What is your horse of a lifetime?



Horse of a lifetime to me is a horse which has a profound impact on your life - the one who is just that bit special and stands out from the rest.

Mine was my Taz (the bay in my signature). He was damaged in many ways but we had such a strong bond, he always tried his heart out fr me and I just loved him to bits. It broke my heart to say goodbye to him.

After him, I didn't think I'd be able to love a horse that same way again, but nearly ten years on, my youngster Fallon, is showing signs of being another very special one. I hope I have the next 20 years with him.


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25 January 2002
One I have now...

Freckles, my Appaloosa mare, I always wanted a spotty, and bought her as a foal, after I had lost all my confidence after losing my last horse in a traffic accident, with her I regained all my confidence, we grew, we bonded, and I love her to bits... plus she bred me a fantastic foal, Harley, who I also have (hes 7 now) ... :D


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4 February 2011
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Pure bred Clydesdale gelding, trad white face and decent enough paces to do average dressage :)

The one I have now is pretty special though, I hope to get him to Medium level dressage myself :)


Well-Known Member
3 February 2012
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Can I be greedy and have two? Neither I have ever owned. Both helped teach me to ride and both will never be forgotten for what they gave me?

Oh good :-D. One Sunny helped to learn me the basics - walk, trot, canter - he only had one eye bless him but a pony in a million. Second Dhillion - taught me to jump and gave me confidence to go higher and higher. This was 27 years ago and I'll never forget them till my dying day :).


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21 November 2008
Back Where My Heart Is :)
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Ellie, 16.3 mongrel horse. Not the most beautiful of mares, but I loved her. Got her when she was in her mid twenties, and she died in 2010 aged 29. Despite retiring her soon after I got her she taught me so much, for which I am eternally grateful for. We have a lovely drawing of her in pride of place in our sitting room, and her bit and girth hang in the hallway.

Miss her to bits.


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11 December 2004
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I was going to say I have had 3, but then again, maybe not, so then I got to thinking ...

what, exactly, is the definition of Horse of a Lifetime?

I imagine it means different things to different people.


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2 August 2009
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I am so lucky, I have had 5!!! A probable Welsh, a probable Connemara, 3 Arabs and a TB/Appy!! All have taught me so much and given me so much pleasure. I do hope I have done my best for them and that I will see them again some day.....I could write a story about each one, and 3 of them are still with me....wonderful personalities each of them!!


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Welll...... I've had a pony of a lifetime, and a horse of a lifetime :)

My first pony was called Iceberg, he was dapple grey and such a lovely little man, looked after me all through PC, hunting etc. He was the sort who'd stand there in the middle of the hunting field with everyone hooning around him, resting a hind leg!!! - and would only move when asked to do so. When I had him, I didn't have horsey parents. I was 13, he was only 5, everyone said it would be a disaster. It wasn't (tho' the first PC rally was a paperchase on open common and a tad hairy I seem to recall!!). He was a lovely little man and really looked after me. Could do with him now I'm rather long in the tooth :)

First horse was called JC and he was an absolute darling; big, bright bay, gorgeous man who was a lovely boy and not an evil thought ever in his head; lost him to lammi/cushings 8 yrs ago.

Both worth their weight in gold, both irreplaceable. Both missed every single day.


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8 January 2011
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I would class a horse of a lifetime to be one that you would be hard pushed to find again for all the right reasons.

Mine has to be Dunlin (my avatar). He was old, riding school and had health issues. He was handsome, caring, kind, friendly, intelligent, hard working and always tried his heart out. He really did hold back and grow with me and as I got more confident he got more cheeky and introduced me to dirty stops, spooking, bucking and nibbling my bum when rugging him. He won me my first rosette and my Dad would often find me at the end of the day sat down in his stable talking to him. I was never ever once scared or wary when I was with him. He taught me so much when I was at the beginning of learning to ride and how to look after a horse of my own and he helped me through my parents divorce and my GCSE's. He was more than just a horse of a lifetime he was my best friend.

