cauda equina
Well-Known Member
I read the question as being asked out of curiosity, rather than judgementWhy do horsey people do this - judge others all the time?? It doesn’t matter at all whether the horse is ridden or not as long as it has turnout, company and is looked after. That’s all it cares about.
My late mare had the most fabulous work ethic ever, tried so hard, had a great working relationship with me, adored to jump (especially Xc!), but her eyes shone a heck of a lot more at the prospect of going into a new field of grass with her buddies.
Owning a horse is expensive in terms of time and commitment and money and often heartache, so I too don't get why you'd buy a horse if you weren't going to make serious efforts to ride it.
There are plenty of other, less demanding pets one could have
The old retired unridden horses are another thing entirely; I loved having my oldie around