Ahh I never knew that!! Well done both of them though. A well deserved win for William!
Thought he was very sporting, especially when he said something along the lines of 'what will be will be and if Andrew goes clear good on him.' Great result for Polly too!
Was anyone else willing AN to get more than 1 fence down?? Or was that just me been unsporting
[/ QUOTE ]
I was
I think he's a great rider & I love the horse , but his extra marital antics saddened me , especiallyas he has 2 daughters with his first wife . But that is life , so please don't chuck me in the trout hatchery
Well the boys and I were sat here willing him to hit every fence
When he was rattling every single one I was getting quite cross! When the planks went I am afraid to say we went rather ballistic cheering and high fiving LOL! The boys are VERY patriotic LOL!
Cannot help but think AN is rather dishy though...
WFP was the injured party... why not. she was a cheating bitch and AN was a cheating bastard. serves them right if it finally comes out. WFP is far better off now anyway, good for him.
Umm, the last i knew, he AN hadn't married Wiggy. i could be wrong though. she still used the FP surname for a good while after leaving him, too.
I am sure i'm not alone in feeling desperately sorry for AN's first wife, with whom he has 2 children, and who gave up her riding career to be incredibly supportive of him for years and years. i just hope she's with someone much better now, and very happy.
Umm, the last i knew, he AN hadn't married Wiggy. i could be wrong though. she still used the FP surname for a good while after leaving him, too.
I am sure i'm not alone in feeling desperately sorry for AN's first wife, with whom he has 2 children, and who gave up her riding career to be incredibly supportive of him for years and years. i just hope she's with someone much better now, and very happy.
maybe, but AN's first wife has been very dignified throughout all this and could always be seen supporting AN at events with the children, time will tell if #2 is as dedicated and supportive