Debbie Philippe
New User
Hi, I'm new to the forums so excuse me if I get this wrong. I have a 6 year old gelding who I'm having real problems with and need help. Last summer he started refusing to go forward and would try and roll on the floor if I insisted. I went through all the normal things like dentist, backman, saddle etc and then my trainer suggested possible ulcers as he was worse on the right rein so finally I had him scoped and he had grade 2 ulcers. I couldn't afford Gastroguard so I put him on Nexium which is Emaprazole. He then improved after a 2 month break so we started working him again and all seemed good until around 6 weeks ago when he started napping and refusing to trot particularly on the right rein again. I put him back on Nexium but this time no real difference. He is the sort who would try it on but normally I would get after him and he would go. I have a friend riding him tonight as I just want to check it's not me causing the problem. Has anybody else gone through this sort if thing? Back and saddle etc all been checked again.