Where and how does your dog sleep at night?


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30 December 2011
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I own a lovely 10 month old Cockapoo and he is a delight in every way apart from in the morning. At the moment he sleeps in my bedroom and starts the night off in his bed but as the night progresses he sneaks into my bed. As soon as it is 6am he then proceeds to starts jumping around on me and my other half. Other half wants to be ban him to the hallway with bedroom door shut but I think it will just upset him to much. I am wondering if we should be stricter and never allow him on the bed anymore and hopefully this will sink in when he wakes up in the morning. He gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation.

I am one very tired dog owner. I be interested to know where all your dogs sleep and what set up people have.


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29 October 2015
Sunny Stirlingshire
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Our dogs aren't ever allowed upstairs or on the furniture. They sleep in the utility room at night (or kitchen if we leave the door open). They are only 'invited' into the rest of the house if we let them.

I know plenty of dogs that are allowed upstairs and on their owner's beds, but not ours. I value my sleep far too much!

If you want new boundaries, set them and stick to them. You can't have one rule for you and one for hubby.


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4 January 2018
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Ahh Cockapoos!! My OH has a cockapoo who will sleep on your head in you let him in your room!

Don't have too much advise other than shut him out. OH's cockapoo only comes on the bed when invited during the day and "sleeps" in his bed majority of the night. They're such a high energy dog (especially as pups) it's hard to see why they wouldn't want to play at 6am really...


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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My two (small) dogs sleep on the bed because they are very good and don't disturb me (unless there are "burglers", i.e: imaginary noises that need barking at). If you don't want him on the bed can you have him in a crate at night, beside the bed perhaps?


'It's only a laugh, no harm done'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I have two German Shepherds and they are both crated overnight as this is a rental property and I like my sleep. I occasionally let the older one sleep loose and but the younger one is a torture, he slept in my room while we were away last year and if he wasn't licking his bits he was whining because I was soooooo far away from him (he was at the end of the bed).
He was up on the bed the other night for a while and I was too tired to shoo him off and whilst he made himself very comfortable (and compact, for such a big dog) I don't think my bedding could take it long term :p


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30 January 2017
N Yorks
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Our (small) dog slept in the kitchen until he was about one and a half, then we cracked because we are weak and let him sleep on a bed in the corner of our bedroom. He sometimes tries to climb on our bed but he is well aware that unless he has been invited up he is liable to be dumped back into his own bed. Once that's been done he's very good about staying there, and he's pretty lazy anyway so he doesn't tend to bother us in the morning. Like Cortez's two, he only disturbs us when there are imaginary burglars or nightmare baddies in the house.

Sometimes he still sleeps in the kitchen just so we can be sure he isn't going to start screaming about it. He never minds when this happens. He has to sleep in his crate whenever we're on holiday with him or he's staying at the in-laws'.

I would probably try putting your dog repeatedly back in his own bed when he climbs up, ditto when he starts jumping up and down on your head. A week or so of being dumped back in his own bed might make the point. Alternatively, a crate in the corner of the bedroom is a good idea - once he's proved himself trustworthy he could go back to a bed?


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30 March 2007
New Forest
My elderly Collie sleeps in the kitchen, and my 2 Swissies in the central hall.
You could try crating, as I started all mine off like that and they were all really settled once they realised whinning didnt get them any attention.


Well-Known Member
19 January 2012
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Button - always on the bed. She's a princess :rolleyes:

Rufus - sometimes on the bed. Most of the time on the floor in the bedroom.

Willow - again, sometimes on the bed but most of the time she will sleep downsatirs.

Wherever they are, they will stay asleep as long as I'm asleep, unless they want a wee or there's something up. I'm rarely disturbed but if I was, they would have to sleep elsewhere because I love my sleep and couldn't do without it!


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14 September 2001
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JRT sleeps on the bed or landing. She’s very lazy though and doesn’t get up until the last person does.

