Was it hillside that had a bit of a dodgy reputation?


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30 April 2009
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I caused ructions in Pets at Home a few years ago about this lot. Got to the till to pay and was asked quite aggressively, how much -not if! - I wanted to donate to charity. Now, I'd queued for ages as you tend to do at PAH and probably wasn't as sunny natured as I could have been so was possibly a bit shorter than usual, not rude though when I said no thank you. I was glared at and asked chugger stylee didn't I care about animals so answered that I didn't support Hillside. Well, that went down like a bucket of sick and the youngish lad on the till demanded to know why...big mistake in a crowded store :)

Enunciating clearly, I listed all the reasons that have been mentioned on this thread finishing off with and they aren't a registered charity anyway. He still tried to argue all the way through that I was heartless and wrong to the extent that I asked for the manager. When she arrived I put in a formal complaint which I did follow up with head office about the cashiers attitude and the fact that PAH were misleading people representing this outfit as a charity when they aren't.

In fairness, it wasn't Hillside's fault that a wannabe activist was pushy and rude but he had said that he'd looked into all they did and that the literature sent to the store said differently to me. I can easily believe that as I ended up on their mailing list a few years before which is why I'd checked them out and wasn't impressed by them. One of the first things that put me off them was the drama levels - starvation imminent unless you donate - and further research didn't convince me that they were any more professional about any other aspect of rescue.


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23 December 2010
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I caused ructions in Pets at Home a few years ago about this lot. Got to the till to pay and was asked quite aggressively, how much -not if! - I wanted to donate to charity. Now, I'd queued for ages as you tend to do at PAH and probably wasn't as sunny natured as I could have been so was possibly a bit shorter than usual, not rude though when I said no thank you. I was glared at and asked chugger stylee didn't I care about animals
I can feel my hackles rise already! I would have been furious especially if this sort of thing was making the queues longer. My business if I donate to charity and which one, not a shop assistants.

Lumpy gum

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12 September 2021
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Or am i getting it mixed up with somewhere else???
A couple of my daughters friends shared the appeal for hay on facebook.
Is it wrong for people to want to support this venue ? I fully support it for the sake of the animals, having had animals through my life.