I'm Dun
Well-Known Member
My husband is a fan of Judge Judy so sometimes I sit in front of her whilst having a cuppa. She often tells people - eat less exercise more. Good advice.
You really think its that easy?? Its this sort of attiude that makes people ashamed of what they weigh. I stopped riding when I got too heavy and started driving. I tried and tried and tried to lose weight for about 5yrs before that. Ironically I did then manage to lose 5 stone and keep 4stone of it off. Do you know what it took, 800calories maximum a day for 4 months, plus being active for 8 to 10 hours a day. I managed it in lockdown as I had 24/7 to dedicate to it. I dont think I could do that again with a job and a family etc, it took far too much out of me.
I need to lose another 2 stone now really, I dont ride and I was and still am within the 15 percentage limit of any horse Id want to ride anyway, but that was the weight I was at for years, pre the accident that caused the weight gain. I'm just gearing myself up mentally to do it. Its incredibly hard and I've had so much stress and unpleasantness the last couple of years I've put it on hold. Im not as fat now, so it will be another 4 months of 800 calories a day, walking 10 miles a day, and keeping myself on my feet and moving the rest of the time. I'm exhausted and hungry just thinking about it.
Yes there are fat people who dont care, but they are the minority. Youd be hard pressed to find a fat person who hasnt tried and failed multiple times to lose weight. If it was just eat a bit less and move a bit more we wouldnt have fat people, becuase for the vast majority of people being fat makes them unhappy.
And no they shouldnt ride horses if they are too heavy. I very much wish Id given up sooner. But attitudes like this are ludicrous and really do not help anyone.