Wears headscarf aggressively
Right, here it is then... Thursday afternoon and thoughts turn to fun times 
What's everyone got planned?
Kira has a show tomorrow, M76 and AM98. Hoping the weather will hold off for us
Salty will do arena hire on Sat, then a bit of normal-life stuff with mum & dad followed by OH's clay shoot team meal in the evening.
Sunday bit of teaching and then probably hacking with a snorkel.
Need to make a plan to get K out to arena hire next week because I've been neglecting that and we need the long lines to practice the advanced stuff.
Have fun everyone
What's everyone got planned?
Kira has a show tomorrow, M76 and AM98. Hoping the weather will hold off for us
Salty will do arena hire on Sat, then a bit of normal-life stuff with mum & dad followed by OH's clay shoot team meal in the evening.
Sunday bit of teaching and then probably hacking with a snorkel.
Need to make a plan to get K out to arena hire next week because I've been neglecting that and we need the long lines to practice the advanced stuff.
Have fun everyone