Well-Known Member
Let us know which one she prefers ?
I have kept big horses in our converted building stables with a low roof, without problems.
my horse occasionally bangs his head on his stable door frame. He’s 16.3hh. As I have it padded with insulating foam it’s no problem and he’s not bothered. Unpadded with previous horses they didn’t work out it was sticking head up that caused the issue and became actively anxious around the door. I’d try stable 1 with insulating foam stuck on the four joists so no injury can occur.
I used to travel a long necked 17hh horse in my lorry who sometimes stood with his head up and ear tips bent by the roof. But he never seemed to bang his head. Weirdly (I bought a poll guard to travel) my new 16.3hh horse home in lorry for the first time, and his ears are NOT near roof. . .