Weekend plans... :D


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15 June 2009
Was Surrey, now West Berkshire
Oh my goodness niki, Cassie is pretty - you can post plenty photos of her if you like :eek:

Thank you! She's such a poser so I assume she knows it too!! She did a 'first' today - went on the walker at the yard, just so I was happy that she can go on it if turnout is restricted one day, not as a regular thing. In true Cassie style, she didn't bat an eyelid. :) xx


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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Lol, not far if I can help it, otherwise it eats into my own horse time too much :D

Super chuffed with K today, not earth shattering scores but a respectable 65% in M76 and 2nd place, and 64% for the win in AM98 on VERY tired legs as only 30 mins between tests. Both qualifying scores for summer regionals so some more points in the bank. Got the obligatory 4 for cantering out of the first centre line halt in the AM... :eek: centre lines are our nemesis at the moment. And fluffed one change for another 4.

*BUT* the first test felt really rideable, I don't really like M76 that much but she came out firing on all cylinders and ready to do the job. Felt like I could ride her just like I do at home, rather than just manage her emotions to get round.
That's the 2nd time in a row that I've had a good ride in the first test so I'm hoping that she is finally going to be able to do her best work in a one-test outing. When she starts PSG I won't want to have to waste petrol doing a warm up test so this really feels like a huge step forward :) :) :)

Great news! And well done on some great scores.

I think Indio and I will need snorkels tomorrow. There wasn’t much point in polishing tack and horse today, both got a quick wipe down and Indio will have a quick groom and plait tomorrow. I’m taking three sets of clothes and bought some new waterproof trousers today..!


9 July 2012
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Had to cancel our clinic today :( Even though I wasn't riding I felt so rough I couldn't face fighting to load Jensen to take him 1/2 an hour down the road.... I'm gutted, I have a fantastic horse, a fantastic plan, my own transport again and I am messing it all up by having this stupid cold/flu thing. So fed up with myself :( :(


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26 January 2011
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Well I survived Princess Ellie’s first day back in work after her holiday - let her have 5 mins to run around before I lunged her and she was good as gold. Only managed ten minutes as it was snowing heavily and I wanted to get her back down the ramp into the barn before it got too slippy but she did everything I asked first time without any arguments so was happy to leave it at that.

Today she was wired and only wanted to canter so that’s what she did - and then when she’d tired herself out she did a little bit more and then went for a walk in-hand with Raz walking beside her.
Plan is to lunge her again tomorrow and then get back on board on Tuesday (Monday is the yard day off).

Pic because I think she’s looking very grown up at the moment:

Also managed to pop Beau round a few jumps yesterday so gave him a quick lunge today (spent far too long shovelling snow and then got caught up helping dad with his lot) and then will put the fences up a bit tomorrow. :)
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25 October 2006
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Well, dressage sort of went to plan! I stayed on and I remembered the test, that's good right?

Surprisingly I'm not too disheartened (although Findus may have been muttered when M decided to take ages to load for home) and am working on an action plan for a better result next time.


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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It’s now snowing and settling :(. Fellow livery who is giving us a lift understandably doesn’t want to drive the lorry in snow, so we’re going to make a call in an hour. Hopefully it’s turned to rain by then, otherwise Indio’s Elementary debut will be cancelled due to weather for a second time!! We were supposed to go to Quainton in December but that was iced off.

Off to do a rain dance now!


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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It’s now snowing and settling :(. Fellow livery who is giving us a lift understandably doesn’t want to drive the lorry in snow, so we’re going to make a call in an hour. Hopefully it’s turned to rain by then, otherwise Indio’s Elementary debut will be cancelled due to weather for a second time!! We were supposed to go to Quainton in December but that was iced off.

Off to do a rain dance now!

What a pain. I tend to hibernate a bit over winter but am planning on doing a few events in the next few weeks. Hoping the weather holds and I have good warm comp gear!


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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What a pain. I tend to hibernate a bit over winter but am planning on doing a few events in the next few weeks. Hoping the weather holds and I have good warm comp gear!

