Whispering Willows and Alternative sanctuary


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30 June 2018
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I agree that it's a little unconventional but at least they are doing something, not just talking about it, and I think it's all done with good intentions. It's the law that is not fit for purpose and needs to change.
True when the RSPCA will only respond with we are dealing with it and week later a starving horse will die whisperering willows may rescue horse in a under the radar but at least they do rescue starving emaciated horses and ponies


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30 June 2018
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You are all good at slagging off whispering willows and Sandra, and yes she takes horses who are in poor condition starving emaciated but at least she walks the talk not leaving horses for RSPCA to finally get around to seeing, usually too far to late, stop complaining and go and see what they do at Whisperering willows dont make appointment just go and see how well sandra and her team are doing Sandra is passionate about the well being of horse, how many of us would go and take a starving horse from dire situations of life or death, if the official bods did the right thing in time, is be wonderful but sadly not the case 😥


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8 June 2015
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Its all well and good taking these starving horses, until they arrive at their new home which is barely better than the place they have been rescued from.
I've not been there but have seen things on Faceache. It's not perfect but to say it's 'barely better' is unfair. They are fed and get veterinary treatment. That's a whole world better than where they came from.

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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I've not been there but have seen things on Faceache. It's not perfect but to say it's 'barely better' is unfair. They are fed and get veterinary treatment. That's a whole world better than where they came from.

Where have you seen things? Its all hidden behind a private group


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8 June 2015
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It used to be public and when it changed to a closed group I just requested to join and they accepted. Simples! Are you a member too?


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6 August 2015
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Its all sketchy, I don't believe half of the vet care she claims to have had done has been done. I think in time this will all come out and her band of merry followers will get a shock.

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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Its not. Shes claiming that there are no strangles or equine flu yet she hasnt had the horses tested and huge numbers of them had only been there a week or so, so no way could they possibly know. Shes on there bragging that it only takes an hour a day to care for all those foals. What she means is she throws slop in a trough once a day. They dont get looked at. In fact in one video a foal is missing and she doesnt realise until it suddenly reappears. Theres another video where 2 foals are rubbing themselves raw on wire fencing and they are all laughing about them playing. They only got passported and chipped when trading standards got involved. And now these tiny babies are being shipped out to new homes. No doubt for a healthy profit.

Fencing in the mud pit where the foals are dumped


dogs roaming loose in a tiny area filled with parked cars, small sick foals thrown in with horses who are "grumpy". The state the mare is in I would imagine that theres a huge amount of pain behind that grumpiness


Shes getting horse after horse after horse. Refers to them as her babies as if they are her personal pets and is doing all this on rented land with no security. The foals are turned out in someones garden. The lack of basic horse care and knowledge is horrific. Help has been offered from a reputable rescue and the response from the "sanctuary" and supporters is horrific, but its an interesting insight into how their minds work admittedly.


Once you've been around horses and/or rescues for a while you know how this goes. This woman will keep shipping horses in and then out as fast as she can, relying on donations from supporters to fund it all. Eventually she will either over extend herself and an actual rescue will have to go in an clean up the mess, or she will slip up with her sub standard care and an actual rescue will have to go in and clean up them mess. It always ends the same.

Leo Walker

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19 July 2013
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I'd be expecting a huge influx of WW fans shortly as well as this post has been posted on their page with calls to come and put us right as we shouldnt be criticising WW, we should be out rescuing ourselves apparently.


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15 December 2015
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I'd be expecting a huge influx of WW fans shortly as well as this post has been posted on their page with calls to come and put us right as we shouldnt be criticising WW, we should be out rescuing ourselves apparently.
Ssh Leo, don't you know? We're not allowed to criticise Sandra and WW, they are better than us because they hoard er I mean, rescue...


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24 December 2011
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I follow WW. I cannot comment as I have not been to the yard in person. It would benefit the rescue to follow up and show where each foal is going and onto their new home. Otherwise, yes ... it could look like hoarding and a money making scheme, to the haters and critics out there. There have been many many offers from the public. Now they are chipped and vet checked, they need to be moved on ASAP. With an independent evaluator to assess each prospective new owner and facilities etc.
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4 January 2018
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I have said it before and I'll say it again.

