
Well-Known Member
11 December 2009
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Seriously, why stop at Romania? There is dog cruelty in many other countries, so why not go there, collect those animals and bring them back here for rehoming?

Surely your efforts should be helping the animals out there, like fundraising/charity for people are. Bringing dogs over is not solving the situation, its education they need not taking animals off their hands so they can replace them with more. This country has enough of its own unwanted animals - the rehoming/rescue centres are already bulging at the seams.

Yes, my conscience is clear - every one of my pets has been rehomed by me, and I will continue to do so. I also give to animal charities and am an avid animal lover, but bringing these dogs here after a long journey, into a country that has enough problems is just insane


Well-Known Member
27 February 2010
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There are thousands of dogs in shelters in the UK. Find those homes first. Some of them have been treated just as bad. Why take on another's countries problems when we can't even sort our own. I feel sorry for the dogs in Romania or any country for that matter, but hundreds of dogs in this country are destroyed every week by pounds. For the cost of saving 2 Romanian dogs you may be able to save 10 here.


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Bonkers. I don't believe quarantine is correctly observed, don't tell me you test, wait, check for heart worm, rabies etc because where's your profit? What utter crap. What is the point when 100s of dogs in this country are PTS because of lack of space. Plain idiotic to import yet more. :mad:


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14 August 2005
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I am not sure where you got that info but the dogs are all passported and have the necessary vaccines etc

What are the procedures and processes that are in place for these dogs, with regards to the necessary vaccines, and what vaccines are they?

Are they quarantined at all?


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Bonkers. I don't believe quarantine is correctly observed, don't tell me you test, wait, check for heart worm, rabies etc because where's your profit? What utter crap. What is the point when 100s of dogs in this country are PTS because of lack of space. Plain idiotic to import yet more. :mad:

Unless of course there's a nice little earner in it ......


Normal, 10 cats ago
14 January 2008
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Lochinvar re my comments on disabled dogs and cats. You have misunderstood me. The site I was talking about had headings for dogs to rescue and cats to rescue then disabled dogs and cats under separate headings. To me they are dogs and cats first and disabled second. To put them apart highlights the problem with disability - being treated as different! They are more likely to be overlooked. if in with the others you would see the dog first and disability second. Re being vile and hideous. I work for a disability charity and walked my rescue dog before spending the day walking with Claire lomas.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2010
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Fundraiser at Norton Heath (saw this on facebook).. chance to ask afew questions face to face if interested!

Please visit our page:

We are holding an online auction to raise more funds - we welcome everyone to get involved and join us for a fun day Norton Heath EC Saturday 19th May. Visit the NH website at www.nortonheath.com for the schedule

Free To Run

Help us to raise funds to rescue and rehome the dogs on death row in Romania, you really can help to give these poor abandoned street dogs a chance to live, and free them from appalling conditions they are currently in awaiting their fate. Many of the dogs and cats that come from Romania have been i...

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Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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I wonder how many of the people adopting these dogs would have taken one from a UK pound -and why not? Why is it seen as better to transport a dog 1400 miles than rescue a local one? ( And transported by the same group who was bringing meat row horses from Europe to prevent them being transported to slaughter)

It costs about £20 to neuter a dog in Romania and less than £5 to humanely euthanise one. The money spent on transporting one of these dogs would pay for a dozen or more to be spayed and get dogs off the streets which is the big problem.

Of course the people who are in it for the money have no plans to remove the problem.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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I wonder how many of the people adopting these dogs would have taken one from a UK pound -and why not? Why is it seen as better to transport a dog 1400 miles than rescue a local one? ( And transported by the same group who was bringing meat row horses from Europe to prevent them being transported to slaughter)

It costs about £20 to neuter a dog in Romania and less than £5 to humanely euthanise one. The money spent on transporting one of these dogs would pay for a dozen or more to be spayed and get dogs off the streets which is the big problem.

Of course the people who are in it for the money have no plans to remove the problem.

Absolutely. As before, the way they are painting themselves as 'saviours' whilst all the while making money. And as before, the transporters are not all registered and dodgy. There are some serious complaints about urine soaked bedding etc on the trips. I wonder if the supposed 'stolen' dog actually died en route? As happened before with horses.

That might explain the very dubious explanations going on on the FB page.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I never actually saw the fb page, and it seems not to be there/locked I think now as doesn't come up. ..

The Original Kao

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20 January 2007
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Here's some facts and figures from the dogs trust about the number of dogs PTS last year due to the fact there was no homes for them :(
I would imagine those figures will be the same or possibly worse at the end of this year :(
After digesting the facts on there who the hell could possibly think it's ok to bring in more dogs to the UK? :eek:


What about the 20 dogs a day PTS over here? Are they less worthy of a loving home? :eek:


Well-Known Member
11 December 2009
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Please can anybody help. I am involved with a group who bring dogs over to the UK who are either very badly treated or live on the street in Romania - some with dreadful injuries. Last Sunday a number of dogs were brought over and at the collection point, Thurrock Motorway Services, Grays, Essex, a lady was there saying that she was collecting Tasha. Nobdoy questioned her as she knew all the groups name, where Tasha was destined for etc. She said her name was Jan. Very sady this lady has stolen Tasha as she never arrived at her new home. There is a page on Facebook entitled Lets Find Tasha where all the information about her can be found. Can I please ask all of you to have a look at this page and if anybody has a neighbour who has a new dog since last Sunday who looks like Tasha please let me know. I would be very grateful. Thank you so much. We all just want her found.