She will wake my up by sitting next to my head and staring at me If she’s desperate for a wee or something, which is very rare. It’s quite unnerving to wake with a face right in mine, silently staring.


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4 November 2010
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Various places ... our Alaskans husky & our Doberman x GSD sleep on bed in the hall, the GSP’s have the best bed ... a den under the stairs with access to the kitchen, complete with massive bed (cot mattress with furry duvet cover), & our Scandinavian hound is crated in the kitchen cos she can’t be trusted yet not to wreck the house.


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17 April 2008
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Two springers on the bed and the jrt in the bed. They only get up when we do unless they hear something which definitely needs barking at (not very often) They are 9, 8 and 5 though, although tbh they have slept on the bed from day 1 and have never been a bother. I occasionally sleep downstairs on the sofa (too hot in bed (menopausal woman) and the jrt will stop with me, the springers take advantage of more room in the bed and disappear with OH. Im always up first to go to horse and the only dog which moves at 6am is the jrt, to go and join everyone else in bed!!


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25 August 2010
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Our dog sleeps in front of the aga in her bed and very occasionally if we are out late, I will let her sleep in our bed she isn't any trouble in the bed I just like a hair free sleeping place and we just like the bed to ourselves, I certainly wouldn't have a dog wake me up at 6am every morning I would be putting the dog in another room.


9 July 2012
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Depends how I’m feeling! Usually one or two sleep on my bed - sometimes three if I’m feeling particularly soft.

Marty usually prefers to sleep on the sofa, the girls all want to be as near to me as possible at all times and argue constantly with each other about that 🙄 So sometimes I get fed up and shut the whole lot out 😄

It’s a small bungalow so they have access to the kitchen, hall and living room when they are shut out, it would make sense if I tidied up all the junk in the spare bedroom so they could go in there but I keep forgetting to do it 😛


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17 August 2005
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We have one that sleeps upstairs, the rest down.
Is he crate trained? I would do that first, during the day, and then use it in your room at night.


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17 August 2005
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mine each has their own pen in the living room. I slept in the living room last weekend because I have an awful cough and didn't want to keep the kids and OH up all night-and I got told off by the retriever for making too much noise :D

If Tawny sleeps on the bed she growls at you if you toss and turn. :) More of a grumble really, but very funny.


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15 October 2015
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Mine used to sleep in the kitchen, in his crate, but with access to garden via dog flap, throughout puppyhood/adolescence.
Then I split from my ex and he was allowed in (not “on” - Manchester terriers have to be “IN”) the bed.
Then when I moved in with new bf, he started sleeping on his own bed, in our room. He’s really good usually, though does sometimes wake us up by getting up to rearrange his blanket and/or ears. Very occasionally he’ll need to pee in the night, especially if it has been raining in the day so he has refused to go out 🙄 - not an issue in summer as we leave the door to the lean-to open so he can get out via the dog flap, but in winter it’s too cold to do that so one of us has to get up to let him out. He’s not too bad though, it really is only occasionally.
Worst thing is in fox mating season, you can hear them shrieking interspresed with his barks and wuffs and growls, even in his sleep!


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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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My two sleep in the bedroom with me; crated.

They love their crates (which are roomy) and I just ease them in with a little snack, and they're happy!

Once they're inside, they quickly settle - and its been a very long time since either of them have disturbed me during the night for any reason (the time it was, one of them was being sick).

It works for us.....


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
Outstanding in my field!
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Hector (and all dogs past) sleep downstairs.

They start crated, then have a space behind the baby gate.

Eventually the baby gate is removed and they are trusted to stay downstairs.

This usually works until they are very old whereupon they seem to decide that they will sleep where they like and migrate to the landing. Every one of them! Only when they are very old though, and too old to sling back down (metaphorically speaking!) as by then they are infirm.


3 May 2007
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If Tawny sleeps on the bed she growls at you if you toss and turn. :) More of a grumble really, but very funny.

