WHat's the daftest thing your horse has spooked at ?


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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I used to keep my great Loon-of-a-Cob on a yard which was on a very steep hill. One day we set off down the road for a hack, and there was a man coming up the hill with his dog.

Himself decided that he needed a wee, and with the usual requisite groaning and puffing involved with lowering his undercarriage, proceeded to get on with it.

The torrent, when it came, made a bleddi tsunami look moderate in comparison: there was GALLONS of the stuff, all frothy like a keg of best bitter going to waste, all heading towards this poor bloke and his mutt.

Cobby decided that this torrent flooding down the hill beside him was definitely dangerous in the extreme, and the great Loon started trying to spook at it and figured the greatest safety lay in going down the hill faster than the torrent escalating beside us was.

Bloke with the dog had legged it onto higher ground (someone's gateway) in order to seek refuge from the rising tide.

Meanwhile Cobby was skittering and skattering down a 1-in-4 hill like a blessed ballerina, jumping around like a cat on hot bricks, trying to escape from his own wee. Gurt Daft Ha'peth.


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
Behind you
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A lame cow shuffling to the water trough!! ...... half hour before on the way past the cow field he didn't bat an eye at the young calves hooning around him piaffing and acting like loons ...... but a hobbling thirsty old cow ... deadly!

Oh and me sneezing!!!


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14 August 2006
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Goblins. Only she can see them, but it's definitely goblins. Also trolls. Invisible horse eating trolls with giant teeth and sixteen claws. I mostly sit through those. I've come off twice for tiny birds (a sparrow and a robin I think though it's not the ideal position for ornithology).

Also the neighbours had a bouncy castle in tgeir garden next to the school which in fairness was terrifying. Knew I was chancing it even trying to ride her through that one but thought it would be character building. Hadn't anticipated the next 3 weeks of random spooks at the memory of a bouncy castle. We're a couple of months past now and still getting the odd one.

Strangely she was fine with the umbrellas that terrified my usually brave one.
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Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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Before retiring my horse used to spook violently as in spinning trying to run off backing into traffic, you name it he did it.... At the same poor tiny old lady??
Never understood. We hacked and lived in a busy busy tourist village so he saw hoards of people with no problem.
This poor lady was the bane of my life though! In the end she would literally freeze to the spot and wait til I'd battled past 😂


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29 July 2015
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We had a dodgy moment last week due to a bra dangling from a tree! :D It was very windy so I can only assume it blew off someone's washing line... :/


Well-Known Member
28 May 2009
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Horse stopped for a pee,(poor lad was desperate ) His expression of relief was instantly turned to a vertical spook as this sinister yellow liquid suddenly flowed between his front hooves! Only an Irish daft could be that daft!


Well-Known Member
27 December 2015
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People in fancy dress... People sitting on rocks, people in general really. And the boys playing rugby in the park, apparently thats worth firing up like a racehorse. Also, we hack through a paddock with nice long grass, the kind that horse eating birds and bunnies jump out of. There's also a gateway that is less scary than other gateways she has to go through, yet all of the horses hate it, and she lived in the paddock for a few months in summer!!

Lunchbox legend

Well-Known Member
10 July 2012
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A tyre mark. We'd been hacking past a piece of plastic laid on the ground for a few days until the day it had a bicycle tyre mark across it. Apparently it was a six foot python.

I did laugh the other day though, because it was me who 'spooked'. I'd gone to get a head collar, not knowing that the horses were already in their stables and as I came round the corner I walked into two horse heads sticking out over their doors. I gasped and leapt back. They both looked at me like I was an idiot 😂 😂


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5 July 2016
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Hilarious!! i have a welsh d so everything is scary!
* Piles of snow in the winter
* Any sort of feed scaks
* Butterflies
* SLOW signs painted on the road (even though he sees them on every hack)
* Hikers with back packs
* Great danes
And lastly me farting or coughing - haha!! he shot off about 200 miles per hour!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2013
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Mine has just added a new one to the repertoire - a pile of earth and rubble on the footpath outside somebody's garden wall. She's been past it twice a day for weeks, but is still very wary. The council is going to be digging up the whole road next week, so goodness knows how she'll react to that!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
Solihull, West Mids
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A faded pool of oil left on the road (you know how it goes all the colours of the rainbow?) We were trotting up a hill at the time. Horse leapt onto grass bank which must have been at a one in ten angle and narrowly missed putting his hind foot in a rabbit hole :( We teetered on the edge of the grass bank before slipping down and leaping onto the road with all four feet and making a quick getaway from the 'oil slick' which probably measured about four inches in diameter. How he spotted it I will never know as I could barely make it out, but OH YES he had seen it (like he spots a pattern of a filler hung on the ménage fence the other way round because someone inconsiderate has used it and not hung it back with the same pattern showing which is how its been for the last month!) :D