Ok, Im slightly confused - this states Tasha was to be adopted to a new home, but FB states the dog has been owned by the "charity" owner for 5 years and is her own personal dog??? :confused:

The Original Kao

Well-Known Member
20 January 2007
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Please can anybody help. I am involved with a group who bring dogs over to the UK who are either very badly treated or live on the street in Romania - some with dreadful injuries. Last Sunday a number of dogs were brought over and at the collection point, Thurrock Motorway Services, Grays, Essex, a lady was there saying that she was collecting Tasha. Nobdoy questioned her as she knew all the groups name, where Tasha was destined for etc. She said her name was Jan. Very sady this lady has stolen Tasha as she never arrived at her new home. There is a page on Facebook entitled Lets Find Tasha where all the information about her can be found. Can I please ask all of you to have a look at this page and if anybody has a neighbour who has a new dog since last Sunday who looks like Tasha please let me know. I would be very grateful. Thank you so much. We all just want her found.

Ok, Im slightly confused - this states Tasha was to be adopted to a new home, but FB states the dog has been owned by the "charity" owner for 5 years and is her own personal dog??? :confused:

She certainly wasn't a case of a dog desperately needing a home. There are dogs over here in much more urgent need :(


Well-Known Member
4 January 2007
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What a shame Lochinvar doesn't understand about all the dogs in THIS country that need rehoming, that seems to have gone straight over her head. Obviously not enough money to be made looking after our own I guess.

ETS oh and a nice touch in trying to make us feel guilty for not saving foreign animals! All my cats have been rescues - I wouldn't have it any other way. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it sweetie.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
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Been following this thread and read the posts on FB - hmm.....??

Trying to make sense of the defra rules on quarantine for rabies (having a blonde day LOL); should this dog be in quarantine?

The husky pup that I posted about a few months ago, iirc from Romania, had to be quarantined.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Dogs coming from Rumania don't have to be quarantined as long as they are fully health checked, chipped and passported. The question would be whether these strays have had all this done, particularly as it came to light recently that pups were being brought in through Dover at certain times when it was known customs weren't making checks. :(


Well-Known Member
26 July 2006
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Interestingly Norway will NOT allow these dog in at all - Until Norway are sure where the numbers are pre-printed on the cover / front page. Norway have advised that dogs that come to the border with these passports with rush stamp will be made to return. If not, it will be killed. They are also increasing observations of cars at the border too, (to stop people smuggling in dogs). It seems that currently Romanian authorities are unable to produce EU approved passport.



Situation normal
1 July 2004
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To all of you who are 'baffled' and 'have lost respect' can I ask have you ever supported the Brooke, the Donkey Sanctuary, the Red Cross or Live Aid (and similar) maybe International Fund for Animals.... if yes, then you have all already helped people and animals in other countries... are you still baffled, have you lost respect for yourself?

I have, and continue to donate to many charities overseas.

Thankfully though, they don't import the animals to the UK. Circa £350 to bring a dog in to the country? Imagine what good could be done in the UK for animals here with all the money being generated for bringing dogs in from overseas.


Rose Folly

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29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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I think some very sweeping statements have been made regarding this thread which lump all rescues of foreign dogs into a 'big bad money-making, unprofessional doge' category.

I resent this because a relative of mine has a dog sanctuary in Greece, where incidentally vulnerable animals do not have much of a chance. Most dogs she manges to rehome in Greece, or they stay with her for life. A few do come to England, to relatives and close friends. All veterinary obligations are met, the dogs are flown over individually, and the owners are already known to the family.

I presume that those who are so vociferous about charity starting at home also disapprove of WHW, The Blue Cross, and many others who work for animals abroad.

As a young man, my husband and his father drove a new horse ambulance down to Greece for The Blue Cross. It had its first call out 20 minutes before it reached its destination.I suppose people on this thread would have wished it to be used in Milton Keynes!

Rose Folly

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29 June 2010
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Forgot to add that on the only occasion I used a breed rescue society when looking for a new dog some years ago, the dog came from Wales, crammed in a car the size of a Punto with the rep's two Labradors, and was handed over to me at the South Aust Service Station.

They had vetted me by phone (I fulfilled some qualifications for this particular dog) but they paid no attention to my requirements (which they had invited me to state) and which caused us a lot of grief and expense - doesn't sound to me any better than what some of you are so busily venting against?

I might just as well have got a dog from Romania, or my relative in Greece.


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15 September 2009
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Rose Folly,
I don't think anyone has anything against animals being given aid and support abroad but the objectionable part is when people start using the "rescue" tag as a way to make money on the transport of animals which then just displaces the problem. It happened with horses and the same groups have now turned to dogs.
A couple of grand clear profit on a run to Romania...........to bring in dogs that may never have been in a vehicle or even a house with, in most cases, no one to fall back on once handed over.
As for your experience with a breed rescue; these are volunteers, not paid, and unfortunately people often lie when handing a dog over. You should have had numbers to call if you got problems or been able to hand the dog back if it didn't work out for whatever reason. This is not an option with the imports.

As for the horse ambulance -no problem one going out to Greece. It would be different if they had planned to use it to ship horses here.

Rose Folly

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29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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s4sugar - yes, I do take the point about unscrupulous people making megabucks over transporting dogs by the van load; and yes, they should be jumped on.

What upset me was the "one-size fits all" attitude of a lot of the posts. which seemed to paint everybody in foreign dog rescue as being a) out to make a quick buck and b) undermining UK internal dog rescue. This is certainly not true. I have a connection (Spanish) in Spain who re-homes galgos to carefully vetted homes in France and Italy - and in fact my vet here has a galgos connection.

Yes, ideally we (inicidentally that great nation of throw-away dogs, cats and horses!) can educate other countries with standards even lower than ours. But that will take time - I mean, we haven't exactly sorted it here yet, after 150 years of animal charities - so in my view it's worth getting a few animals out when you can. It's not as if they're going to be around in 150 years.