I get similar grumbles if I have the TV on late or if I stop rubbing his chest when he's on the couch :D he's quite a chatty dog (without being barky) but then the setter was too. So I either make them that way or more likely its a gun dog thing :p


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3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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All my life....and I am old, my dogs have slept downstairs. Whether I have owned one dog or multiple dogs, they have slept in a kitchen or utility room. I am lucky enough to have a specific dog room at the moment. It has multiple beds to choose from and a very large crate. I have a baby alarm by my bed so that I can here if there is a problem in the night, there never is and all three that I have at the moment never make a sound until they hear me come down in the morning.
My latest rescue who is now 10 months and I have had for 5 months, did take a while to settle. She originally sang about 4am but gradually it got later and later. I never went straight down to her and when I did, I neither told her off or made a fuss of her. She is perfect now.
Decide what you want and make some rules.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Daisy sleeps on and then in my bed. She’s very small and is no bother at all.

In your shoes though, OP, I’d banish your dog to the kitchen.

But if it’s any consolation I’m also up at 6.00 because madam is hungry. If I’m not working or have a late start we often go back to bed.


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9 January 2019
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My two year old 90# Rottweiler has her own orthopedic pad next to the bed. She is happy there.

My five year old 75# Catahoula/Pit mix sleeps on the bed. That all started four years ago when I first rescued him and he would bug the much older dog in the middle of the night. He sleeps very quiet and non-instrusive as long as he's on the bed, which is a king. My elder Catahoula passed in January but it's way too late in the game to throw the five year old off the bed.

DH has his own room since his big heart attack. He has always been a light sleeper and WE are the guilty parties for waking each other up all night -- the dogs sleep sounder than either of us, lol

windand rain

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25 November 2012
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In a crate in the living room mostly with the door open so she can come and go just occasionally have to shut it as she tends to dig to get comfy on the sofa and would destroy it. Doesnt do it when I am here then she sleeps on my back or legs I dont think its very comfy for her as she wriggles a lot. She is a very bulky labrador so is no light weight I tend to lie on the sofa rather than sit as it keeps my legs up I am getting old and stiff and get sore bum bones if I sit to long not enough fat there just everywhere else


Ah mud, splendid
6 May 2013
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I get similar grumbles if I have the TV on late or if I stop rubbing his chest when he's on the couch :D he's quite a chatty dog (without being barky) but then the setter was too. So I either make them that way or more likely its a gun dog thing :p
Hehe, my westie does it too - she likes to organise everyone.

Mine mostly sleep downstairs, either in their beds or the sofa (generally under a pile of cushions in the case of my jrt), but a couple of times a week we give in to their begging and let them upstairs. Jrt HAS to be in the bed, but it makes me itch so we compromise and she goes under a blanket on top of the duvet. Upstairs the Westie either rejects the bed in favour of the sofa or sleeps next to my OH in his arms (large, well groomed rugby man and small scruffy grubby dog - the love of each other's lives, ultimate odd couple 😂).

My jrt x also does the sit and stare to wake you up trick.


Well-Known Member
2 December 2008
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In my old house mine was in a crate in the bedroom.
New house shes in the utility behind a baby gate at night.She occasionally gets to sleep in the bed if i go go bed late...if i go to bed early Ive discovered she will go poop on the carpet rather then wake me to ask to go out so she lost that priviledge(shes always clean in the utility and will wake me when she needs to go to the bathroom)

If she was the sort of dog who woke me up at 6am by bouncing id have banished her much sooner! My cat tried to do that as a kitten.... it went down very badly. I love my sleep!


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
Ours sleep in our room, Luna usually on the floor under the window, Bo in the doorway. Both tend to sleep through the night. Luna however, is up with the birds every single morning. During the week, I get up about 5, and she still insists at weekends and days off. We have a blackout blind in our room, but she just knows. Bo will sleep until he knows one of us is awake, as did Aled before him. Have tried shutting them downstairs which they are fine with, but she will still start whining and howling (husky) from about 5.30 onwards.