Unaffiliated - Dressage Judge expenses


14 December 2005
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Can anyone help regarding running some unaffiliated dressage please.

1) How many tests would a judge be expected to judge
2) I know they often get wine and 'mileage' but do they get paid?
3) Do writers get the same?

Any other tips re how to look after judges would be most gratefully received

thank you


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11 April 2011
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Where I write the judge is given usually around £40 to pay any expenses, they are fed and watered well.. The writers are given £10 expenses or in my case free entry, we are also fed and watered well.


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7 September 2004
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I have written at a variety of levels/venues for a number of years and it is very rare to get anything other than refreshments on the day. Sometimes at BE you might get a small thank you present. Hunters is the only venue where I have been paid token cash for mileage (plus they treat you very well!). For the bigger shows/champs you might get a schooling or competition voucher for volunteering - e.g. Summerhouse regionals.

Over the last couple of years I have done a fair bit of unaff judging. It can be quite soul destroying at times with expectations and organisation. I'd say work on the principal of up to 40 horses, with 2-3 short breaks factored in.
Unless it's a favour for a close acquaintance then I generally charge to judge, standard BD rate is £1 a test plus 45p mileage


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4 February 2011
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Payment depends on the judge.
On BD guidelines:
45p per mile return to cover expenses
£1 per horse IF they can give you an invoice/receipt otherwise it is technically illegal cash in hand work (simply ask any judge what they charge and they should tell you) I usually get an email asking if I can judge a certain date and what I would charge - I do some charity shows free others I take less than my 45p a mile others I charge full expenses. As I am not a registered business I do and cannot charge £1 per horse.
Writers are usually unpaid volunteers, though a token is usually appreciated.

Hope that helps!

Both should receive reasonable refreshments (we offer unlimited to ours)


14 December 2005
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Thank you all for your excellent responses - this is really clear and I think paying £1 plus mileage is really fair. In the past I have always added in decent breaks, made amazing picnics and given a bottle plus a venue voucher, so I feel a bit better. A couple of judges had said they thought 40 tests was way too many, so I suppose I need to keep that in mind.

I do feel I would do whatever I can to make judges' and writers' jobs as easy as possible as there is no competition without them!


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7 September 2004
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Thank you all for your excellent responses - this is really clear and I think paying £1 plus mileage is really fair. In the past I have always added in decent breaks, made amazing picnics and given a bottle plus a venue voucher, so I feel a bit better. A couple of judges had said they thought 40 tests was way too many, so I suppose I need to keep that in mind.

I do feel I would do whatever I can to make judges' and writers' jobs as easy as possible as there is no competition without them!

A judge out eventing would routinely do 40 in a class.
That said, dressage entries vary considerably so it is less frequent to do 40 in pure dressage. Either way best to ask the judges how long they are available for in advance as then you will know how many tests you could theoretically use them fir


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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Thank you all for your excellent responses - this is really clear and I think paying £1 plus mileage is really fair. In the past I have always added in decent breaks, made amazing picnics and given a bottle plus a venue voucher, so I feel a bit better. A couple of judges had said they thought 40 tests was way too many, so I suppose I need to keep that in mind.

I do feel I would do whatever I can to make judges' and writers' jobs as easy as possible as there is no competition without them!

I have judged unaffiliated, and this would be great. I would generally get arena hire in return, and feeding from the cafe.


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17 March 2010
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I judge a lot unaff and get £1 per horse I don't charge mileage but some venues chuck in a little extra as thanks as I don't, they also feed/ water you all day.
I usually do 2 classes but some venues I will do the whole day from intro to ele which can be from 9 to 4 which can be rather draining by the end!!
The writers usually get paid around half of what I do, 1 venue does £6 an hours and. there is only 1 venue I go to that doesn't pay the writers so relies on volunteers x


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18 April 2010
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I tend to cap numbers as 25 per judge but if looks like we are going over, I will ask them. I will usually only give them two or possibly three different tests to judge. Some who know the tests very well are happy doing whatever though but always ask. I usually try to put in regular breaks and decent lunch break - sometimes distance to toilet is also a factor for this!

You tend to find judges that judge BE will be used to longer/harder judging days than those who just stick to BD etc...

45p per mile for travel, unlimited refreshments and good bottle of wine or small token depending on what/length time they judge and ask what they wish for time. Most listed judges we use for unaff, are happy with that and certainly never had any ask for over £20 but £1 per head is a good benchmark


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2 March 2008
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We run 'pick a time days' where the riders state what time they want to ride at.
The judge has up to 60 tests in a day. There are breaks every 12 horses, and a lunch break. They have a goodie bag in the car with them with flasks, muffins, chocolate tea/coffee etc.
The judge know that they will have a long day are are free to decline to invite when asked.
We pay cash, plus give wine etc. `'Outside' helpers get a small gift, committee members get nothing as its expected for them to help at shows.