As someone who loves blingy long nails I can't step foot on a yard without breaking a nail/loosing a rhinestone.

Those nails must be £30-£40 each time and she must be getting infilled/fixed every couple of days ...ooorr... she doesn't actually do anything...

Either way I question where the money people donate truly goes:(

You can tell A LOT from a persons hands!


26 July 2019
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I think the WW woman seems totally bonkers! Trying to load rather wild and frightened horses into the transport in the pitch black, some bloke trying to lassoo them, a horse dies (or is killed by them), and they then remove the video and dont even comment or apologise! I think that is dreadful behaviour to their followers and certainly not how a rescue should behave, there was no rush, the horses weren't in imminent danger of dying, surely every horseman knows they should be slow and steady and to keep calm with frightened horses and that they are prey animals prone to take flight when scared.
I am replying to your comment about Sandra . For 1 Sandra is a very passionate woman regarding her horses and any she goes out to rescue. And there's no vigilante ppl that work for her. Please before anyone else comments please look at the good work she has done with Lilly she brought this mare back from near death when she rescued this mare she couldn't even stand but Sandra nursed her back. The reason Sandra or wws don't want to be registered is there is to many restrictions on her were rescuing these poor babies. So she stays the way she is. And ppl like me and thousands of others donate when we can to help out. This lady has had so much hassle of certain ppl on a very nasty site called the truth about wws. They have told her to go kill herself they abuse her they threaten her and do you want to no why well here is 1 instance she would not give certain ppl the ex race horses to make money off them. But please message Sandra and ask her instead of listening to nasty ppl. These same ppl that yesterday in the early hours of the morning when in to Sandra sanctuary and broke the lock and chain on the gate and let all the foals out. Went onto her yard let the stallions out then let all the mares with there new born foals out ect ect. These are the same ppl that have the horrible site the truth about wws. Do these sound like animal lovers. They are now going to far stalking Sandra and anyone that speaks out about them. It's got to the point now that the law is involved. So please everyone that are negatively commenting please take a look at Sandra and her sanctuary and if you have any questions please contact her she will answer anything you want to no as she's very transparent sorry for the long comment but it really annoys me what these ppl are doing to this woman and her sanctuary thankyou


26 July 2019
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I follow WW. I cannot comment as I have not been to the yard in person. It would benefit the rescue to follow up and show where each foal is going and onto their new home. Otherwise, yes ... it could look like hoarding and a money making scheme, to the haters and critics out there. There have been many many offers from the public. Now they are chipped and vet checked, they need to be moved on ASAP. With an independent evaluator to assess each prospective new owner and facilities etc.
Which Sandra is doing and I can vouch personally for her as I have been contacted to be one of the evaluators up in the northwest. Just because it's not happening quick enough for some ppl doesn't mean it's not happening. Also if Sandra kept making lives and pictures videos of every horse/pony she had she wouldn't get a thing done so please don't make this site into a hate sandra/wws page like the other site with out getting some facts right please


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6 August 2015
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I am replying to your comment about Sandra . For 1 Sandra is a very passionate woman regarding her horses and any she goes out to rescue. And there's no vigilante ppl that work for her. Please before anyone else comments please look at the good work she has done with Lilly she brought this mare back from near death when she rescued this mare she couldn't even stand but Sandra nursed her back. The reason Sandra or wws don't want to be registered is there is to many restrictions on her were rescuing these poor babies. So she stays the way she is. And ppl like me and thousands of others donate when we can to help out. This lady has had so much hassle of certain ppl on a very nasty site called the truth about wws. They have told her to go kill herself they abuse her they threaten her and do you want to no why well here is 1 instance she would not give certain ppl the ex race horses to make money off them. But please message Sandra and ask her instead of listening to nasty ppl. These same ppl that yesterday in the early hours of the morning when in to Sandra sanctuary and broke the lock and chain on the gate and let all the foals out. Went onto her yard let the stallions out then let all the mares with there new born foals out ect ect. These are the same ppl that have the horrible site the truth about wws. Do these sound like animal lovers. They are now going to far stalking Sandra and anyone that speaks out about them. It's got to the point now that the law is involved. So please everyone that are negatively commenting please take a look at Sandra and her sanctuary and if you have any questions please contact her she will answer anything you want to no as she's very transparent sorry for the long comment but it really annoys me what these ppl are doing to this woman and her sanctuary thankyou

This message would indicate that you have proof of who has done all of the above? Or is this just speculation that you believe it to be someone from that fb page? could just as easily be someone local who doesn't like her? or kids?