We’ve decided not to go. Still snowing and forecast says heavy snow for another hour. I’m amazed it’s not the same at the venue! Shame as I love going there, it’s my favourite local comp centre :(

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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I've had a brilliant weekend despite having to dodge snow showers ....

Friday - show jump schooling at Aintree indoor and Amber was a star.

Saturday - combined training (outdoors brrrrr) dressage and show jumping. A few weeks ago I had a pole work session and I was totally unable to do ANY canter poles as Amber just ran through them flatout. After hours of work on this yesterday I was linking jumps in canter with canter poles set on a 15m circle to start and finish the mini round. She was fine. The change is amazing.

Today I schooled my daughter's pony as she is injured - and discovered how bl00dy strong he is! Goodness knows how my tiny (6 stone) daughter rides him.

Snow can bog off now though. Had enough of being wet and freezing cold.


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7 September 2004
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Over the moon with my fella today. He rode through his first test in front of a list 1 judge. We Gate crashed BD regionals test training at Summerhouse and in addition to fully dressed arenas we also has sideways icy rain :D
Giant pony was very grown up, no dramas at all. Just went a bit introverted on me and dropped off the leg. Judge was really complimentary and gave me some useful pointers of what to work on short term. So 69% in a long arena, and a list 1 saying it won’t take long for high 70’s is a big confidence boost.

Plus loaded/stood on trailer, mounted etc all single handed without a bother

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Over the moon with my fella today. He rode through his first test in front of a list 1 judge. We Gate crashed BD regionals test training at Summerhouse and in addition to fully dressed arenas we also has sideways icy rain :D
Giant pony was very grown up, no dramas at all. Just went a bit introverted on me and dropped off the leg. Judge was really complimentary and gave me some useful pointers of what to work on short term. So 69% in a long arena, and a list 1 saying it won’t take long for high 70’s is a big confidence boost.

Plus loaded/stood on trailer, mounted etc all single handed without a bother

That's brilliant! Well done. x


Well-Known Member
19 April 2014
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Well done to everyone who got out and about. Sadly our show was cancelled (snow and ice) so all dressed up with no party. Had a fab lesson though so really pleased at how well she’s going.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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Over the moon with my fella today. He rode through his first test in front of a list 1 judge. We Gate crashed BD regionals test training at Summerhouse and in addition to fully dressed arenas we also has sideways icy rain :D
Giant pony was very grown up, no dramas at all. Just went a bit introverted on me and dropped off the leg. Judge was really complimentary and gave me some useful pointers of what to work on short term. So 69% in a long arena, and a list 1 saying it won’t take long for high 70’s is a big confidence boost.

Plus loaded/stood on trailer, mounted etc all single handed without a bother

Ooh how exciting :D what a great find he has turned out to be. And hard-core in that weather.... I'm glad I booked onto the test riding clinic *next * month :D


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12 April 2015
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j1ffy, that is suucchhhh a pain!! I hope the gorgeous Indio can make it out soon. If only to fulfil my selfish want of photos of him :p

AmbersEcho, it is just so good when you make a breakthrough like that...

IHW, yay! Sounds like a good outing. I feel your pain, sideways icy rain is just no good!!


Well-Known Member
12 April 2015
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Well... Yesterday Chills did her first test of the year. I know I said I wanted it to be a benchmark for the year, but not so easy to beat!! Warmed up in snow and sleet blowing in our faces and went in ridiculously tense and silly for a stonking 59% and resolute last place. Not our finest moment, and frustrating as this is the horse who can get a 74% at novice on a good day.

Ah well, think we'll put this one down to experience and just look forward to our lesson next month!!


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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RO - sorry you had a bit of a frustrating one, the weather isn't being kind to many of us at the moment is it. Arty threw herself on the floor weekend in a fit of temper over the snow going in her ears... I'm just glad I wasn't on board!

IHW - wow that sounds like a great outing. Your horse is one of my biggest horse envies currently, he just looked so classy in the last video of yours I saw. Are you planning to event him?

