Unashamed fishing for 'wow he's lovely' comments


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Some of you know I'm having a tough time with my dressage horse right now, and I need some cheering up. My little cob Henry, bought as a project, is so smashing I'm going to keep him instead of selling him on like I planned, so he is making me feel really good. And I sold the horse in my avatar, because all he wants to do is gallop and jump huge things. I don't want to do that so much any more and he was miserable being asked to do dressage instead. So I had a nice lot of money from him burning a hole in my pocket and on the spur of the moment bought Rizzle. He was cheap because he has sarcoids, but I think he's worth the risk.

He's currently two different horses, with a huge backside with power he has no idea what to do with. And clearly, he's very weak (he finished the winter in Ireland very thin and covered in ringworm).

But apart from that, what do you reckon? This is the second day he has carried a rider. (No critiques please, I'm happy with the horse I've bought and the way he is being trained for me by the seller :) )



Horse servant
2 December 2010
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Just gorgeous! He's got quite a bit of growing to do too by the look of him. You will be noticed everywhere you go on him.


Well-Known Member
9 April 2012
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Cute horsie! Did you buy him to event?

He will come up in front in time but if not no need to worry about it. The first ever youngster I bought was always croup high with a massive back end and nothing in front.

She went eventually went round Burghley :).


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Cute horsie! Did you buy him to event?

He will come up in front in time but if not no need to worry about it. The first ever youngster I bought was always croup high with a massive back end and nothing in front.

She went eventually went round Burghley :).

He's half American Paint, so I was thinking he may never come level. Yes, I've had six seasons hunting, jumped all the hedges there are to jump round here, not interested in getting cold and muddy any more, and thought I'd go back to eventing at the lower grades.

I don't really mind what we end up doing, I just love the look of him, and he's got a character to die for too. As he was trotted up, a stallion ran up and down the fence line bucking and he didn't even look at him. When he was in his box eating haylage at the back, he turned and left it every time anyone opened his door, so he could come over and talk.

He's obviously going to take some time to gain strength, and he can have as long as he needs, and then we'll find out what jobs he likes doing. He's got a hell of a pop loose! (Actually, she can't jump him loose because he pops the fence she's put up for him to do, and then the arena fence too :D )
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Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Amazing markings, what a stunner. what his breeding, as he doesnt look cobby at all? How old ?

He's four, but I would could him immature for that age.

Daddy is American Paint and I don't know whether the mother is Irish TB or Irish Draft x TB. I haven't got his passport yet and didn't ask. He's very light at the moment but lots of draft crosses look full TB at that age.
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Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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He is lovely. What a nice genuine chap he is on that lunge if its only his second time being ridden :)


Well-Known Member
23 May 2009
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He's half American Paint, so I was thinking he may never come level. Yes, I've had six seasons hunting, jumped all the hedges there are to jump round here, not interested in getting cold and muddy any more, and thought I'd go back to eventing at the lower grades.

I was going to ask if he had some paint in him.
What a lovely horse, and unsual markings. Very eyecatching :)


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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What does he look like on the other side?

Snap :D



Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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Very nice!! And the backers are doing a very nice job - he's obviously got a brain too!

I'm glad you think so Janet. I think the other reason he didn't sell was that when she saw the sarcoids she stopped backing him because she knew she was going to lose money on him. That gave the impression that he might have been giving problems to back.

I quizzed her really hard about it before going to see him, and she said he'd be simple to back, he's so easy to manage. I thought the easiest way to make sure she was genuine was to say OK, I'll pay you to back him for me and after you show me him ridden, I'll pay you the balance. She said yes immediately, so I knew it was genuine, went to see him and just had to buy him, and paid in full so no-one can nab him now they can see him ridden!

I pick him up, yes the same motorway services as last time :), on May 14th. He should be nicely settled in his work by then, and I can take it from there. I can't believe this time last year I was saying I'd probably never buy another youngster and now I've got two newly broken four year olds, but I couldn't resist either of them :)


Well-Known Member
26 September 2010
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Lovely! I'm not normally a coloured fan, however he is very striking.
Keep us updated..with pics!