Well-Known Member
Performance issues led to a work up 6 weeks ago, which pointed to hocks. X-rays showed mild changes only (she’s 14 so not unusual) so went for cartrophen option first. It’s definitely helped as her walk, enthusiasm and general responsiveness has improved but in some ways that’s highlighted the issue in canter. She struggles to maintain it, though happy to transition. So vet back out. We can block and confirm hocks or medicate to confirm hocks and I obviously have choices around medication. I’m tempted to steroid to diagnose and if it’s successful go for gel or one of the newer (pricier) options next time. She’s now barefoot and coping well so that will hopefully also help. Any advice - appreciating this has been done many times before. She’s a real treasure so beyond the obvious aim that she’s comfortable I’m loathe to think she might not manage the ridden work. We’ve had a rough few years with a medial branch injury and feet issues so could with a break!