

Well-Known Member
29 September 2012
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I love my volunteering for the rda, no negative experiences, really enjoy it.
Years ago I used to write for a dressage judge friend, again it was a good day out and I learnt a lot.


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5 February 2008
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Have done various over the years - was horse section secretary at a one day local agricultural show, done odd bits of show judging, stewarding, did secretary tent for BE (sticks in mind was rider who had had fall coming into be okayed by doctor for next ride, which consisted of asking rider the date and how many fingers the doctor was holding- he passed), done bits of dressage writing and odd bits for RC as member. One local show where I judged looked after everyone really well, regular supplies of snacks to the ring and a lunch and the BD place where I wrote normally gave a gift. Was due to help at Tweaseldown one year pre mobile phones. Got there very early to be told it had been cancelled. Had seen signs on the way for car rallying going on nearby so went off there for the day which ended up as a really good day out. It is generally quite enjoyable though the last dressage writing I did was hard work as it went on and on and on. Judge was nice though and plenty of snacks!


Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
2 November 2013
On the edge of the Cotswolds
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I find it really sad that so many people have had such bad experiences as volunteers. Horse-events that organise all the ones I help at are super organised and look after us exceptionally well and as a result people repeat volunteer. Yes it can be a pain if you are a bit of a hike away from a loo and on your own but people Radio in they need a comfort break and it’s organised. I have also never had argumentative riders or pit crew if I’ve had to stop a horse at a fence or ask them to leave the course through elimination. The events may be UA but we get a lot of top riders bringing their youngsters for experience and they couldn’t be nicer.l


Wasting my time successfully....
23 July 2011
Somewhere south of the middle
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I find it really sad that so many people have had such bad experiences as volunteers. Horse-events that organise all the ones I help at are super organised and look after us exceptionally well and as a result people repeat volunteer. Yes it can be a pain if you are a bit of a hike away from a loo and on your own but people Radio in they need a comfort break and it’s organised. I have also never had argumentative riders or pit crew if I’ve had to stop a horse at a fence or ask them to leave the course through elimination. The events may be UA but we get a lot of top riders bringing their youngsters for experience and they couldn’t be nicer.l

Echo that really horse-events - I haven't volunteered for them (yet) but have always found their volunteers very helpful and clearly enjoying being there.

I would also recommend volunteering for anything run by LandS Eventing.


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14 August 2011
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Only a few times, at munstead. Went with a friend and we made a day of it. Does make it easier for loo breaks too! It was a long day but they looked after us well - lunch, tea and cake, training in the morning and a xc schooling voucher. Saw Tina cook go round and she was very nice - said hi on the course walk and waved a thank you as she went past.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I really get a lot out of dressage writing and often do the local champs. Venues near me are good to volunteers and it's only lack of time that stops me doing it more often.

I've FJd BE a fair bit but when you're on your own that's not a great time, I am generally dying for a wee and pretty fed up after a full day. It's not the end of the world but when you've got your own yard to do before and afterwards I have found it a bit off putting. I'd rather do a half day but they always seem short of people so have ended up doing the full day.


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27 July 2010
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I think the events that have a senior steward, who organise the stewards, book steward from their lists in advance and make sure everyone gets food and breaks on the day, makes a huge difference. It seems that a lot of the events helpers of any sort are the last thing in their thoughts.


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16 December 2005
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I've only ever had to organise volunteers for half day things, or say a 3 hour period - definitely seems to be a more popular time frame, and that was just for equestrian centre based stuff. They all were briefed before, had ample numbers if needed the loo/drinks, and always got a voucher to say thanks.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2012
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I have volunteered for RDA, BE, BRC, Point to Points and Endurance events with quite a variety of experiences. RDA was fine but I stopped volunteering because of quite fundamental issues with some of the policies that the RDA have to adhere to. I just couldn't enjoy some elements of the volunteering experience but that is probably because of my professional life/quals/outlook and not to do with feeling unappreciated! BE fence judging is good but as others have said a whole day is quite an ask and I have felt that it is a fair output of time and inconvenience for very little thanks and potentially quite a lot of responsibility. Very variable experience of feeling appreciated too tbh. Fun if you have a friend to do it with on a nice day though!! I don't really have involvement with eventing now but I would volunteer again if I was involved and I do think events need to get with people wanting to only do half days. Riding Club volunteering was ok; depending on what the event is/was and how many other volunteers are engaged. A real mix and tbh I wouldn't bother again as the same few people usually end up doing hours and hours of hard work and then finding that they are called on time after time to do the same again! Endurance was ok but as others say, being miles from anywhere for a long day in potentially bad weather is not a huge inducement and whilst most endurance riders are lovely, there were enough (in my experience) of the other kind to make you feel pretty peed off as a volunteer. Point to point helping is usually fun depending on the role you have, usually well organised too and nice food.

For the last couple of seasons, due to Covid, I haven't volunteered for anything horsey and in all honesty it is bliss. I know how vital volunteers are to events and I probably will do some volunteering for dog related things this summer but they are so much easier and less stress so not sure what the future of equestrian volunteering is for me now...I think the main issue for me is the hours that are taken up on any particular voluntary day; it is just not a good feeling coming home knackered knowing there is loads to do at the end of a long day. I think half days would be much better!! :)

ETA - on the occasions I have been asked to do dressage writing I have loved that and felt valued. It is a really good insight into the sport so offers it's own rewards and some dressage judges are fantastic characters!!
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16 December 2005
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I wonder how many of these events/sites rely on reputation when it comes to volunteers 'oh of course people will volunteer, we're the only Unicorn Sparkles 4* for eight weeks' type, forgeting to remember that relying on reputation alone is a bad way to do business of any kind.

