Why we need the LACS


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26 July 2007
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How else, without viewing their website, would we be able to tell a hare from a rabbit?
Are their followers so ignorant that they can't tell the difference between the two? :confused:


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3 November 2007
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I'm guessing by the lack of response you know its a fruit and a fruit only.

If you could refer me to any post where I've suggested a cumquat/kumquat isn't a fruit I might begin to see the point of your loony post. Inactivity has addled your brain.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Just like Labour, skirt around the question instead of giving a straight up honest reply I get aload of bull5hit.

C'mon Reggie (ironically named after one of our 05 hound pups) raise your game.


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3 November 2007
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I have a job: it pays for my hunting.

Why do you resort to abuse, rather than address the point? Are you that intellectually limited?

Only a hunter would say it was "abuse" to suggest that someone should obtain gainful employment (Eagle_day), or a "boast" to say one is in gainful employment (Tom faggus).

Still, I'm surprised and relieved to find a pro in work. I'm sure in no time at all you'll have been promoted to flipping the Big Macs.


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26 July 2004
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You're talking thru your arse fella, you know fcuk all bout terrierwork and even less about me.............Carreg[30 years employed never been out of work]


Well-Known Member
29 August 2006
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And just to add why should digging and baiting of Badgers not be in the same sentence?

You know nothing then my dear, because if baiters can't get a badger free they dig, and then they maim them so they can't put up a decent fight.

It's worlds apart from you and trailing a foxhunt sweetie and just go on and say badger baiting and digging is okay, you will make my day.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Digging is ok, I've seen it on numberous occasions. Digging is NOT baiting, I'm sure Carreg will kindly define the two for you seeing as you know diddly squat about either.

Baiting of any animal is wrong.

Just for you, the dictionary definition of Baiting - "harassment especially of a tethered animal"


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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The tests undergone in Ireland several years ago prove enough evidence to back up my point of view.

You have have you? And could they have not perhaps been in RTA's? You must know aswell as I do that badgers are tough little nuts and a car isn't likely to kill one outright. Also if you take a look at badger attacks on dogs dislocated hips and broken bones are a tell tale sign and incase you didn't know (which of course you will) badgers are nasty and territorial animals which will attack other badgers and foxes. Yes before you mention it I'm also aware that foxes and badgers will go in earths/setts together, many a time out hunting we had to leave charlie as there was a badger down there too.

You know plenty about beef, yet you refuse to admit that Badgers contribute towards TB? Just pop to your local vets (country vets not urban) and pick up the two little pamflet/small books regarding TB. The word Badger is used frequently. The section that shows methods of preventing this shows a piccie of a badger in cattle feed. But hey.....what do the government know? They banned hunting without banning it as such and left terrierwork perfectly legal...thats how inhumane they feel it is.

Paul T

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1 May 2002
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Another dictionary definition of baiting: "to make dogs attack an animal for cruel entertainment" (Cambridge Dioctionary)


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Forgot to say the Oxford says...

"A form of entertainment which involved setting dogs to attack a captive bear"

Not a mention of terrierwork in either dictionaries! Funny that.


Well-Known Member
29 August 2006
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The tests undergone in Ireland several years ago prove enough evidence to back up my point of view.

You have have you? And could they have not perhaps been in RTA's? You must know aswell as I do that badgers are tough little nuts and a car isn't likely to kill one outright. Also if you take a look at badger attacks on dogs dislocated hips and broken bones are a tell tale sign and incase you didn't know (which of course you will) badgers are nasty and territorial animals which will attack other badgers and foxes. Yes before you mention it I'm also aware that foxes and badgers will go in earths/setts together, many a time out hunting we had to leave charlie as there was a badger down there too.

You know plenty about beef, yet you refuse to admit that Badgers contribute towards TB? Just pop to your local vets (country vets not urban) and pick up the two little pamflet/small books regarding TB. The word Badger is used frequently. The section that shows methods of preventing this shows a piccie of a badger in cattle feed. But hey.....what do the government know? They banned hunting without banning it as such and left terrierwork perfectly legal...thats how inhumane they feel it is.

Excuse me? When did I say or refuse to admit anything? I certainly cannot find a post of mine stating that and I refuse to go into an argument with you on the science of BTB since your every reply to anyone who even disagrees with your point of view lives in a concrete jungle and cannot possibly live rurally.