AE - wow, what a great weekend, you're definitely starting the year with everything in gear :D

Frustrating for everyone who had plans but didn't make it out. I battled out of the snow around mine to pick up my new box (where they had no snow), and am now thinking that I won't make firm plans for the next month but just go out on spur of the moment arena hires if the roads are passable. This winter has been pants for weather


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Didn't have plans, but managed a sneaky hack round Delamere forest, Doodle refused to be left at home so she got an outing and Topaz just thought she was hunting, as she hunted her once about 6 years ago :rolleyes3:.



Then an arena hire yesterday for Topaz, as I had no wish to be wet to my knickers again!


Did some lovely work, even if she she came in spooking at everything :rolleyes3:, however walk pirouettes and changes we looking fab :).


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7 September 2004
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DabDab, eventing this year is the plan for him - although I do the homework and outsource the jumping part to someone more talented and braver than I!! He is pencilled in to start at 100 in May


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14 December 2009
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We are a bit late with weekend plans :) well done to everyone who got out in the awful weather and commiserations to those who couldn't get out!
Well we had a trip to Tweseldown planned Sunday morning for XC schooling, all day Saturday I was secretly hoping they would call and cancel us due to ground, but they didn't :)
My lovely resident trainer friend suggested we both go in her lorry rather than using my trailer- ( a real luxury for me and good training opportunity as I have never loaded Max into a lorry - he popped straight up the ramp (bless him) and settled next to his friend and travelled perfectly.
we only had about a 20 minute journey and the snow was coming down quite thick by then, slightly worrying- but we got there around 09.30 thinking we must be mad -we were not even the first there, two lorries already there and horses out on course, plus another two drove in as we did. ( gotta love hardened eventers lol) we got sorted and tacked up telling ourselves this is fun.... snow still coming down ( but better than driving rain!)
I had completely forgotten I have no stud holes till February (next farrier visit) so needless to say was a bit cautious of the ground but if you are going to ride anywhere studless Tweseldown is the place to be- sandy ground-
He warmed up well felt a bit whizzy and strong in my hand but all good.
we popped a few jumps and he felt good, I was just a bit lacking in confidence at first and couple of times did not properly ride him to the second element of a fence so had a run out but once I got that sorted he was fab. felt very confident and far less green than last year.
we planned on finishing at the water, which is a bit of a nemesis for us as he can be sticky jumping in and out, he popped down the step first time, but scared himself a bit and got very wound up, , there were other groups waiting to get in, so we went off to jump a few other fences and came back 10 minutes later, he took a lead from my friends horse a few times then popped in off the step and out over it by himself several times, so we ended the session on a good note !

we actually had a really good day, despite the weather and so glad we got out in the end :)

will try post photos if it will work




Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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WOW! That snow - well done for going :D

Monte, how was the ground at Tweseldown? I really need to get over there in the next couple of weeks? How much of it is open?


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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Ooh sounds fab Monte. Well done for getting out in the snow. Brrrrrrrr. Always nice to hear how you're getting on as we bought our grey Irish youngsters around the same time :)


Well-Known Member
14 December 2009
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Ooh sounds fab Monte. Well done for getting out in the snow. Brrrrrrrr. Always nice to hear how you're getting on as we bought our grey Irish youngsters around the same time :)

Hi Bernster (waves) yes we did , I remember now :). cannot believe that will be three years ago in February.. it has been a big learning curve for us but a good one!

so pleased with his attitude this year, just got to hitch up my brave pants a bit more now ...


Well-Known Member
14 December 2009
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WOW! That snow - well done for going :D

Monte, how was the ground at Tweseldown? I really need to get over there in the next couple of weeks? How much of it is open?

Hi LP, LOL .. my trainer took that photo saying , see no fair weather riders here :)

The ground was actually all fine (just a bit slippery on the big main schooling field ) but if I'd had studs in wouldnt have been a problem - my trainers horse was fine and he was studded up.

main schooling area is open and the new water and the long line of jumps to left and right of it, but none of the actual course was open. There was plenty of all sorts of height fences around to jump though, from 80ish up to novice and Int. I would say, so fine for a quick tune up but not really great if you want to try link a decent amount of fences together to replicate a proper course ( something i think we really need to get out to do to help horse to switch on and go after each fence)

We only went now as I had two vouchers to use up by end January so was worth doing :)