottles being used to "cure" horses who napp in the ring (not just in showing but sj etc) as at home people hit the horse and then rattle the stones at the same time and so when you go out to a show you then only need to rattle the stones by the ringside and they think they are going to get hit so go forward.

I would be surprised if the OP did make up what she saw even if she did not do as well as she had hoped. If these things don't happen in welsh showing then why do people always presume they do, and why only welsh showing why not for example do people not make things up about new forest showing?

It is a shame that the WPCS don't try and make their shows more welcoming to those who are new to the scene, if they know the traditional behaviour of people at the shows is found intimidating and difficult to understand to outsiders it could put people off buying the welsh ponies and with the recession on the breeders will need people from outside the clique to buy and think that they are not being ripped off or unwelcome. I would also say the same applies to all the breed societies who should be encouraging new people to get involved to increase their membership.
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11 January 2008
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mountainview22 sorry I hate cats, much prefer Jack Russells, they chase cats. I'm obviously not who you think I am.

Cambrica can you confirm that it was you at the HCWPCA show at the end of January that needed assistance from the aforementioned Cob chav-thugs to put your pony's halter on correctly as it was upside down? Didnt bitch about them then.
Anyone else Cambrica's cob is called Parc Roberto. The results for Towerlnds show are published on the web...
There now if that offends, pull the thread off and we'll all go away.
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Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Hmm. Now you've said that as a newbie I'm even more suspicious.

As far as halters being upside down... I've been using cheap rope halters for 5 years plus, I still can't put the bloody things on right first time every time.

And, would you believe, I was born without knowledge falling out of my arse alongside cambrica. Obviously seems you are the one to come too.

Out of interest,.what we're you showing that day?

Where we're you placed?

Not that it matters what either of those answers are, but OP had the *******s to walk into the ring with that horse. That in itself is worth more than any prize.

Cambrica has pm'd me her horses name, not that it mattered, I wanted to know if I knew the stud.

Oh, did the chavs put they're beers down before altering the halter? I hope so :rolleyes:


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19 January 2012
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SO1, it's a shame wpcs can't be given the names of the dopes coming in here giving us a bad name.

I'm sure eliminating such scum from the showing world would solve alot of problems.


Well-Known Member
8 November 2011
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mountainview22 sorry I hate cats, much prefer Jack Russells, they chase cats. I'm obviously not who you think I am.

Cambrica can you confirm that it was you at the HCWPCA show at the end of January that needed assistance from the aforementioned Cob chav-thugs to put your pony's halter on correctly as it was upside down? Didnt bitch about them then.
Anyone else Cambrica's cob is called Parc Roberto. The results for Towerlnds show are published on the web...
There now if that offends, pull the thread off and we'll all go away.

Ooh Touche'
Now we have a 4th Monkey!
As far as i'm aware you can't put a rope halter on upside down? So no it wasn't, all I tried to do was loop the lead part through the ring to make it feel more secure. The two people that helped I would not have classed as that at all, they would most certainly have been in the most helpful and friendly catagory. I have no idea if they were at Towerlands as I certainly didn't see them there.
So please out of interest enlighten me as to what stud you are from? My guess is we'll never know.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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There not from a stud.

They're the idiot on the ringside with a carrier bag screaming God knows what.

Please, if you are a reputable stud, let me know, I'll eat my words.


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2 July 2008
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Well flip....

Am I glad I don't dabble in the showing world...

BUT then it would be blinkered of me to say this puts the showing world in a bad light because as we all know, there is good and bad in ALL walks of society.

The bile, hatred and nastiness on this thread has been pretty eye-opening.

I'll stick with what I know, and that's loving my horses for what the are, not what awards they can bring me home.


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31 October 2010
I have to admit that my immediate impression from the first picture is that the pony needs his feet trimmed.

I don't think anyone is being horrible to you, I just think it is being pointed out that to avoid being at the end of the line there is a lot more involved than just fattening and scaring the life out of your pony... Production is an art form and something that isn't achieved overnight. There is a reason why people pay for producers to help them achieve what they probably couldn't achieve without them - not because the pony isn't good enough but because production is about knowledge & good judgement. Sarcastic posts and images of your pony do nothing to help your credibility - for the record Parc Welsh Flyer is one of my all time favourite cobs.

It is obvious that not everyone achieves their success from using unsatisfactory methods, so to say that everyone on this thread is a Welsh yob or doesn't come from a successful stud is complete nonsense.

I am guessing that despite this thread being in place and despite being able to identify the perpetrators of the alleged acts of cruelty that you still haven't made your complaint to the show organiser?