Well-Known Member
My mother-in-law is notorious for giving us terrible presents, we now put a cardboard box ready to put the gifts in that we don't want so they can go straight to the charity shop. I have had labels like "sorry this is a bit naff Ju" on the present - so why the hell did she buy it?
Last year I had a book with an eggnogg recipe in it (this caused hilarity with the kids), a china mug I wouldn't have bought for anyone under the age of 90, hand knitted socks (!!!) and a hand knitted scarf. The latter 2 very kind, BUT the socks were useless, they grow as you wear them and fall down constantly, the scarf joins the huge collection we have already as she gets all these weird wool and knits scarves, the majority of which none of us will wear. Simply dreadful!!
Had some china duck heads from her one year, no bodies, just a heads, which I did put next to the pond......... everyone comments on the mushrooms by the pond!!! Quality!!!
If my OH wasn't an only child, I would think we had the same MIL...
I'm dreading this year, as once again I've written a wish list. There is a tack shop less than 50ft away from my house that does vouchers and I've told her that there is no room for ornaments, I hate clutter and tat.
However I'm still expecting a cheap glove and scarf set from Asda, haven't had the plastic pen with my name on for two years, so that's due another run, at least one ornament and skincare thing from a charity shop or QVC, (I have sensitive skin and can't use these cheap and nasty things). I can't even remember half of what I got last year as it went to the charity shop so fast. Practising my grateful smiley face now. Ngggggggggggggg Is that credible?? Try again.