26 July 2019
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Anyone who runs a 'horse sanctuary' with that long/clean blingy nails still in tack makes me suspicious...
Why's that ??? Because she's got long nails fgs. There's plenty of girls out there with horses with lovely bling nails faces full of makeup spray tans ect ect no suspicions just bloody hard work. And her daughter paid for them nails as a treat probably because she wanted to cheat her mum up because of all the hate she gets for being a tremendous person for what she's doing. Please just take 5 mins out to visit her site and see all the good work and the passion she has for these horses/ponies/dogs ect any animal that wants help will get it of sandra


26 July 2019
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This message would indicate that you have proof of who has done all of the above? Or is this just speculation that you believe it to be someone from that fb page? could just as easily be someone local who doesn't like her? or kids?
Sandra has got proof and video footage of who it is this is why the police has been brought in to investigate it as it's trespass with criminal intent/damage. And she has never had a problem from her neighbours ever be for. Plus she's miles away from were any kids would be especially in them times during the night/morning. Please feel free to contact her yourself she's a very transparent woman


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6 August 2015
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Sandra has got proof and video footage of who it is this is why the police has been brought in to investigate it as it's trespass with criminal intent/damage. And she has never had a problem from her neighbours ever be for. Plus she's miles away from were any kids would be especially in them times during the night/morning. Please feel free to contact her yourself she's a very transparent woman

Are you in love with her do you think?


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24 December 2011
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Which Sandra is doing and I can vouch personally for her as I have been contacted to be one of the evaluators up in the northwest. Just because it's not happening quick enough for some ppl doesn't mean it's not happening. Also if Sandra kept making lives and pictures videos of every horse/pony she had she wouldn't get a thing done so please don't make this site into a hate sandra/wws page like the other site with out getting some facts right please
I follow WW. I have never ever said anything negative about Sandra. My suggestions about the foals in particular, as these are the ones generating the most negative comments on the other site, is to show the good she has achieved when the little ones go onto their new homes. I would not expect every rescue to have a follow up. But if some where followed on their progress on the WW site, it would knock the critics and haters and keyboard warriors of their perch


26 July 2019
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Are you in love with her do you think?
No dear wrong sex for me. ARE you one of her haters do you Think???. Ì hate bullies and what I have seen it pure bullying from a certain group of ppl because they either couldn't get there hands on some ex race horses to make money off or there just hateful ex employees whom Sandra found them out for being what they were also some of these haters are well known for treating there horses abusivly.
As I said as Sandra she is a very open book and will tell you herself unless you are one of the haters


26 July 2019
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I follow WW. I have never ever said anything negative about Sandra. My suggestions about the foals in particular, as these are the ones generating the most negative comments on the other site, is to show the good she has achieved when the little ones go onto their new homes. I would not expect every rescue to have a follow up. But if some where followed on their progress on the WW site, it would knock the critics and haters and keyboard warriors of their perch
Sorry if I sounded a bit negative I didn't mean to. I'm just sick and tired of seeing Sandra and her team bullied and dragged through the mud hun. There is no need to abuse some one so horrifyingly and for doing something so good that these bullies wouldn't do because there not making money. As I said I apolijize


26 July 2019
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I think it’s called infatuation.
No dear just think what she's doing is a very special thing and hate bullies. So before you start slagging me for sticking up for someone take a look at the bullies who are infatuated with her


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6 August 2015
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No dear wrong sex for me. ARE you one of her haters do you Think???. Ì hate bullies and what I have seen it pure bullying from a certain group of ppl because they either couldn't get there hands on some ex race horses to make money off or there just hateful ex employees whom Sandra found them out for being what they were also some of these haters are well known for treating there horses abusivly.
As I said as Sandra she is a very open book and will tell you herself unless you are one of the haters

I live in Southampton and would break a tb. You just sound like you are in love with her, that's all. I mean who knows so much about someone that they know about what children are in their vicinity or their relationship with their neighbours? Seems very bizarre to me.