He was put to sleep some 18 years ago, I still have a plait of his mane and will remember him forever. Writing this has brought a lump to my throat as I really did love him to bits and still miss him and I can't say I feel that way over any other horse.

Equilibrium Ireland

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12 July 2010
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I saw the title of this thread and thought sort of like finding the perfect man or woman. They exist in our minds. Reality is whatever you want to make of it. I have 5. I don't think any of them fall in the perfect horse catagorey as judged by others or a criteria. To me their perfect/ideal/dream horses. I don't know. Expectations ruin many relationships. Be it animal or human. I'm not perfect I don't expect others to be. Mutual respect in any relationship is better than searching for perfect.



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25 March 2007
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My little ArabxWelsh mare. I have had her for 12 years. She has taken me to a far higher level competitively than I ever aspired to, bred me a beautiful filly and granted me the privilege of being there at the birth and helped me to cope with the most traumatic bereavement. And she is still going strong, back out competing at 19 and making me smile every day. She's the one.


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10 December 2008
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It's impossible to identify a horse of a lifetime in advance. You just know when you have it. Ebony was mine. I got him when we were both 14 and lost him when we were 27. He taught me EVERYTHING I know about horses. He could be a git, was incredibly bolshy to handle and certifiable to ride at times, but I trusted him with my life and he was a huge part of me growing up.

I've had others since but none will come close to him despite them being better than him in certain areas. Archie is much better in traffic, much more cuddly and always lets you catch him. Monty is far more talented and far easier to handle and ride as he's so laid back. Monty's owner (he's my share horse but I've known him since he arrived with his owner as we've been best friends since we were kids and feel he's mine as much as hers!) would say that he's her horse of a lifetime as he's just fab and I know how lucky I am to ride him, but although I love them both dearly, neither of them has grabbed my heart like Eb did. He just had so much character and he made me feel like he'd chosen me as he could be horrible to other people - he and Monty's owner hated each other - but he would be good for me most of the time.

Maybe age has a part to play, teenage hormones and drama lend themselves to having a horse of a lifetime when you're that age, while nerves and a bit more realism when you're older may make it less likely? Maybe I'll feel differently when A&M (hopefully a long way down the line) have gone too, we probably never really know what we've had until it's gone.
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25 March 2009
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All 4 that I have owned so far have. Just like my own children, I love them all equally but they are individuals and special to me in their own ways.

With regards to choosing my own "horse or a lifetime" if I were to go out tomorrow and buy one... I'm really not sure what I would chose!


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22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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For me it's the one you want to keep forever and ever ;)

Personally my lad is my horse of a lifetime, he may not be flashy or particularly "talented" at any disciplines but he does everything I want to do and he does it with the horse version of a smiley happy disposition. He doesn't display any agressive behaviour or have any vices, he rarely is naughty when ridden and when he is it's always naughtyness of the managable kind. He likes to be around me, he's laid back and most importantly always makes me feel safe! :D


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6 May 2008
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This miserable old git. Pic taken last week on his twentieth birthday, I've had him since he was five and we've been through so much. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. He is not only my horse of a lifetime, he is also my longest serving friend, he owes me nothing and boy, will I miss him when he's gone.

He is both priceless and irreplaceable.

And still a miserable old git!


Well-Known Member
17 March 2010
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My horse of a lifetime died before Xmas she was my everything for 20 years, she taught me so many values and put a smile on my face every day, my heart was broken when I lost her and I know there will never be another like her.

Sugarplum Furry

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20 June 2006
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My arab. Flighty, sensitive, quirky, camper than a boys scout's jubilee weekend, mopper up of my tears and my salvation when the rest of the world seems all wrong, faster than the wind, stunningly beautiful and my absolute pride and joy.


Well-Known Member
28 January 2012
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aww yous all seem to have such sweet horses! Mine is a hackney x cob x section d 19 years old and the most loyal and beautiful horse i have ever met. Trust her with my life entirely. Love her with all my heart. This sounds harsh but my tb is no where near as good as that mare and i dont think any horse ever will be