I mean I shouldn't be surprised in any way re the experience I had the other week, no different to my experience as a paying client at the same place. I naively believed the email/dangled carrot I got and had hoped their comp side would be better.


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29 September 2013
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I've helped steward at a few shows. It's OK. Judges are generally pretty good and if you're interested they'll explain what they're looking for and why they've placed people where they have.

I got looked after and given a nice lunch etc.

Only thing I didn't like doing was dealing with the Welsh cob showing lot who were mostly rude, obnoxious giant A-holes.

I've also stewarded at endurance rides. Endurance people are generally a friendly bunch so again I was happy to do it.
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Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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A couple of times I've answered urgent calls for volunteers for imminent BE competitions put out on FB, think maybe put on the BE eventing volunteers page. I've never heard back after doing so - just a 'thank you but we're now sorted' would be nice. Though maybe any event which hasn't rustled up enough volunteers days before it starts is one to be avoided, they probably don't look after the ones they've had previously have so people don't return.


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20 August 2014
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I’ve mainly done FJ at BE events. Generally ok some are better then others.

attempted to help out at local rda centre but it was a waste of time with very rude staff so I never went back


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I contacted BE once to ask if they had an on line link to the current fence judge's guide, so that I could read and digest the rules before the day I was due to FJ (my first time that calendar year).

You'd have thought that I was asking for the moon :rolleyes:. No, there was no such link, and she couldn't see why I would want such a thing. 'You'll get a full briefing on the day, and you will get a handbook then.'

Well, there is never time at the briefing to do more than gallop through a few points, then we all gather up our handbook, score sheets, stop watches, flags etc and then dash to our cars via a loo stop before trying to find 'our' fences.

By the time you're set up at the fence, it's only a short time before the radio checks and the first horse on the course - there's no time to do more than flick through the handbook.

I was made to feel like an awkward demanding customer for asking for a guide beforehand. Fancy wanting to be fully prepared in advance for my day's volunteering.


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8 June 2010
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I FJed at PC tet, my first time, easy jump at the furthest point of the course, on my own, no toilet breaks, no food, very little company. Was thanked though 3/10. Wouldn’t go back for a full day.
Driving trials - Obstacle judging - food provided, drinks provided, at least two people on a task, decent loos.
Royal Windsor - mostly crowd control- great experience, stayed in a tent (mine) on site, meal vouchers, free tickets, free jacket with ‘Volunteer‘ written on the back. :p I had an excellent view of the evening performance. :cool:


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15 June 2015
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I volunteered for my local RC for several years doing pretty much anything and everything. I'd had a lot of fun competing at their events over the years so when my mare was no longer competing I wanted to give something back. I don't think I was ever thanked once, many times when I said I needed to go by a certain time I was left on the ring gate or entries and unable to leave. Never fed or drinks available, wouldn't have wanted fed but a cold drink would have been appreciated occasionally. The club struggled to get volunteers for events and relied heavily on the same people and now seems to have disappeared which I do feel is a loss to our area but understandable.

Having said all that I, mainly, enjoyed it and met some lovely people.
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Well-Known Member
20 January 2008
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I volunteer for my local event company and usually choose to be a dressage marshall as it's only half a day. I have FJ'd when I've got a friend to keep me company. I've also done BD volunteering at my local equestrian venue. The event company do BE and UA and we're always well looked after, with lunch, cakes, a gift and a voucher for a start fee or entry towards their UA events. We get a lot of top names early in the season so it's a chance to see some great riders do their stuff. If I didn't have a horse, I think I would do more as a way of keeping in touch with the horsey world


Well-Known Member
17 June 2012
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I have crammed all my volunteering into the last 23 years. Pretty well from the moment I arrived in Devon with my horses I was invited to join the committee of a local, longstanding horse show. My little step daughter joined the pony club so that was pretty full on, always the same families doing the setting up/clearing away and general organising! As a Rc member one gets called upon to judge, write, and organise as a committe member. I did RDA as an instructor/coach for 20 years and just gave up because of covid. I took up Trec about 15 years ago and that was really time consuming. From all these experiences I have been lucky to gain some lovely friendships and it certainly makes one feel welcome in a new area!!!


Well-Known Member
30 December 2011
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I enjoy dressage writing. I could do with doing more for my judge training requirements, but because of Covid it's really hard. A lot of local judges are providing their own writers or otherwise writing for themselves.


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19 April 2014
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I’ve done pony club fence judging, and been well treated (briefing, lunch bag, thanks). Would only do with company though (for loo breaks, and sometimes an extra pair of eyes is useful). We had a bad fall at our fence last time, rider off in ambulance, which was quite sobering. Catching a strange, fit, adrenaline filled horse and untangling him from his tack was interesting.
I usually volunteer at local dressage (BD) venue. Usually good, and the food and brownies is fab. I enjoy writing, can cope with scoring, but don’t really enjoy stewarding.
I am on RC committee, so generally do a bit of organising and help at club events. I do find it odd that so many people don’t realise (or choose to ignore) that we need all members to do a bit (we ask for one three hour stint a year) to run events. We definitely end up having to over-rely on some people.
We went to RC champs and had to provide a non-competing volunteer for the event. That was an odd experience. Person had to drive 150 miles (each way), to be ignored by the ‘in-crowd’ running the event and be allocated the most menial non job ever. As a team we had a laugh, but it’ll be a challenge to get someone to do the non-riding role in future!
We need volunteering to be something people enjoy and want to do, as without, events either won’t happen or will be too expensive for most.