Your reply to me says it all, Badgers are nasty? Yes I can just hear the Badgers admitting they are nasty vile creatures, that's why they have face masks didn't you know? Once again stop judging an animal by your human standards. If I didn't know better I would say you live in the city but instead I will simply say you are blinkered and self-absorbed.

And I didn't reply to you to argue about the pros and cons of fox-hunting I replied because your statement about baiting and digging was vile. I can't even be bothered with someone like you, and no I don't walk miles of road looking for RTA badgers and blaming it on Baiters, we are taking twenty odd years ago and Setts along with their residents wiped out because of a**holes. But it must have been tyre marks at the setts not holes that were dug down by spades and the Badgers managed to crawl miles back from the road to display their corpses over a few week period.

Grow up and get over yourself.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Boudicea, what is your opinion of a ABPT that attacks and severely injures a childs dog? If you don't think badgers are nasty and agressive then don't go walking your dog (should you have one) loose early in the morning.

No, I don't think they do live in conrete jungles, unfortunately there are many rural dwellers who are NOT 'country people'. The type that likes the birds and the trees but hates the smells and its workings. If you love a person, you love everything about them and you don't try to change anything about them, yet many rural dwellers try to change the countryside, country people however don't.

You refuse to enter the TB argument because you know facts and figures speak for themselves.

"I can't even be bothered with someone like you"

Then quit posting. See the cross at the top right hand corner of your page? Use it if you can't handle debate.

"with their residents wiped out because of a**holes."

Why are they a**holes?

Are the fellas who perform the culls a**holes too?

As far as creatures go, they are filthy animals. Not clean like a pig for instance (pig as in pink thin with a curly tail, not badger).


Well-Known Member
29 August 2006
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I will start with your first paragraph which is full of judgementalism on its own. There are American Pit Bull Terriers who are PAT dogs, there are American Pit Bull Terriers who are search and rescue dogs, their are American Pit Bull Terriers who are at the top of their class and competition in America who are flyball and agility champions. What has this got do in the comparison with Badgers? I have never know a Badger to attack a child, Pit Bulls are dangerous animals in the wrong hands, so are Staffs, so are German Shepherds, so are Rotties, so are any big dog and yes I own two large dog breeds , my female is 29 kilos and my male is into the mid 30s. And No they are not breeding dogs they were both rescues and are spayed and neuteured.

What on earth does that have in comparison to a wild animal? And you don't think Badger baiters are a**holes? A yes or no answer will suffice. If a farmer has to cull, I don't like it but no he isn't an [****] because at the minute the govt gives little option and he has a living to make, I come from farming stock.

And our pigs aren't pink with curly tails, they are Gloucestershire Old Spots and the Boar likes a bloody good scratch. Debate? Bring it on!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Boudicea, if you read any of my posts I am one of the only people on this forum that stick up for APBT's. I don't believe its the breed but the unforunate homes they end up in. Chavs and druggies who want a hard dog, they're goaded until the snap BUT an APBT has a streak in which it would rather die than give up once they 'snap', something a GSD does not have, but in my opinion a staffy does. Hence why alot of Americans like the cross with a greyhound to kill badgers out there (its legal by the way). But a badger is a wild animal, not a pet and for you to say they are not nasty creatures is ludicrous. Take a peek at this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVzfcpu9RM0 a friend of mine walks her Inuits at 5am every morning and one ran off after a pig and the damage was not nice. If after witnessing injuries caused by them and that video you STILL think they aren't vicious or dangerous then someone is putting something in your water ;)

"And you don't think Badger baiters are a**holes?"

Yes I do, anyone who baits an animal is wrong. But terriermen don't bait therefore I don't think they are a**holes. When protecting game birds our lot don't 'stop' therefore the fox is free to run at any time.

But B(can't be a**d writing your name again :p), what is the best method of culling a badger?

Yes but I was referring to the badger as a pig. Mine are pink with curly tails...Welsh you see, a rare breed in themselves. I'm surprised you only have one boar, he must be kept very busy.


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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"But terriermen don't bait therefore I don't think they are a**holes"

You must know that that isn't true. Some terriermen certainyl bait foxes and badgers. Do you want me to refer to messages posted by terriermen elsewhere in which they boast about the latest fox they've abused?


