Extremely Old Nag!
Did you know that 50% of the uk is owned by 0.01% of the population ? Why should people who live in towns, many of them with no chance of ever owning anything other than a garden be restricted from often huge tracts of land which pass down the generations ?
There sounds a child of labour demanding their 'rights'.
What gives them the right to think they can walk over someone else's property which hasn't a ROW over it? They wouldn't be happy about us walking over their little patch so kindly have the decency to stay off unmarked property; it does belong to someone who has probably worked very hard, possibly for generations on that land. It is not your right. If they want to go anywhere, get off their fat backsides to work and buy property themselves, nobody's stopping them doing that but don't think you can take control or have rights over something which doesn't belong to you..