A huge amount at the time of getting them ☺
Dust catchers till I take down the xmas decs and remove the last seasons frillies.
These days I then pop them up in Bs stable to attract cobwebs as we've only done 3 seasons together so far..
I have very special memory ones hanging in my feed store, going back to late 70s, mix of very old fashioned little ones, HOYS and Olympia, silver medal ones, my 1st home bred youngstock champ etc etc , tho oddly i have no idea where the sashes went. Prize cards were fixed on one wall of feed store too.
I used to write the event and date on the back and every single one was treasured. As we won more and more I got a little more blasé about them but still got a bit of a thrill to be honest and they were all pinned up in the tack room. I threw them all away as I was sorting stuff out to move to Ireland. They were getting tatty and faded and there were hundreds of them. Fished them all out of the bin the following day and carefully cleaned the dust and cobwebs off and brought them with me. They are in four archive boxes in the dry shed.
I threw away a lot of ordinary ones and only kept the really special ones and a sash but they've been sitting in a box for a while now. I guess they're memories, pride, a sense of achievement, but also a bit bittersweet as I no longer have the horse. I'd like a way of displaying them, I keep considering having a cushion made out of them or similar but at the same time I don't want them chopped up and ruined as they still mean a lot to me.
Yes memories, of the event, of the success, of the horse or pony I did it on, of the friends and acquaintances I met along the way. I keep them all including those from my childhood. I write on the back what they were for. I don't have them out on display any more but I'm keeping them for when I'm old and senile and I will get them out then and relive those days!
Memories. I have all my 1st/champ/supreme on my wall because I’m proud of the achievements and I’m not likely to get those again. I have a box full of seconds etc cause I could never bring myself to throw any out.
Lots and lots of very happy memories shared with my old boy.
I too wrote on the back of each one. They are all stored carefully in a box (I couldn't bear any of them to fade), and I get them out from time to time.
I too have never thrown one away. Each of my ponies or horses tried on that day for me. I have some on display in the house and others are in boxes. Always write the details on the back. I still get a thrill from a rosette and there are some beautiful ones now but one of the smallest ones I have is from probably the biggest class I ever jumped.
Like everyone else - memories! I can remember winning the majority of them! I have hundreds of them from various different horses and ponies over the years and they all mean something different.
I have 2 white 1sts and the white, gold and tartan champion rosette and sash to go with them. They are hideous! They truly are! So so tacky! BUT GrayMo won them having had one person tell me he should have been shot before he left training and that I wasn't capable of riding or looking after him *cough*RoRScottishRep*cough* and the day of the show someone who bullied me relentlessly at work for years walked past me and said snidely "he's not very clean is he?!" GrayMo was his usual sparkling white and dazzling silver! She was in the same class and came last ???
I have boxes and bags for each horse or pony but I think that the red firsts won by the NF mare mean the most to me. Funnily I am also rather proud of the ones won by my £200.00 companion pony!
I had bags and bags of them stored upstairs but last year someone was asking for old rosettes for a project so I sorted through and sent them to her and just kept a hundred or two from bigger shows. I feel like I should display them like I did before I moved house but am not sure of how would be best.
I had kept every single one, there were bags and boxes.
Then, when mum was ill and her stuff landed here, then it was apparent that she would be in a care home, but I daren't throw her stuff away, just in case, then I sorted them out and donated some to the RDA. They suggested I take photos of them before donating, so I hadn't really lost them.
I kept those that were recent or that had particular significance.
I like to think that somewhere, a RDA member won some of them and treasures them as much as I did.
I am ridiculously attached to mine. I write the date and the score on the back of each one. We don’t compete much so each one is special and goes on the board. It’s basically my childhood dream come true! New boy has just won his first frilly so now I’m debating whether he needs a board of his own…
I keep every single one and write on the back where is was won, scores, dates etc. I am such a sentimental person.
In the first year I had her they were above my bed, but then I moved and the majority are still in a bag on top of my wardrobe (because there are so blimmin many now!).
It's only this year where we have had a such a milestone year for us both, competing less but going outside our comfort zone and doing well, that I've framed some. I also have a wee thing now that when we get back to the yard I take a picture of her wearing whatever she's won that day- this year we've had a lot of help from folk so we can compete so I'm compiling them all onto a thank you cards to be printed.
I've stopped keeping them now unless it's for something particularly memorable like a champs or horse's first show. I have moved house a fair few times and it's just another thing to cart around with you. So i give most of them back at venues these days. There are some special ones and I won't bin the old ones from before I had transport because all the competitions then felt like a major event, it was pretty rare that I'd get to go.
I have a handful up at home, and a few sashes, but was just thinking I'd put them away tbh as just another thing to clean
I keep them all. Mine are all up on a rosette board - there's one of the stairs & one in the spare bedroom/office. The newest are tied to the stairwell waiting to go up onnthe board.
Quite a few of mine are from rides rather than competitions but each one regardless has lots of mèmories of the fun we had and places we got/get to go.
I feel like a bad person reading this, I used to keep them but then decided I was hoarding and so I’ve either thrown all mine out, or I try not to accept them in the first place (as I know I’ll throw it out and so don’t like the waste) and I’d rather the organisers reuse them if they can. I still have the memories and I prefer looking at photos. But I’m not a prolific competitor anymore and don’t win much fancy, so not quite in the same league as most of you.
Mine are all in my horsebox window, mainly because I pop them in there when I leave a comp then forget to take them out! I love getting them as it always feels like such an achievement for us as he's not always an easy pony
Half the time I don't even bother to pick them up unless its something like a BE one or a championship. I actually try and buy a photo now after a good day instead as much more meaningful.
I was thinking about what to do with my tonnes of dressage sheets the other day. Some of the horses are not even alive now. Not really sure why I am hanging on to them.
Memories, I have at least two large boxes, ranging from Champion Donkey Derby, very novice gymkhana, to a hard won 6th against a large class of adults in Premlim 7, from my daughter's riding. If it's a choice between prize money and a rosette of what ever colour, I would rather have the frilly.
I have a keepsake box for both my daughters, have put the best memory ones, like coming fourth in ROR, or the Donkey Derby, in them.
I used to keep them, had hundreds, but one day my cow got into the tack room and for some weird reason only known to herself, she chewed them all to a colourful pulp. I binned the whole mess. I barely compete now, so have kept those that we've won in the last few years. Memories, as most of those horses are gone now.