Well-Known Member
16 September 2007
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I think that if they let people take out a few badgers here and there it would be better for everyone including the badgers.

take away there predators and they become overcrowded and subject to disease.

Thank god for cars they seem to be the only think keeping them in check atm


Well-Known Member
29 August 2006
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SM, I didn't say they were not vicious and nasty but that is human words and emotion, a badger is being a badger. I know that if a terrier goes down into an occupied sett then it doesn't make for anything but nice, I'm sorry I couldn't get your link and I wish I could have found it so I could answer you fairly. If what you are saying about your terriermen not stopping up to prevent a fox escaping then fair enough and we are finally getting somewhere at least we are getting into a calmer debate.

The best way to cull a badger or the easiest? I'm not sure what the easiest or the best would be considering the nature and habits of a badger but some farmers say to snare and then shoot gives them the best option. I would prefer if needs must a licensing system is brought out not to give them completely unprotected status so that once again they are open to any baiters and prosecutions should still be a deterrent because baiting does still happen and we have to able to prosecute for that. We have a smallholding by the way and before you critiscise for that, some of our best friends are large scale farmers and farming is in our family, money hasn't seen it that well with us though. Yup, we only have one boar, and two sows and weanlings.

APBTs and Staffs do have that 'in until the bitter end' drive to a fight situation and by God they can inflict a helluva lot of damage and thats why the a**holes choose them as status dogs, I completely agree with you. (although I am squirming to say it ;))


Well-Known Member
29 August 2006
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DBS, in reply to your post, why do you want a few badgers taken out here and there? Better for who? Everyone? It doesn't bother everyone as you have stated. Do you speak for everyone?

Have you ever heard of natural selection? Or natures way of dealing with overcrowding? Hard as it may seem to some people but nature does have a way of weeding out the weaklings, the old and the ill. Just like us animals are subject to disease and it isn't always disease caused by animals in the wild eh?

Nice comment about cars though, not that it would bother you that many animals die a bl**dy long and lingering death because of our roads, I would rather it was as quick as possible and thank Badger heaven that not everyone thinks like you. :p


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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"But terriermen don't bait therefore I don't think they are a**holes"

You must know that that isn't true. Some terriermen certainyl bait foxes and badgers. Do you want me to refer to messages posted by terriermen elsewhere in which they boast about the latest fox they've abused?

Post away Hymie! Put up some links to these non existent posts.

This will be good for a laugh. :grin:


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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Have you ever heard of natural selection? Or natures way of dealing with overcrowding? Hard as it may seem to some people but nature does have a way of weeding out the weaklings, the old and the ill. Just like us animals are subject to disease and it isn't always disease caused by animals in the wild eh?

Great! So you advocate a long slow death through starvation, dehydration, hypothermia , and disease. As being the your preferred method of population control.

Amazing! But not unexpected as its the standard anti's response to the problem. Until that is you ask them to justify it of course.


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5 December 2005
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"Post away Hymie! Put up some links to these non existent posts.

This will be good for a laugh. :grin:"

Very well. Have a look at this link:


Come on Hymie!!

Thats the web site for the Campaign for the Abolition of Terrier Work.

Hardly a unbiased ,nor a reliable source of information now is it. I couldn't find any independent corroborating evidence on that pitifull web site to support any of your claims.

Come on boy.You'll have to do better than that.

:grin: :D


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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"Hardly a unbiased ,nor a reliable source of information now is it. I couldn't find any independent corroborating evidence on that pitifull web site to support any of your claims."

A reasonable enough comment. However, if you could be provided with corroboration that, say, the quote entitled "Terrierman's Sick Entertainment" was indeed genuine, would you be willing to condemn the person who made it?


Well-Known Member
5 December 2005
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By his own account he's not much of a terrier owner. I wouldn't do so far as to give him the honour of calling him a terrierman though!:)))


Well-Known Member
3 November 2007
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If you're implying that that story was "planted" by antis I'm sorry to disappoint. The poster was a well-known character on the site and had been out hunting (or should I say baiting) with other people there. Very sadly, antis don't need to make these things up.

Still, I could be making all this up. Let's wait for Carreg's response. You'll take his word for it, won't you?